The Wise God Veles - Patron Saint Of The Worlds - Alternative View

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The Wise God Veles - Patron Saint Of The Worlds - Alternative View
The Wise God Veles - Patron Saint Of The Worlds - Alternative View

Video: The Wise God Veles - Patron Saint Of The Worlds - Alternative View

Video: The Wise God Veles - Patron Saint Of The Worlds - Alternative View
Video: Veles: The Protector Of Forest | Slavic Mythology (2) 2024, July

Veles has been the most revered god in the Vedic pantheon of Russia since ancient times. He is a patron between the worlds - both Nav and Reality are subject to him, he is also called the "Prophetic", "Wise", because in the three worlds he manifests his strength, he who has cognized the light of Rule and the darkness of Navi, who has set the energy of the world in motion, carrying out the rotation of the Universe, he An irreplaceable guard on the border of the worlds, a spiritual mentor, leading the path of Rule, he knows all the secrets of the universe.

God Veles: description

He has many hypostases: he appears as the god of wisdom, the patron saint of the Magi, as along the Path of spiritual self-improvement accompanying seekers of truth in the world of Revelation, as a wizard god, the leader of sorcerers and wizards, as a cattle god, the lord of the animal world, like the god Navi, the guardian of the gates of another world, accompanying souls, the transition between the worlds of those who perform, and also as the god of prosperity, the patron saint of service spirits, the lord of the underworld and the depths of the sea. God Veles is the personification of diligence and diligence in doing good deeds, wisdom, confidence, steadfastness, the ability to be responsible for everything said and done.

What is the god Veles responsible for

God Veles appears in his various hypostases (aspects).

Promotional video:

Veles is the god of wisdom

Veles appears as the god of wisdom, the messenger of the gods, giving and protecting the magi and priests, giving and protecting the magi and priests, who have comprehended the truth of being, who know wisdom, who compose verses about the past, about the all-powerful gods, about the ancestors of the wise; to the Vedunam, the word of divine wisdom to those who flow; storytellers and soothsayers, the descendants of knowledge transmitting in "blasphemers", about the bygone times and past glorious deeds of the ancestors narrating; as well as Pobudam (Budai), who are the teachers of all teachers, the wisest among the wise, the enlightened "impetus" of the will in man.


Veles is the son of the ancestor Rod. So, the god Rod gave birth by his will to the creation of the god Svarog, to love - Lada-mother, and to knowledge - Veles the wise.

Veles is a spiritual mentor, leading along the Path of spiritual development of all those striving for enlightenment, accompanying on the path of comprehending the eternal truths of being, and as a wise teacher of all those striving for truth on the Path of self-knowledge, he leads the path of Rule. The Path of Rule is the path leading to the insight of the truth, life in accordance with the divine Vedic law, life in truth, in conscience - all who have embarked on the Path of spiritual development follow it. The Wise Teaches people how to pave their way in life from falsehood to truth, from darkness to light.

He is in charge of the field of art, poetry. All poets and singers under the auspices of the Prophetic Veles are called "Veles' grandchildren". So, in "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" Boyan is a prophetic storyteller, he is called "the grandson of Velesov" ("prophetic Boyane, Velesov vnuche"). In this aspect, the power of Veles is manifested in the world of Pravi.

In the triad of the gods, which is the trinity of divine forces in various manifestations in the worlds of Prav, Yavi and Navi - Svarog, Perun, Veles - he appears as a force leading and guiding a person's consciousness from worldly restrictions to the path of spiritual self-knowledge. In fact, similar to the Vedic Trimurti - Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva - the Triglav of the Slavic Vedic tradition also personifies the forces of creation, preservation and destruction. And here Veles's power is manifested in the aspect that destroys obstacles on the Path, for a person, incarnated in the world of Reality, bound by the fetters of a materialistic worldview, must go through certain lessons in order to comprehend the essence of being, and come to the true "I" - on this Path and accompanies Velez of every seeker of truth leads to the perception of the unity of everything in the world.


Veles - the god-wizard

Veles manages all manifestations of magic, magic, patronizes all magicians, wizards, creative magicians, sorcerers, fortunetellers by the spell with divine suria, interpreting the events seen, but all-seeing, both the past and the future, both in the explicit world, seeing the light, and in otherworlds, magicians who manifest miracles, blasphemers, lot on the way of life to those who see the light, kobniks, fortunetellers on the flight of birds, astrologers, the ability to read by the stars, healers who drive away ailments, heal thanks to the healing power of herbs, sorcerers, witches, conjurers, spellcasters.

Veles - a brute god

Veles is the son of the heavenly divine cow Zemun, created by the progenitor Rod at the dawn of the universe, is the patron saint of all animals, both domestic and wild. It is believed that Veles initially showed his strength only as a cloud-chaser, a drover of heavenly herds. In this aspect, he appears as a cattle god. In the explicit world, Veles manifests his strength in this hypostasis. Velesov's power is especially manifested in such representatives of the animal kingdom: the bull, bear, wolf and snakes, among birds: the raven and the owl.

In this aspect, he is also the governing force of the animal nature in man, while at a certain stage of development it is important for the soul, passing its path during earthly incarnation, but which those who have embarked on the path of self-knowledge must learn to take control. At a certain stage of the evolutionary path, instincts were the basis vital for survival in the world of rough matter, but now the leading role in life should be transferred to the Spirit, to which they must be subordinated. A person should not be dependent on his feelings and emotions, because, in fact, he is able to dominate them. This is the first thing that one who has embarked on the path of spiritual development should accustom himself to. The entire surrounding world is a manifestation of the mind. The mind determines our life, but, nevertheless, it is an important step on the ascending path of self-development,without it, at this stage, we cannot reach higher consciousness. While we are at the mercy of the instinctive mind, we are identified, limited, in ignorance, which means that we are still far from knowing the truth that everything is one. Lower Manas is the initial component of the mind on the path of evolution, associated with the animal world.


The instinctive mind is formed by sensations, emotions and feelings, and its basis is the experience of past incarnations, all this forms habits, attachments. It also plays an important role in maintaining the vital functions of the physical body. Some of its manifestations are under the control of the higher principles of the human mind. To master both feelings and emotions means to show the source of strength and energy - will. The will is not to suppress feelings forcibly, but to subdue them. This is not about tightly controlling emotions and feelings.

In most cases, a person is not able to control himself constantly, therefore in a critical situation he is not ready to “analyze” with his mind, and lets go of feelings, solving the problem in the usual ways, moreover, repeating from life to life, and very far from the concepts of “correctness”, conceptualized mind, which, as a rule, divides the world into black and white. We strive to change ourselves, but if this happens only at the level of the mind, then such a transformation is unlikely to take root in us for a long time. Constant remembering about how to act, how to be, how to relate to others and so on … - isn't this just another trick of the mind, a game of reason?

Has there been a transformation in the depths of our souls or is it a superficial metamorphosis that has shaped our idea of ourselves, of a new “correct, spiritual self”, which is only a vivid manifestation of the ego, nothing more. Therefore, if perception occurs only at the level of the mind, we do not move forward, rather, we create new obstacles on our Path, forming new conditioning patterns of behavior and thinking. Therefore, there should not be any ardent resistance here - it is necessary not to fight the passions, not to create an enemy out of them, but to accept them as they are, and this, in essence, means subduing. Therefore, we must try to be natural, to live in accordance with our original pure divine nature - this is what our will should be manifested for, this is what it is worth making efforts. Will is the force controlled by the god Veles, this is that beginning in man,which forms in us striving determination and unshakable confidence - qualities that are especially important on the Path of spiritual self-improvement.


It is also believed that he is the patron saint of the Western Slavs - the Scots, that is, the Scots, and Scotland is Scotland (the land of the Scots), these lands have long kept the legends about "Veles - a brute god". It is believed that the land rich in pastures is named after Veles - Wales.

Veles - the god of peace Navi

In this aspect, Veles manifests his strength as an omniscient god in the world of Navi. "Veles Pastures" is called the otherworldly worlds, which are ruled by Veles. This is his domain. He stands guard at the Kalinov Bridge, which serves as a ferry across the River of Oblivion, called the Currant, and is the crossroads between the worlds, connecting the world to the obvious and the new, souls who have completed their next earthly incarnation and have left the world of Reveal pass through it. Each will be measured according to the actions taken in the manifest world. Thus, he leads souls to their new birth. In this aspect, Veles is a force that leads a person's life from birth to death, and after that, accompanying through Nav to a new incarnation in Reality. Through the Veles Pastures pass the souls of all, leaving the world of Revelation, as well as by Rule who have spent their lives, whom this path leads to bright Iriy; and those who have followed the wrong path,falsely led, - their path runs through the abode of the dark Navi. Veles can also be represented in this aspect in the image of the helmsman on the Moon-Boat, figuratively manifested as the horns of the divine cow Zemun, who ferries souls who have completed their next earthly life to the shores of the kingdom of the otherworld and back.

In the same aspect, he appears as the keeper of the gates, to what is beyond the past, the path leading up to the beyond, new or otherwise. Therefore, he is the guardian on the border of the worlds.


But being having power over life and death, Veles is beyond good and evil and any categories of dividing duality, because both Nav and Reality, in fact, are not different worlds, these categories are used for convenience of perception by the mind, however, they are inseparable and seem to permeate each other. The perception of the world through the concepts of duality and separation can turn us off the right Right Path. As long as in our consciousness there is the concept of death, perceived as evil (after all, this paradigm has taken root in consciousness over many lifetimes), we will continue to perceive the world in a limited way, within the framework of one single life, and this life is just a spark against the background of everything we have passed paths.

In fact, "past" lives are called such only in relation to the individualized consciousness that manifested itself in the current incarnation. But in this stream of numerous incarnations for the Spirit, there is neither beginning nor end. It is likely that the fact that we do not remember the "past" incarnations is related to how strongly we are identified with the new form in which the Spirit has clothed. In the era of Kali-yuga, consciousness is greatly clouded, but living in accordance with the concepts of the conditioned mind in a limited world is a false path that will not lead us to awareness, to our original nature, to the true "I". The mind should become a kind helper for us, not a guiding principle. Subtle concepts and spiritual truths cannot be grasped by the mind, they are beyond the mental perception. It is inappropriate to build logical chains in this case, it will not free our mind, but on the contrary,will fill with new restrictions. Do not forget that any limitation is an extreme, and the only true path of a spiritual seeker is the middle one. The Lord between the worlds Veles the wise leads us along it.


Veles - the god of wealth

As the god of prosperity and spiritual wealth, he provides material prosperity, and at the same time instructs, so that we do not go on the wrong Path, do not turn off the path of Rule, he gives tests how pure we are in thoughts, how we will use the obvious benefits acquired in the world - whether the "shine of gold" will become more precious for us than conscience. Gradually, having mastered all the lessons of the many-wise god Veles, our mentor on the Path, we come to insight, we realize all the corruption of material things, their fragility and illusory nature. So, the wise Veles leads us to detachment from wealth and any material values. Also, in this aspect, the god Veles was always revered by the farmers, who seasoned the earth with winter grains in the fall - it has long been customary to leave for Veles in gratitude for the harvest collected on the squeezed field, "Veles for the beard" uncompressed sheaf of bread. All the herbsshrubs and flowers are the “hairs” of Mother Earth. Observe life in every little leaf, blade of grass, insect - life pulsates in everything around us. And all these are the essence of divine manifestations in the world of Reveal.

Veles - the god of travelers

In this aspect, Veles manifests itself as the god of wandering wanderers, travelers. God Veles helps not only those who follow the earthly paths, but also those who travel along the paths of the otherworld, the god Veles accompanies those who pass the edge of our world.

He protects those who have chosen the Path of spiritual development, that is, all those who follow the path of Rule, live their lives according to their conscience, are honest with themselves and their ancestors, strive to gain knowledge that can only be used for the good - to those who sacredly honor their Gods and Ancestors, lives by Conscience and in harmony with Nature. But not for those who have gone astray from their true path in life and follow other paths, they do not make their life path according to the Rule.


Veles - the lord of waters

Through the expanses of water passes the way to the otherworld. Veles is considered the patron saint of living and dead water. So, the goddesses, personifying the feminine principle, or the passive manifestation of divine energy, are Alive, who controls the summer waters, and Mara protects the winter waters. In all the legends and epics of Russia in this aspect, he appears as the Lord of the sea. So, in the epics about Sadko, he appears in the image of the King of the Sea.

Veles - patron saint of service spirits of nature

Here he appears as the patron saint of service spirits: domestic and natural spirits, on the border of the inhabiting worlds - both in Yavi and existing in Navi. Veles is in charge of goblin, brownies, courtyards, field, meadows, meadows, moss, barns, banniks, kikimors, shishigi and many others … It is believed that water and air spirits obey Mokos, fire spirits are subjects of Svarog and Semargl, wind spirits - Stribog. The subjects of Veles are spirits, helping people in the household and connected with the elements of the earth. The forest abode is ruled by the goblin, who protect all forest inhabitants, whether they be animals, birds, trees … It is believed that the tallest, beautiful and oldest spruce in the forest is the habitat of the Leshy. The owner of the forest will be very happy if the guests who come to him, to the forest, leave him a treat on a stump. And she will show mushroom places and pick ripe berries to help. Leaving his monastery, we should thank Leshy for the reception and for the help. Only those who have come with unkind thoughts or selfish intentions can confuse the spirit of the forest, as they say, you can get lost in three pines. Brownies are our dwelling, protective, benevolent spirits, keeping order and helping with the household. The brownie is the soul of the house. It can appear in the form of a person, like a bearded old man of short stature or, conversely, tall, and can also appear in the form of an animal (usually in the form of a cat). The brownie loves to receive treats from the owners of the house - it is better if it is something from the food that they themselves eat. Brownies can "taste" it quite obviously - they can take away completely what we present to them, or partially, they can break off only a piece, however, this can also happen on the subtle plane - taking only prana of food. The brownie is a diligent choreographer, always helps to find what is lost in the house: if a person cannot find something, it is worth asking for a brownie, treating him with a present, and the thing you are looking for will suddenly appear from nowhere. But sometimes it can be naughty, but harmless. True, when he does not like something, you will certainly find out about it. Do not swear - Brownies do not like very much when they scold in the house; keep in your home comfort, order and cleanliness, then do not upset the Brownie, and he will always be a good helper for you. He also warns of future misfortunes, threatening family, protects the house from dark external entities. When moving, they always take the Brownie with them to a new home, inviting him to move together. Courtyards - also maintain order, only in the area near the house. They are all assistants of the god Veles.will always help to find something lost in the house: if a person cannot find something, it is worth asking for a brownie, treating him with a present, and what you are looking for will suddenly appear out of nowhere. But sometimes it can be naughty, but harmless. True, when he does not like something, you will certainly find out about it. Do not swear - Brownies do not like very much when they scold in the house; keep in your home comfort, order and cleanliness, then do not upset the Brownie, and he will always be a good helper for you. He also warns of future misfortunes, threatening family, protects the house from dark external entities. When moving, they always take the Brownie with them to a new home, inviting him to move together. Yard - also maintain order, only on the territory near the house. They are all assistants of the god Veles.will always help to find something lost in the house: if a person cannot find something, it is worth asking for a brownie, treating him with a present, and what you are looking for will suddenly appear out of nowhere. But sometimes it can be naughty, but harmless. True, when he does not like something, you will certainly find out about it. Do not swear - Brownies do not like very much when they scold in the house; keep in your home comfort, order and cleanliness, then do not upset the Brownie, and he will always be a good helper for you. He also warns of future misfortunes, threatening family, protects the house from dark external entities. When moving, they always take the Brownie with them to a new home, inviting him to move together. Courtyards - also maintain order, only in the area near the house. They are all assistants of the god Veles. It’s worth asking a brownie, treating him with a present, and what you are looking for will suddenly appear from nowhere. But sometimes it can be naughty, but harmless. True, when he does not like something, you will certainly find out about it. Do not swear - Brownies do not like very much when they scold in the house; keep in your home comfort, order and cleanliness, then do not upset the Brownie, and he will always be a good helper for you. He also warns of future misfortunes, threatening family, protects the house from dark external entities. When moving, they always take the Brownie with them to a new home, inviting him to move together. Yard - also maintain order, only on the territory near the house. They are all assistants of the god Veles. It’s worth asking a brownie, treating him with a present, and what you are looking for will suddenly appear from nowhere. But sometimes it can be naughty, but harmless. True, when he does not like something, you will certainly find out about it. Do not swear - Brownies do not like very much when they scold in the house; keep in your home comfort, order and cleanliness, then do not upset the Brownie, and he will always be a good helper for you. He also warns of future misfortunes, threatening family, protects the house from dark external entities. When moving, they always take the Brownie with them to a new home, inviting him to move together. Yard - also maintain order, only on the territory near the house. They are all assistants of the god will certainly know about it. Do not swear - Brownies do not like very much when they scold in the house; keep in your home comfort, order and cleanliness, then do not upset the Brownie, and he will always be a good helper for you. He also warns of future misfortunes, threatening family, protects the house from dark external entities. When moving, they always take the Brownie with them to a new home, inviting him to move together. Yard - also maintain order, only on the territory near the house. They are all assistants of the god will certainly know about it. Do not swear - Brownies do not like very much when they scold in the house; keep in your home comfort, order and cleanliness, then do not upset the Brownie, and he will always be a good helper for you. He also warns of future misfortunes, threatening family, protects the house from dark external entities. When moving, they always take the Brownie with them to a new home, inviting him to move together. Yard - also maintain order, only on the territory near the house. They are all assistants of the god Veles. When moving, they always take the Brownie with them to a new home, inviting him to move together. Courtyards - also maintain order, only in the area near the house. They are all assistants of the god Veles. When moving, they always take the Brownie with them to a new home, inviting him to move together. Courtyards - also maintain order, only in the area near the house. They are all assistants of the god Veles.


Veles - the lord of winter

He appears in the form of Santa Claus, also realizing the transition from the old year to the new, he protects the winter sleep of the Mother of the Raw Earth. It is believed that he can appear on Kolyada in the form of the first guest, Polaznik. The tree dedicated to the god Veles in this hypostasis of him is Spruce. She is invariably the main heroine of the New Year celebrations. Only not felled - a dead tree, which gave its life for the fleeting pleasure of contemplating it, decorated with Christmas tree decorations - all this is the result of our ignorant ideas about the true essence of the holiday and the role of the Eli in this celebration. Spruce is also an indispensable attribute in the rituals of sending off to the last journey who have completed their next earthly incarnation. This is also an echo of old traditions and here the role of this tree can be traced, accompanying souls to another world, while the spruce branches perform a protective function,protecting from the dark forces of Navi. When the gates to the world of Navi are slightly opened, it is possible to penetrate into the obvious world of the evil forces of this part of the universe, therefore, fir branches have been used since ancient times as protective ones. It is believed that the Spruce represents the World Tree in the explicit world - a cosmogonic symbol of the unity of three levels of the universe: Yavi (trunk), Navi (roots), Pravi (crown).

The name of the god Veles

The root of the name "Veles" in many languages of the Indo-European language group has a similar meaning and is identified with the otherworld, transcendental space, the otherworld.

The name "Veles" has an unambiguous relationship with words such as "BELIEVE", "power", "VELIKY", "VELikan", "VELOZHA" and, if we take into account the alternation in the root of the vowels "o" - "e", then and with the words: "will", "magic", "sorcerer", "hair", "ox", "volot9" (giant, giant), "volost". By the way, in the Ryazan province "Veles" was called a pointer, a manager. Also, the prefix "vele" is used in the meaning of "very", "over", "very", for example, in such words as: "wise" (the wisest), "well-hearted" (generosity). There are many villages in Russia that keep the name of Veles in their names, for example: Volosovo, Volotovo.


By the way, the cluster of seven brightest stars - the Pleiades, in the constellation Taurus, is popularly called Stozhary, Volosozhary, as well as Hair - a mythological image of the daughters of the god Veles, in Montenegro the Pleiades are called Vlasici, Veles stars.

Image of the god Veles

Veles is depicted as three-faced - his three faces are the worlds in which he manifests his power: Nav, Reality and Prav, or the time is past, present and future. It can also be presented as blowing a horn, which marks the call of the wise Veles to everyone to follow the Path of spiritual development and devote precious time of their lives to deeds at the end of the Rule. In the image of a guslar playing a musical string instrument, which, in fact, is the personification of a multifaceted universe. He is also portrayed as a wise old man with a staff, accompanied by a bear. Sometimes he holds a jug filled with the divine milk of the Zemun cow. It can be depicted with an hourglass in hand, as a ruler of time. Blindfolded or blind, thus personifying vision in other worlds, not seeing with earthly eyes, but guided by an inner spiritual eye. It can be presented as a wanderer with a knapsack on his back, being drawn by long ways-roads through the endless expanses of the universe. Sometimes he appears in the form of a warrior with the head of a bull, standing on the Kalinov Bridge. Or as the helmsman on the Rook-Month, crossing the heavenly space along the Milky Way. Sometimes depicted as holding a trident in his hand, as a rule, in the image of the patron saint of the depths of the sea. And also as a forest lord - in the form of a bear. And also as a forest lord - in the form of a bear. And also as a forest lord - in the form of a bear.

The wife of the god Veles. Children of Veles

The spouse of Veles is the goddess Makosh, who weaves the path of the soul in the coming incarnation with threads of life, she is the essence of the manifestation of the feminine power of a single divine manifestation, appearing as a bright, summer hypostasis in the image of the goddess Alive, life giving, life-giving, awakening power, in Revealing; and as dark, winter - the goddess Mara, with her sickle cutting the thread of life, endowed with the opposite qualities: destruction, passivity - in the world of Navi, the power is manifested. So, Makosh, like Veles, is the governing force on the border of the worlds, she is the mistress of the transition from one world to another. Also, in one of her incarnations, the Goddess appears as the beautiful Yaginya, known to us under the name of Baba Yagi, she is Baba Yoga, or Mother Yogi, wise and knowledgeable, the mistress of the forest, lived at the crossroads of the three worlds, where her hut was located.


Children of the god Veles, according to myths: the sun god Yarila, the son of Diva-Dodola and Veles, is the god of the spring sun, illuminating the earth with fierce light; Troyan is the son of Veles, born by an earthly woman; Sleep is the god of dreams, the son of Veles and Morena, who casts drowsiness during the after-sunset and protects our dreams from the invasion of naval entities.

Temples are places of power. Golos ravine in Kolomenskoye

It is known that the temples of the god Veles, as a rule, are located near water sources, be it rivers or lakes, and in ravines, in dense forest thickets. In places where the god Veles is worshiped, there are sacred stones and boulders, whether they be Blue-stones, named after the shade of blue that they have, such as the famous Blue-stone of Pleshcheyevo Lake near Pereslavl-Zalessky, which has the ability to move, as well as stones, endowed with magical power, capable of curing diseases, relieving heaviness from the soul - a special powerful energy passes through them. Those places where once were the sanctuaries and places of worship of the gods, now also carry strength and powerful energy. For time has no power over divine manifestations on Earth. For here the gates to the otherworld are opened and a connection is established between the spaces and realities of the universe.

The village of Kolomenskoye in the south of Moscow traces its history back to ancient times. In these places is located the Golosov ravine, which was previously called "Volosov", or "Velesov". This is a natural sanctuary of the prophetic Veles. In the bowels of the earth, under a ravine, there is a deepest geological fault - the largest in the entire space of the Russian platform, which is the base of the capital city of Moscow. In the Voice ravine there are two stones endowed with healing power: at the very bottom of the ravine - the Goose-stone, or the Horse-stone (popularly called this because of the similarity of the outer one with the head of a horse), and a little higher, approximately in the middle of the slope, the Virgin Stone. Also in the ravine an unusual stream with healing and cleansing properties is flowing, the water in it is always the same temperature throughout the year and does not freeze even in the most bitter frosts. This place attracts many visitors to the Kolomenskoye Park in our time, driven by the desire to get rid of diseases and recharge with energy, they strive here. But only those who come to sacred places with the aim of "nourishing" with energy and curing their unfortunate ailments accumulated as a result of an unconscious life, without having learned the lesson given by the gods (for with ailments we are instructed from above in order to educate those who have turned from path and direct to life Righteous, in other words, on the path of RIGHT), - it is hardly possible to get what they expect, or, the forces received will subsequently only respond with new pain. Remember to respect sacred places and only come to such places with a pure heart and only good intentions. Do not abuse the power bestowed by the gods. If a person in life is still attracted only by selfish aspirations,then there is no point in visiting such places. Let us recall in this vein the greatest popular wisdom: "To live for oneself is to smolder, for a family - to burn, and for the people - to shine!" Places of power enrich with good energy only those who have filled their lives with good intentions, whose soul is bright, and whose thoughts are pure.

Holidays dedicated to the god Veles

Winter Sacred Days of God Veles

From December 25 to January 6 - the sacred Veles days (Veles Christmastide). Among them, December 25, the day of Kolyada, which precedes the sacred days of Veles, stands out. Kolyada is the day of the turning of the sun in the spring, when they meet the young sun, which makes a turn to spring, emerging on this day and gaining strength from this moment. For three days, Kolyada is preceded by Karachun - the day of the winter solstice (December 21-22), at this transitional moment, when the boundaries between the worlds are thinning, a powerful stream of energy descends on the earth, it is important to devote these magical days to self-knowledge and spiritual practices. Veles Christmastide is conventionally divided into two parts: from December 25 to 31 - "Big Veles' week", from January 1 to 6 - "Veles divinations". January 6 is considered the day of Veles and is called "Turitsa" After the "Small Veles Day", celebrated on February 3,followed by "Small Veles Svyatki", or "Wolf Christmastide" 13, - 7 days of February: from 4 to 10. They are followed by Veles day - "Great Veles", it falls on 11 February. From 12 to 18 February, the days of veneration for Veles also continue.

Spring-summer days of veneration of Veles

March 20-21, on the day of the vernal equinox - "Komoeditsy", the day of veneration of Veles in the guise of the forest owner of the bear, at this time the bear wakes up after hibernation, and spring comes into its own, and winter leaves. On the night of April 30 to May 1, the opening of the gates to the otherworld takes place, it is believed that from this moment Chernobog ends his affairs and the obvious Belobog begins to exert greater influence on the world. The passage between the worlds is open, Veles rules on the border of the worlds, therefore this day is also dedicated to him. May 30 is the day marked by the beginning of the fruiting period of Mother Earth, and it is revered as the day of the "Wedding" of Veles and Zhiva.


August 15 is the day of the beginning of the harvest and harvest, since Veles is the giver of wealth, in the material aspect, presented as the fruits bestowed by Mother Earth.

Autumn days of Veles

The "wedding" of Veles and Morena takes place on September 14, the beginning of the wilting of nature.

Night from October 31 to November 1 - "Veles night", the time when Chernobog takes over, Chernobog comes to replace Belobog. Also, this day is considered the day of Morena.

The symbol of the god Veles. The sign of the god Veles. Protective symbolism

In Russian folk embroidery, ornaments in the form of rhombuses, squares, triangles are used, symbolically reflecting everything related to fertility and harvest, with Mother Earth, which gives fruits to her children.

Veles 'symbol - Veles' pitchfork - criss-cross crossing tridents, one is oriented with the points upwards - life-giving energies, the other - with the points downwards - the symbol of Mary, thus, it personifies the crossroads of Revelation and Navi.

Serpentine, sviten - according to archaeological finds, this symbol has been used since ancient times as a talisman among our ancestors. It is a spinning of a four-headed snake15 (two snakes with heads on both ends). With a powerful protective force, the symbol protecting from troubles and misfortunes brings the wearer as a talisman protection from ailments and any forces that obstruct the Path. Protected from someone else's malice, from magical conspiracies.

The bull's head is a sign of the god Veles, in the form of an inverted letter "A", resembling the head of a bull. This sign bestows the protection of Veles to the wearer, giving strength and stamina. This sign is usually used by those who strive for well-being and income. God Veles will help all those striving with good intentions, carrying out their activities for the good.

The bear's paw is also a symbol of the god Veles, it grants success to those who are decisive and courageous, but always act with good intentions in this world, it is a support in difficult life situations.

Another strongest amulet is the cornucopia. It personifies the divine wisdom given by Veles.

In addition to the above, the attributes of the god Veles are as follows: shepherd's, wanderer's or sorcerer's staff, moon-boat, two-toothed ax.

Glory to our Gods and Ancestors!

For the benefit of all living beings!