Plasmosaurs - Fire Birds - Alternative View

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Plasmosaurs - Fire Birds - Alternative View
Plasmosaurs - Fire Birds - Alternative View

Video: Plasmosaurs - Fire Birds - Alternative View

Video: Plasmosaurs - Fire Birds - Alternative View
Video: Apache Pilot REACTS to FIRE BIRDS (1990) | Mover Ruins Movies 2024, September

Myths and legends of different peoples often tell about unusual creatures. But sometimes something like this can be encountered in real life. In July 2018, one of the webcams installed in the American National Park Grand Teton recorded the flight of a huge fire bird, different from the species of birds known to science. Its plumage resembled a burst of flame. The footage posted on the Internet attracted the attention of users - and some of them are sure that the legendary Phoenix bird was captured in the video.

Anomalous zone

Grand Teton is very close to another, much larger Yellowstone National Park, located in the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Here is the largest volcano on the continent (throat 55 by 72 kilometers), the last eruption of which took place 630 thousand years ago. For a long time, it was believed that the Yellowstone volcano no longer poses any threat, but research in recent years has revealed clear underground activity: new hot geysers have been clogged in the park, the soil temperature is constantly increasing, and the soil under pressure from the inside has risen by 1.8 meters over several years. These are clear signs that the volcano is beginning to awaken. Its eruption threatens with irreversible consequences - according to scientists, a catastrophe could lead to the death of millions of people.

Yellowstone National Park is considered an anomalous zone. Dozens of small earthquakes are observed here every year. But the main thing is that fires constantly occur in the park due to lightning strikes. There are more places in the world where, for this reason, 30-35 large fires occur annually (for example, in 1988, as a result of one of them 610 square kilometers of forest burned out, and two firefighters died during extinguishing; material damage amounted to $ 120 million) not.

The mysterious firebird in the video taken by the Grand Teton Park webcam was first discovered by a user under the nickname MrMBB333. In appearance, the creature looks like a golden eagle (by the way, in English it is called golden eagle - "golden eagle"), but with fiery plumage, reminiscent of waving tongues of flame. The examination showed that the footage is not a fake. Moreover, optical illusion associated with the reflection of the sun's rays from the bird is extremely unlikely. Then what could it be?

Some journalists considered the appearance of a fire bird in the immediate vicinity of the Yellowstone volcano as a harbinger of its imminent eruption and even the subsequent end of the world.

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Skyscraper attack

Mentions of winged fiery creatures have been found since ancient times. Ancient historians also wrote about an event that happened in Rome in 106 BC. e. Then dozens of "red-hot red ravens" flew over the city. Their feathers in the form of burning coals fell down and set fire to houses, resulting in violent fires raging in the city.

Medieval manuscripts tell about the appearance of such birds in France and Portugal, they were considered devilish fire spirits.

In September 1891, in the American city of Crawfordsville (Indiana), residents observed the appearance of a creature in the sky, which they believed to be a fiery serpent. A local pastor recorded that people who stood on the ground felt his hot breath, although the creature was at a height of several tens of meters.

A similar monster was seen in Indiana in the 1960s. And in May 1917 and August 1960, dozens of dead burnt birds fell to the ground in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and in 1961 in Capitola Beach, California. These facts echo the famous story that happened on September 11, 1948, when the building of the New York skyscraper Empire State Building was attacked by hundreds of various birds that fought against the windows, as if trying to escape from an unknown threat (this incident formed the basis of the plot of the famous film Alfred Hitchcock's "Birds").

Flames instead of feathers

In the mid-1980s, San Juan, the largest city in Puerto Rico, and the surrounding settlements, saw numerous and strange fires. Eyewitnesses claimed that their appearance each time was preceded by the appearance of fiery birds, whose wingspan reached 4 meters, and instead of feathers there were tongues of flame. Arthur Corrales, a newspaper seller, told about the fire in one of the city's department stores: “The air smelled of ozone, and there was a strange crackling overhead. I looked up - several fire birds were descending from the sky right on the roof of Factory Markets! They seemed to be woven from a blinding crackling flame. I noticed an unusual detail - some birds were too large for their wings, others, on the contrary, were too small. Such birds simply cannot fly. But they flew. When the birds reached the roof, it instantly caught fire."

The Spanish ufologist Salvador Ferxedo, who arrived in Puerto Rico, also observed the mysterious birds and noted that they usually arrived before dawn, and the characteristic smell of ozone spread in the air at the moment of their appearance. Ferxedo photographed these creatures, but when he developed the film, the frames were blown out.

In addition, livestock began to die on the island - corpses were found with traces of severe burns. Later the fires and the accompanying phenomena stopped by themselves.

Another form of life

The American researcher Charles Fort in his book "The Book of the Damned" (1919) put forward an interesting hypothesis that the atmosphere of our planet is inhabited by certain organisms, consisting of a special substance that is lighter than air. They hunt birds, and their touch can burn and cause flames. It was with this that the Fort explained the events of 1917 in the city of Baton Rouge - when burnt birds fell to the ground.

The version was developed in 1966 by the American physicist Roy Christopher. He suggested that along with the usual for us protein form of life (animals and plants), there is another - in the form of an energetic substance of the plasma type, which has a mind. Thus, such plasma clots can be attributed to living beings. Roy Christopher named them plasmosaurs. In his opinion, they live at an altitude of 400 to 800 kilometers above the Earth's surface, but often descend. From the point of view of the scientist, such a form of life originated much earlier than organic life, and directed electric discharges are the weapon of plasmosaurs.

It was the plasmosaurs attack that Roy Christopher explained the incident that occurred in 1939 at a military base in San Diego. A transport plane landed there. Of the thirteen passengers and crew on board, twelve were dead. The only survivor was the commander of the airship, but he died just a few minutes later. The bodies of the dead had severe burn wounds, while there were no signs of a fire on the plane.

During the investigation, it was discovered that the crew and passengers were firing from personal weapons - possibly trying to hit some creature that had entered the cabin.

Death balls

Indirectly, the existence of plasmosaurs is confirmed by numerous meetings of people with fireballs. For example, in December 1959, six members of the Soviet expedition to the South Magnetic Pole encountered such a phenomenon. During one of the stops, it is not clear from where a luminous ball with a diameter of several meters appeared. He began to approach the polar explorers, stretching in length and becoming like a sausage. Photographer Alexander Gorodetsky with a camera in his hands approached the object to take a picture. "Sausage" touched him - and Alexander fell dead. His body was charred where he touched. The camera melted like a lightning strike. Later, when meeting with similar objects, two more polar explorers were killed. Doctors have established that the cause of death was the defeat of the strongest electromagnetic discharge - like a lightning strike.

Plasmosaurs exist?

Currently, there are several explanations for the phenomenon of the winged creature in the area of the Yellowstone volcano. First, a cloud of gas that burst out of a crack on the surface could have been mistaken for a fiery bird - such gas accumulations often look like a burning ball or a moving object. Secondly, from the point of view of the townsfolk, picked up and developed by journalists, it was a sign that the volcano gives people before another eruption. A fiery creature similar to the Phoenix bird predicts death in flames - and subsequent rebirth. The third opinion is that ball lightning of an unusual shape was reflected in the video. But, oddly enough, the most logical theory seems to be that organic life is not the only one on our planet, and plasmosaurs do exist. In any case, it is this point of view that explains all the disparate facts.