Found A Predator Mask In Antarctica? - Alternative View

Found A Predator Mask In Antarctica? - Alternative View
Found A Predator Mask In Antarctica? - Alternative View

Video: Found A Predator Mask In Antarctica? - Alternative View

Video: Found A Predator Mask In Antarctica? - Alternative View
Video: 9 Videos That They Tried to Delete From the Internet 2024, September

According to our senior source in Washington, a Russian insider who advises the FSB on occult and paranormal issues (he introduced himself as Dr. Ivan Balabanov) privately confirmed to Washington the ongoing rumors that in January 2019, in the vicinity of one of the Russian scientific stations in Antarctica, a meteorite fell, inside which an artifact of unusual and incomprehensible power was allegedly embedded.

The meteorite did fall. This happened approximately 200 kilometers from the Russian Vostok station, where, due to the proximity of the crash site and the good accessibility of the crash area, an expedition was immediately dispatched.

Arriving at the site, the polar explorers discovered an ice crater with a diameter of up to 600 meters and a depth of up to 150 meters. After several unsuccessful attempts to penetrate there, a special robotic crane was called, which lifted a certain stone weighing about 200 kilograms from the crater.

The meteorite was taken to Vostok station, where geologists, armed with available tools, tried to take samples of the mineral for preliminary chemical and microscopic analysis. However, after sawing a few centimeters of the stone, it turned out that inside the meteorite there is a strange porous shell, similar to a heavy-duty multilayer foil.

Not understanding at all what they were faced with, the scientists began to clear the porous foil from the stone, when suddenly the stone crumbled and the strange shell, similar to a complex membrane, split in half, like a “matryoshka”. And there was something that scientists hadn't expected to find.

According to a Russian insider, there was an item resembling a typical Egyptian burial mask. The mask was metal. In size, it approximately corresponded to the face of an adult and contained a strange pattern similar to the Egyptian the presence of a "third eye".

In addition, the mask emitted constant harmonic radio noise at a frequency of 22,000 Hz. The metal from which the mask was made could not be determined with the available means. According to an insider, this artifact could hardly have arrived in the form of a meteorite, and rather the meteorite fell into an ancient burial, one of the stones that was opened was mistaken for meteorite fragments.

As always, non-professional archaeologists (there were no professional ones at the station according to the state) act in such cases - they decided to try on this mask. As a result, the polar explorer who dressed her informed everyone that he could read their minds.

Promotional video:

This was taken as a joke, but after that the mask covered his head with a golden aura and objects began to move in the direction of his gaze: tools and chairs were flying, laboratory tables were turned over. To top it all off, the polar explorer, who was wearing a mask, flew up to the ceiling with a yell and the force of the blow tore off the mask, after which the man collapsed to the floor unconscious. Subsequently, he died without regaining consciousness.

Not understanding what was happening, the polar explorers decided to repeat the experiment. The other person wearing the mask immediately reported that “something was happening to him” and that he “felt the force of unprecedented power emanating from the mask”. In his words, he was going to "immediately subjugate this world." However, suddenly the person turned terribly pale - the skin became waxy and transparent, through it, like on an x-ray, the bones of the skull were visible. And at that moment, the man's head exploded.

All this forced the polar explorers to stop experiments and report the situation to the Ministry of Defense and the FSB. A special military safe with a huge Faraday cage was sent behind the mask and the artifact was transported to Moscow.

The Russian insider does not know his further fate. According to rumors, all test subjects who donned the mask died almost immediately. Some died as a result of passing experiments.

So it turned out that a person with such a mask on his head is capable of stopping bullets, as it were - they went around him. However, as soon as the mask destroyed the brain to the critical limit, the subject lost concentration and the bullets exploded him.

Presumably, the artifact is now in one of the Russian underground laboratories in the Urals, and the military are busy searching and selecting psychics who could withstand contact with the mask.