Trovanta Are Living Stones In Transylvania. Big Puzzle For Scientists - Alternative View

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Trovanta Are Living Stones In Transylvania. Big Puzzle For Scientists - Alternative View
Trovanta Are Living Stones In Transylvania. Big Puzzle For Scientists - Alternative View

Video: Trovanta Are Living Stones In Transylvania. Big Puzzle For Scientists - Alternative View

Video: Trovanta Are Living Stones In Transylvania. Big Puzzle For Scientists - Alternative View
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Transylvania is famous not only for witches and Count Dracula. Far from big cities, you can find another anomaly: living stones, which the locals gave the name to - Trovants. These stones, like living things, grow and multiply.

The trovant has a rounded shape without sharp chips. After the rains, the incredible begins to happen with these stones: they, like mushrooms, grow in size. A small trovant weighing a couple of tens of grams, can get heavy in 2-3 months up to several hundred kilograms. These stones are made of sandstone, but if you cut the trowant in half, then on the cut you can see rings and a core in the middle, like a tree.


Scientists believe that the growing stones are the result of the cementation of sand, which took place millions of years ago in the bowels of the earth. And the stones hit the surface in the course of strong seismic activity. Recall that Romania is located in a dangerous seismic zone.

However, scientists cannot explain how these stones multiply. It happens like this: after the stone gets wet, a small bulge appears on its surface. Over time, it grows in size, and then breaks off and continues to grow on its own.

In turn, experts in paranormal phenomena record high energy activity in these stones, but they cannot yet explain the anomaly. Perhaps a clue in a local legend. Locals believe that every trovant is the soul of a tortured, innocently murdered person who cannot find peace. We are talking about tens of thousands of those executed, whom Vlad Tepes impaled.

Some more superstitious Romanians are wary of these stones. Others even do business on them, for example, jewelry and figurines for tourists, and in the village of Costesti there is an open-air museum of trovants, with an area of more than one hectare.


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Talking stones, the scary story of an eyewitness to Anna-Maria Bessarabu

It happened to me in 1949, when I was 13 years old. Not far from my village, there were trovants. The fellow villagers said that these stones were cursed and it was better not to approach them. And my parents even forbade me to look in that direction.

My best friend, Violetta, once told me that she once went to those stones at night and that they glow with different colors. Curiosity got the better of it.

Late at night, when my parents were sleeping, I quietly left the house through the window. Violetta was already waiting for me on the street. We went outside the village to look at the stones. My friend turned out to be right, above each stone, and there were hundreds of them, a small rainbow light sparkled. But, after a few minutes, I began to hear terrible voices in my head. These voices did not come from stones, I could not find the source of their origin, they appeared in my head.

"It hurts …", "Help …", "Why?" Dozens, maybe hundreds of voices, screams and groans. Violetta heard them too. We looked at each other and ran to the village. Of course, we did not tell our parents or friends that we went to look at stones at night. And they themselves never went that way again. Later, I forbade my children to go there, and then my grandchildren.

Another hypothesis

The uncommonness of the trowans leads to the emergence of the most daring and unusual hypotheses. A number of researchers believe that these stones are representatives of an inorganic form of life. The principle of their structure has nothing to do with the representatives of flora and fauna known to science. At the same time, Trovants can be both the indigenous inhabitants of the Earth, who for millions of years imperceptibly existed with us, and representatives of an extraterrestrial life form that came to our planet with a meteorite.