How To Properly Communicate With Trees - Alternative View

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How To Properly Communicate With Trees - Alternative View
How To Properly Communicate With Trees - Alternative View

Video: How To Properly Communicate With Trees - Alternative View

Video: How To Properly Communicate With Trees - Alternative View
Video: How to Talk With Trees 2024, July

Our ancestors treated trees like living beings, lived in harmony with nature and used the wealth of the forest pantry, turned to trees for help, which are a living laboratory that synthesizes many substances. Trees are like good healers and helped our ancestors to recover from bodily and psychological ailments. Trees outwardly look like a person, he also has two energy channels: the energy of the Earth goes up along the roots, through the branches and crown the tree transfers down the energy of the Cosmos, the Universe.

Healing trees are able to heal various diseases, restore mental and physical health, as well as rejuvenate and prolong life. Trees have healing power and can share their power with a person, feeding live energy, heal directly with their biofield. The biofield of a tree is several times larger than its crown. Sometimes it is enough just to stand next to a tree or just touch the trunk with your hand.

When working with a tree, there are important rules:

- the tree you have chosen must be loved and treated like a living creature;

- a tree for communication must be chosen healthy, without dry branches and damage to the trunk, broken branches and with clean bark.

- the selected tree should please you with its appearance.

- it is desirable that the tree does not split at the top.

- the place by the tree should be chosen with the most dense and comfortable fit of the body to the bark, trunk, so that it is comfortable and does not interfere or distract.

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Depending on the supply of bioenergy, trees can be arranged in descending order of their energy reserves. The most powerful energy trees

Oak - has a powerful energy that gives a person strength and clarity of thought.

Coniferous trees - fill the human body with heavy dense bioenergy. Therefore, experts do not recommend those who have a weak heart and a tendency to headaches to walk in a pine forest for a long time. It is also not worth charging near a pine tree, since this is a big load.

Acacia - has energy that brings a person cheerfulness and a feeling of freshness. After replenishing energy from acacia, lightness in gait and good mood appear. Acacia is especially beneficial for women.

Maple - forms a living chain and a powerful biofield.

Birch is a special tree Energy and help from a birch can only be received by the person who sincerely loves her and treats her with affection, believes in her healing power. A Russian proverb says: "Whoever a birch loves will always be healthy next to it."

Rowan - it has a little less energy than acacia.

In the city, trees get sick, on the contrary, they need recharge and energy, so you have to be in a forest or forest park, where trees live freely.

If you like the chosen tree and attracts you, then this is your tree, so you need to find your tree that can cleanse and give you energy. But there are also universal trees, this is oak, which is usually suitable for men and birch for women.

A good donor tree usually has no neighbors at a distance of 6 m. If trees grow together, then both each tree and a group of trees do not have large reserves of bioenergy.

The bioenergy reserve of a tree can be determined with the help of your palm. If you bring your palm to a tree from a distance of 1.5 m, then from a distance of a meter you can feel increased density, warmth, tingling. This means that the tree has a significant amount of energy.

How to harness the power and energy of trees

- Depending on the state of human health, the tree affects each person in different ways. The action can be violent, painful, or pleasant. It is important to set a task: to receive and gain the energy of nature, to heal something, or simply to make friends with this tree and receive knowledge from it (both subtle energetic and specific, picturesque). A set of energy should be produced no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

- Working with a tree must be carried out with closed eyes, while it is desirable that there are no people near you. If the weather is sunny, you can stand next to a tree barefoot.

- Stand in your chosen position and turn to the tree, ask him for help, try to feel his answer. If you feel uncomfortable, then it is better to refuse the session.

- It is very important to mentally align your spine (the main energy channel of a person) and the core of the tree, imagine the merger of your energy flow with the flow along the tree trunk.

- Lower your arms freely and hug the tree bark from below. Close your eyes, relax all parts of your body, and focus on the sensations of your body. Imagine a warm wave slowly traveling from top to bottom through the body. If you cannot relax some part of the body, then as you exhale, try to send a warm wave to this place.

- Imagine mentally the path that energy travels. Begin rhythmic breathing.

- Pay close attention to the flow of energy, following it with your inner gaze along the entire length of the meridian. As you inhale, imagine and feel how the energy rises along the meridian.

- When you feel that the flow of energy has “broken through” the energy plugs, start working with the organs along the meridian. If you have reached the desired degree of concentration, then you will definitely feel the pulsation of energy in them.

- Strengthen the pulsations, even out their rhythm. The rhythm of the pulsations will tell you intuition.

- The tree sends streams of energy through the acupuncture points of the meridian, as if washing your organs with energy. Blood capillaries are activated, intercellular fluids are freed from toxins, the movement of nutrients and oxygen to the cells improves.

- The duration of the session should not exceed 10 - 15 minutes.

- The exit from the session must be smooth, gradual.

- Be sure to sincerely thank the tree for helping you.

I will also be glad if you share with your best practices, secrets and skills on the topic of communicating with trees, we will establish an exchange of knowledge in this matter.