Deformation Of The Skull. What Was It For? - Alternative View

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Deformation Of The Skull. What Was It For? - Alternative View
Deformation Of The Skull. What Was It For? - Alternative View

Video: Deformation Of The Skull. What Was It For? - Alternative View

Video: Deformation Of The Skull. What Was It For? - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Elongated Skull's Origins (Season 12, Episode 6) | History 2024, September

A number of peoples still have a rather strange

in our opinion, the custom of head deformation

With the help of various tricks, which

boil down to limiting the developmental possibilities of the cranium, representatives of

these peoples achieve an unnatural head shape. Since the growth of the cranium

is much slower than that of other bones of the skeleton, and with

age the bones of the skull become less susceptible to external influences, in

order to obtain a deformed shape, “sculptors of living heads” have to

“work with the material” for a rather long time and start from early

childhood “blanks . Below are pictures of such head deformation by the tribes of the

Congo, Sudan and the New Hebrides (Western Pacific):

As archaeological finds show, this custom was

widespread and goes back to ancient times.

For example, traces of the practice of deformation can be traced on both American

continents. In North America, skull deformation can be traced among the Maya and

various other tribes. Moreover, it was practiced until very recently

It is characteristic that in some places the practice of deformation

skulls were very widespread. For example, on the artificial island of

Haina, now separated from the Yucatan Peninsula by a narrow strip of water from 10 to 100

meters, in one of the burial grounds out of 24 surviving skulls of adults, 13 were

male - in eight cases there is deliberate cranial deformation. 11

were female, of which only four cases have deliberate

deformity of the skull. In general, the ratio of deformed and undeformed

skulls is 12:12. In most cases, the deformity is traditional

for the Maya frontal-occipital in nature, but sometimes it even reaches the nose.

The practice of

deformation was also very widespread in South America, which can be found in a number of cultures of this

continent - Chavin, Lauricoca, Paracas, Nazca, Puerto Moorin, Incas, etc.

There is a version that even the well-known moai of

Easter Island depict figures with an elongated head, and their strange reddish

"headdresses" are actually just hair, under which this

elongated head shape is hidden.

Promotional video:

Thus, the practice of deforming the head has (and

had in the past) a very wide geography. At the same time, a certain

pattern can be traced: with all the variety of methods and forms of influence on the shape of the

cranium (from tight dressings-caps to special structural

wooden devices), the desire to achieve only one

result of deformation is clearly dominant - an elongated head.

A quite natural question arises: what are the origins of such a

massive (and uniform in all regions!) Striving for an elongated

head shape ?.. The question is far from idle, given the data of modern medicine

that such an effect on the head, in addition to the inconveniences and

unpleasant sensations caused contributes to recurrent headaches and

seriously increases the risk of negative consequences for mental and physical

health in general.

The official history does not give any exhaustive

answer to this question, attributing everything only to a cult ceremony with an incomprehensible

motivation. However, even with all the real power of the influence of religion and cult on the

entire way of life of people, it is clearly not enough. There

must be a very powerful incentive for such a “fanatical desire for ugliness”. And the incentive is

quite stable, considering the ubiquity and duration of this


Recently, more and more researchers are leaning towards the

neurophysiological version. Changing the shape of the skull also affects

various areas of the cerebral cortex, which contributes to the change in certain

characteristics and skills of a person. Serious research in this area has not even

begun yet. But even without them, among the tribes still practicing deformation of the skull, something has not been noticed any special positive shifts in psychic

abilities. And the clergymen (shamans and priests), for whom the ability, for example, to fall into a trance or enter into meditation, is very important, do not at all strive to deform the skull.

An alternative to academic science version was voiced by Daniken - a

supporter of the version of the real existence of the ancient "gods" who were

representatives of an alien civilization and, quite possibly, had

some physiological differences from the representatives of the earthly race. In

this version, the gods had an elongated head shape, and people tried to become like the

gods. Are there any objective grounds for this option?..

It turns out that there is.

Among the elongated skulls in South America there have been found

those that may well pretend to be the skulls … of the "gods" themselves!

These skulls were photographed by Robert Connolly during

his travels around the world, during which he collected various materials about

ancient civilizations. The discovery of these skulls came as a surprise to him

. Robert Conolly published photographs of these skulls, as well as the results of his

research on a separate CD-ROM, titled "The Search for Ancient Wisdom" in 1995

The first thing that catches your eye is the abnormal shape and

size, which have nothing to do with the skull of a modern person except for the most

general features (a "box" for the brain, jaw, holes for the eyes and nose) …

The fact is that during the deliberate deformation of

human skulls, it is possible to change the shape of the skull, but not its volume. The

above photographs show skulls that are

almost twice the size of an ordinary human skull (you can see this in the drawings next to the photo)!

(For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that among people

there are cases of enlarged cranium in some

diseases. However, with a similar degree of deviation in head size from

normal size, people are close to the state of a "vegetable" and do not

live up to adulthood.)

Unfortunately, although for those who admit the possibility of the

real existence of the ancient "gods" in the flesh, the version voiced by Daniken is

straightforward, it does not stray too far from interpreting this strange

tradition as a cult ceremony …

Of course, imitation of a real prototype is much better

consistent with the fact of uniformity of the deformation shape over a vast territory, covering almost all continents, rather than the desire to imitate an invented

cult image, but is it still possible to go a little further?..

Let us turn to another phenomenon, also associated with the

impact on the cranium, namely, to craniotomy since ancient


The fact of successful trepanning operations in

ancient times (the Daily Telegraph recently reported on the discovery of a

skull with traces of trepanation on the banks of the Thames, dating from 1750-1610 BC) is already considered

reliably established. The fact is that, firstly, the nature of the holes during

trepanation differs sharply from the wounds inflicted upon impact with any weapon -

there are no cracks in the skull around the hole. And secondly, it is possible to

determine definitely the patient's survival after such an operation. Surgeons and

anthropologists know that in the case of a successful trepanation, that is, when the patient

manages not to die, the opening in the skull gradually closes

regenerating bone tissue. If there are no signs of healing on the skull, this

means that the patient died during the operation or shortly after it. In this

case, traces of bone inflammation along the edges of the hole are possible.

There is nothing particularly surprising in trepanation itself.

Certain cranial surgeries were widespread among various ancient

peoples throughout the world; first of all, these are a series of small holes in the back of the

occiput - they were drilled to reduce intracranial pressure. In addition, as

the researchers note, in ancient times it was believed that trepanation helps relieve

headaches. Some thought that

evil spirits were the cause of epilepsy and mental illness and that if a hole was made in the skull, they

would fly away.

However, for the American continents, as in the case of

deformation of the skulls, a downright manic tendency towards

trepanation is characteristic.

Sometimes trepanation was carried out even several times

per head. Judging by the traces of overgrowing of the holes (bone regeneration), people who

underwent this extraordinary operation, as a rule, survived.

“Several techniques of trepanation are known: gradual

scraping of the bone; cutting out in a circle a certain area of the skull;

drilling holes in a circle and then “removing the lid”. Typically, the hole diameter is 25 to 30 mm. There are curious cases when

traces of several successive trepanations are present on the skull: next to the

first, with traces of overgrowth, a second hole was made, which also

began to close. However, the ancient surgeon did not calm down and

cut a third hole right next to these two. This attempt turned out to be fatal - there are no traces of

bone restoration in this case. The operation was performed on the right temporal

share. Another curious case was observed on the skull with trepanation right in the center of the

crown - where psychics determine the exit of the main energy channel.

Neurosurgeons are well aware that the most vulnerable

part of the brain is located here. Whether this was known to the ancient Zapotec physician before the

operation began, we do not know. We are sure of only one

thing: the death of the patient was instantaneous” (G. Ershova,“Ancient America: Flight in Time and Space”).

In Mesoamerica, with a similar lifestyle of different peoples, the

Zapotecs in Oaxaca were fond of trepanation, but they did not reach

such a scale as the inhabitants of the South American Paracas, where

different techniques were widely used: square or rectangular plates were cut out, which were

then taken out; holes were drilled in the outlined circle or the

bone was cut off. Sometimes the holes were covered with a thin gold plate.

By the way, in one of the Paracas burials, a

set of surgical instruments from that distant era was even found. These were obsidian implements of

various sizes with traces of blood. In addition, there was also a

spoon made of a sperm whale tooth wrapped in cotton threads, a piece of cloth, bandages and threads.

In Paracas, a kind of "record" was also set:

trepanned skulls are found in almost half of the cases - from 40% to 60% !!!

Obviously, this percentage exceeds all reasonable limits.

First, even with the current level of development of knowledge about the brain and neurosurgery, it is unlikely that there will be such a number of people (even 40%) who have undergone operations

involving opening the skull. And secondly, it is obvious that it is

quite problematic to engage in vigorous activity with a perforated head; those. for

quite a long time, both the “perforated” and those caring for

them inevitably dropped out of the process of providing the tribe with everything necessary (this is not of fundamental importance for single cases, but for the

mass practice of trepanation, this factor also cannot be discounted).

So what could have caused such sado-masochistic mass


“Most of the trepanations were done in the region of the left temporal

lobe. The famous energy therapist L. P. Grimak believes that in this way the ancients

apparently tried to suppress the left hemisphere of the brain for the

natural activation of the right “extrasensory” hemisphere, which possesses

extremely archaic, so-called “paranormal” abilities, such as clairvoyance, vision of the future, etc. Predictions - that is, forecasting the future - have played an exceptional role in Native American cultures.

Some, such as the Maya, predicted and divined with the help of herbal

psychedelics in a state of ecstasy (this is also a form of activation of the right hemisphere

brain), others used hypnosis for these purposes. The Zapotecs

tried to solve the problem of brain activation in the most radical

way, worthy of such famous neurophysiologists as IP Pavlov or

VM Bekhterev "(G. Ershova," Ancient America: Flight in Time and Space ").

However, this hypothesis has a number of flaws. First, there is no point in reaching a state of altered consciousness to resort to

such radical methods, when it is possible to achieve the same state in a

much simpler way with the help of the same psychedelics that are

widespread in both North and South America. Secondly, how many

soothsayers and fortune-tellers are needed per tribe?.. As ethnographic

studies show, primitive tribes make do with one or two shamans. And even

ancient civilizations that have moved away from a completely primitive state cannot

afford the "luxury" of excluding half of the

the population, whose consciousness changed as a result of operations!.. And thirdly, everywhere shamans, fortune-tellers and soothsayers enjoy a special attitude towards themselves and

occupy a rather high position in the social hierarchy (if

there is social stratification in the community). And here, on both American continents, there is a clearly opposite trend!..

For example, in the Mesoamerican Monte Alban (the center of the

Zapotec civilization), archaeologists have discovered many dead bodies, in whose skulls

drilled or carved holes were made during their lifetime. Burials with

trepanned skulls differed from ordinary ones: as a rule, they were found under the

floors of small dwellings, and the victims of ancient neurosurgical experiments themselves

belonged to representatives of low social status.

In South America, there are often cases of burying

trepanned heads separately from the body, to which a

pumpkin was placed instead of the head. For peoples who believe in an afterlife, this means only one thing -

depriving the deceased of the possibility of this very afterlife!.. Is

such "irreversible punishment" compatible with a high social status?.. Perhaps, of

course. But not on a massive scale!..

By the way, if trepanation was carried out for therapeutic purposes, one would expect the absence of such social inequality, and

at least the absence of such a social bias in this direction -

carrying out complex operations on the representatives of the lower social strata of


At the same time, researchers state another

social imbalance: skull deformities were practiced mainly by the noble (!)


And, finally, one more fact: among the images of deformed

skulls there is not a single trepanned one !!!

That is: for the representatives of the peoples who practiced both

deformation and trepanation, there was not a rich choice - either to suffer in childhood, having undergone the painful procedure of changing the shape of the head, or to be

constantly at risk of being subjected to a much more painful (and more

risky) trepanation procedure. There were very few chances to keep your head

intact, judging by the scale of the deformation and

trepanation operations performed …

Here's a simple and powerful incentive for the strange procedure for

deforming skulls!..

And the question of the deformation of the skulls closes up with the question of the

causes of mass trepanations, for the answer to which, within the framework of the version of the egg-headed

gods , it remains to take only one step - to assume that it

was not people who were engaged in neurosurgical experiments, but those very "egg-headed gods" (with it

can even leave aside the problem of their terrestrial or alien origin).

With this assumption, it is possible to find a reasonable explanation for all the

details and facts. But first, there is one more thing to consider.

The mythology of, perhaps, all the peoples of the world and various religions

indicate that the ancient "gods" entered into sexual relations with people, after which, naturally, hybrids-"half-breeds" were born. It is clear that with such a

genetic mixing, such half-breeds and offspring inevitably had to periodically

manifest the genes for "egg-head", ie. an elongated skull is observed.

And it is quite natural that individuals with elongated skulls, as “descendants of the

all-powerful gods,” occupied a higher social position. For example, the skull of a

woman found in the so-called. the crypt of the queen in Palenque had an elongated shape.

People themselves are not addicted to the dilemma of a monstrous choice

between transformation and trepanation - they are placed in the conditions of this choice under the

influence of the outside from the "egg-headed gods." To avoid experiments

with trepanation, people tried to "disguise" their children as the children of "gods".

Cruel version?

But than, say, the gods neurosurgical experiments on

people differ over those experiments that carried the people themselves in

the laboratory on mice, dogs, and even monkeys.. We justify their?

Experiments "high humane purposes" - the desire to improve the

treatment methods and medicines for the people themselves … Then why shouldn't the gods have

the same "excuse"? Only in relation to themselves …

As a result, it turns out that elongated skulls can relate

to three options at once: 1) the skulls of the "egg-headed gods" themselves; 2) the skulls of their

half-blood descendants; 3) the skulls of people "disguised" as gods using

artificial deformation. And according to the available characteristic features - in the form of a difference

in the volume of the cranium, shape, traces of external influence, etc. - it is quite

possible to single out the skulls of each group from the total mass of finds But this is a challenge for

future research …

One more mystery remains for the future: skulls of a completely

different shape. There are very few of them, but they are !.