US Scientists Have Hypothesized About A Climatic "apocalypse" In The Near Future - Alternative View

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US Scientists Have Hypothesized About A Climatic "apocalypse" In The Near Future - Alternative View
US Scientists Have Hypothesized About A Climatic "apocalypse" In The Near Future - Alternative View

Video: US Scientists Have Hypothesized About A Climatic "apocalypse" In The Near Future - Alternative View

Video: US Scientists Have Hypothesized About A Climatic
Video: Deep adaptation: Getting Real about the Climate Apocalypse | Extinction Rebellion 2024, September

Scientists at the US Center for Atmospheric Research have put forward a sensational hypothesis. By 2040, the planet's climate will change beyond recognition. Southern Europe, Latin America, most of the Asian states, the Middle East, the central part of the United States and Africa will turn into continuous arid deserts.

In Northern Europe, Alaska, Russia, Canada and India, the opposite process will occur - endless rains and floods. Every day, nature presents humanity with new evidence of climate change. The earth is on the eve of the apocalypse, researchers say.

In recent years, the terms "anomalous", "largest" and "unprecedented" can be applied to almost every weather phenomenon. This means that very soon we will live on another planet. In a few years, such megacities as Delhi, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, Tel Aviv, Shanghai will be completely unsuitable for existence.

A little later, Moscow will be on this list. It turns out that the planet's climate can change dramatically. And a number of pieces of evidence make this hypothesis very plausible.

Proof 1: Weather Fever

September 8, 2015. An unprecedented sandstorm covered the entire Middle East. 5 people died from suffocation, several thousand were injured. A deadly whirlwind originated over the territory of Iraq, passed through Syria and poured tons of sand into Lebanon, Israel, Turkey and Cyprus.


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Suddenly the day turned into a yellow suffocating darkness. At the same time, a hurricane with hail struck Kazan. More than 200 vehicles were damaged by fallen trees, 19 injured. A state of emergency has been declared in the city.

August 31, 2015. Typhoon Goni hit the territory of the Russian Far East.

In Ussuriysk, the monthly rainfall fell in 8 hours. The zoo was practically destroyed. The animals drowned in locked cages. The city center and about a dozen surrounding villages are completely flooded. More than 10 thousand people were left without light. Forecasters called the typhoon the most destructive in the last 20 years. At the same time, forests are burning in Buryatia, Siberia and Lake Baikal.

September 2015. Lake Baikal.

For more than a month, the footage of this beautiful place more resembles an alien landscape: thick smoke obscures the sun.


The glow from the fires illuminates the horizon. Abnormal heat became the cause of unprecedented forest fires. Since May, forecasters have recorded more and more temperature records.

“We can say that this is an anomaly, because in terms of the number of hot days, dry days, Siberia and the Far East are increasingly encountering these phenomena … weather phenomena. It is becoming drier, that is, the territory of the Russian Federation follows the so-called arid scenario, that is, we are moving towards drought, as it were. Here somewhere on the planet it becomes more humid, more rains, and somewhere less. Baikal was not lucky in this sense,”says the expert.

On the Internet, in the public domain, you can find space monitoring data. According to them, in the Irkutsk region and Buryatia in July-August 2015, up to 1.5 million hectares of land were affected by fire. The reasons are cited as tourists and campfires.

But the main problem is Baikal itself. Back in January, its level fell 40 centimeters below the minimum allowable mark. The situation is the same with the large Russian rivers. This shocking footage was filmed in the Astrakhan nature reserve. Due to the shallowing of the Volga this year, an ecological

By early summer, the level of the Kuibyshev reservoir near Kazan turned out to be three meters lower than last year. Along the bottom of the Uglichsky reservoir, you can walk to the famous Kalyazin bell tower. Below critical levels this year the water dropped on the Oka, Dnieper and Don.

There is not enough water in the Yenisei and the Angara. Cyclones no longer bring rains that have been poured over the centuries. And this is yet another indisputable proof of global climate change. And here's another anomaly. This summer moisture was concentrated in large quantities along the entire Black Sea coast.

Chief meteorologist of Abkhazia Levard Bartsyts:

“Recently we have been observing a tendency that the air masses that penetrated from the north (such as the Arctic, Siberian, anticyclones sometimes penetrated here practically and even this cyclone in Azores then), their number is gradually decreasing. The Mediterranean tropical air masses are beginning to actively penetrate the territory."

Proof 2: Space Cold

Astronomers provide new evidence of climate change. The fact is that our planet, together with the solar system, revolves around the center of the galaxy.


And on its way there are sections with different density of cosmic matter.

Imagine that you need to move from point A to point B. It is one thing to walk down an empty street. And it's quite another to fight your way through the crowd or make your way in the jungle. Dense cosmic matter delays the movement of the Earth in Space.

“The following happens. Components such as the magnitude of gravity change, and the density of time changes. And this change in density will entail a change in the parameters of, as they say, the Earth's climate,”says the expert.

With the invention of the atomic clock, it became possible to accurately measure the speed of the Earth's rotation. Scientists confirm that this speed changes at different times. Since 2004, the Earth's rotation has slowed down and the temperature has dropped. This era will last until about 2039.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, head of laboratories of the Roshydrometeorological Center Nikolai Sidorenkov is sure that if you closely monitor the speed of rotation of our planet, most weather cataclysms can be predicted. There is another factor that influences the weather.

There is a huge mass in the orbit of the Earth - the Moon. None of the planets discovered by astronomers anymore have such satellites. Together with the Moon, the weight of our planet increases by a quarter. The Earth-Moon system revolves around a single center of mass, which is located at a depth of 4.5 kilometers under the Earth. Depending on the position of the Moon, the Earth changes its shape. Either stretching along the equator, then shrinking back.

“This, of course, affects the speed of the Earth's rotation, and now, building these graphs and observing these changes in the speed of the Earth's rotation, in the end, it means, quite unexpectedly, it was discovered that Earth's processes are also synchronized with these fluctuations. The weather turns out to be changing in accordance with these fluctuations,”Sidorenkov said.

At certain times, the Earth and the Moon come into resonance. Then the temperature difference between the coldest and warmest seasons increases by as much as five degrees.

“This means that in July we will have a maximum temperature of not 19 degrees, but 24 degrees, the average daily temperature, and in January it will not be 10 degrees, but minus 15 degrees - the average daily temperature and the average January. Well, and accordingly, there will be a cold winter and a very hot summer,”added Sidrenkov.

It was this kind of resonance that caused the 2010 heat wave. Similar anomalies of the 72nd and 38th years fit well into the same scheme. Then peat bogs also burned out around Moscow. Scientists explain the catastrophic floods and drought of recent years by the peculiarities of the moon's motion.

In the fall of 2013, such an asymmetry in the motion of the moon led to the formation of blocking cyclones. Continuous rains fell in the upper reaches of the Amur. The result is an unprecedented flood, flooded cities, destroyed infrastructure. And all this is due to the change in the speed of rotation of the Earth. The evidence for an impending disaster is compelling, but there are others.

Proof 3: Burnt Sun

The Earth's temperature directly depends on how much heat it receives from its star - the Sun. This means that it is the Sun that should have the greatest impact on the Earth's climate change. To check this version, we went to the mountains of the North Caucasus. Kislovodsk Astronomical Station.


For more than fifty years, scientists have been observing the star here. In the first half of the 19th century, the German astronomer G. Schwabe discovered the periodicity of the appearance of spots on the sun. The more spots, the higher the activity, the more heat the Earth receives. Throughout the 20th century, the Sun increased its activity every 10 years.

Scientists today are faced with an unprecedented phenomenon. The sun spots have disappeared. And with the onset of a new, 25th cycle, they did not appear. The mechanism that had worked for centuries ceased to function.

A similar pattern was observed on the Sun in the second half of the 17th century. Engravings by medieval artists brought to us the views of the frozen Thames and the frozen Baltic Sea.

The period of the inactive sun was called the Maunder minimum. Since 2008, scientists have observed twice as few sunspots on the Sun as during the entire observation period in the 20th century. This means that today the Earth receives no more energy than during the last Little Ice Age.

Scientists all over the world together rushed to predict the onset of the next glaciation. But now the temperature of much of the Earth is rising. This paradox is easy to explain. It turns out that man is able to change the climate of the planet.

Proof 4: Warming up against all odds

In recent years, meteorologists have been stating an amazing fact. Despite no apparent reason, the planet is warming up. According to averaged data, its temperature has increased by almost two degrees over the past half century. Addictions that have worked for centuries no longer work.

Greenpeace ecologists say: it's all about the mass production and combustion of hydrocarbons. Over hundreds of millions of years, a clear mechanism has developed on the planet that regulates the Earth's climate. There were both warming and cold snaps. But never before has the planet faced such aggressive human activity. For 200 years man has been burning fuel and heating the planet. And the carbon dioxide released at the same time slowly but surely accumulates in the atmosphere.

This is how the Earth warms up process: The sun's rays reach the planet, are reflected from its surface and go back into space. In this case, the reflected light changes its wavelength and becomes heat. This is where the notorious greenhouse gases get in the way. First of all, carbon dioxide. Mankind ejects millions of tons of it from cars, power plants, metallurgical furnaces. CO2 is the sword of Damocles of our civilization.

Few people know that as a result of fuel combustion by people, almost 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere annually. This is 150 times more than all the volcanoes of the planet combined. Scientists also calculated a kind of "quota". In total, the Earth's atmosphere is capable of accommodating 1200 billion tons of carbon dioxide.

If the creation of the planet's transparent blanket continues at the same pace, the point of no return and climatic apocalypse will come in 30 years.

Eternal Frost. Climate change is the main danger for Russia here. This is Arkhangelsk. A city built in permafrost. Houses are being built here on piles that are firmly embedded in the age-old layers of ice. Murmansk, Magadan, Anadyr, Yakutsk, Mirny, Norilsk, Igarka, Nadym, Vorkuta and many other cities were built in the same way.

Permafrost occupies 65% of the area of our country. Today the entire territory is in danger. Piles go into the ground, houses lie on the ground. In winter, the soil does not gain its former strength. If the piles fall unevenly, the building simply falls apart before our eyes. Several years ago, a house also stood on this site.

Resident of Yakutsk Alina Shapoval:

“We walked, it turns out. We went out onto the porch and heard a crack at first, and everyone who was in the apartment was frightened, and that a crack went along the ceiling on the second floor first, and then noises began to be heard, as if something was crumbling, and then it began everything seems to fall down. And these concrete slabs that were lying, they just broke in half, and everything was as it were."

Then more than a hundred people were on the verge of death. The Yakut rescuers worked promptly.

Nikolay Nakhodkin, head of the Yakutia Rescue Service:

“It happened at night. The house went at the seams, where the middle of the house sagged, and since this process, well, not all at once, yes, it happened that it collapsed there, partly began to crumble, a crash. And when there was a call, well, the rescuers jumped up and woke people up to their homes, apartments, and they were taken outside. And by that time, just now, well, the middle of the house had sunk."

Due to the subsidence of the soil, only in Yakutsk over the past few years, the old registry office building, the hostel and a dozen more houses had to be demolished.

Proof 6: Ice Age

What conditions of life in different centuries mankind had to face, archaeologists can say for sure. Their findings prove that the planet's climate has changed many times over the past 20 thousand years. Most of this time, the territory of Europe was covered by a multi-kilometer glacier.


Tver region. Few people know that the hilly terrain is the result of pushing through the land with many kilometers of ice. This is confirmed by archaeological excavations. The living conditions of people in those days were extreme.

The main prey for people then served as mammoths, woolly rhinos and reindeer. Rock paintings depicting these animals are found as far as the south of Europe. A few thousand years ago, 50-degree frosts were normal for the inhabitants of modern France and Spain.

Paradoxically, it was at the peak of climatic cataclysms that humanity evolved most rapidly. In the third - fourth millennium BC, three great cultures arose simultaneously in three places of the globe - Egypt, Mesopotamia, India. Later, all three were swept away by barbarians - nomads. These were the first climatic wars, because nomads fled from drought during warming.

Herodotus wrote that the Black Sea freezes in winter, for eight months of the year there is an "unbearable cold" in the Black Sea region, and the ice of the Kerch Strait is able to withstand cavalry. Recently, the words of the ancient historian were confirmed by archaeologists. They did not find grape seeds in the cultural layers of those times.

For five hundred years BC, grapes did not grow in the Crimea. Even in Rome in those days, snow lay for forty days a year. The Greco-Persian wars that broke out 500 years before our era can be safely considered climatic.

What happened in the 1st century AD can be safely called global warming. For some 200 years, the glacier from our middle zone has gone beyond the Arctic Circle. Ancient Rome experienced heat and drought year after year. Crop failure prompted the conquest of land where grain could be grown.

As a result, colonies were captured in the Middle East and North Africa. This is how the great Roman Empire came into being. She also fell as a result of the climatic war, when the nomads of the Huns lost their pastures in the Trans-Volga region due to a strong cold snap in the 4th – 5th centuries. They destroyed the empire. Today humanity is on the brink of a new climate war.

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Vladimir Polevanov studied in detail the isotopic composition of the ice in Greenland and Antarctica. Eternal ice froze in layers. Their depth corresponds to a particular century. Therefore, it is possible to accurately determine the temperature of the planet in any era.

Scientists have drilled wells three kilometers deep into the ice and 700 thousand years back. And they proved that humanity urgently needs to prepare for a new ice age.

Studies of eternal ice have shown that we live in the last period of a warm climate on Earth. And soon, as has happened many times in history, the cold should come. This completely makes the whole fight against global warming meaningless. And it makes the Kyoto Protocol a political instrument.

According to Polevanov, global warming is a policy, to maintain which round sums are spent annually. The real picture in the USA and Canada is far from warming. They are trying to hide information. Few people know that Google suddenly removed the Arctic ice maps from public access a few years ago. Vladimir Polevanov managed to see these maps.

The temperature in North America is falling, for which there are completely objective and understandable reasons. At first glance, they seem fantastic. Is it possible that one man-made disaster can change the climate on the planet?

Proof 7: Cold Gulf Stream

April 20, 2010. Accident at an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico. About 2 million tons of oil got into the sea. US President Obama called this event the disaster of the century. All Florida beaches and a quarter of America's coasts are endangered.

To somehow change the situation, hundreds of tons of coagulants were dumped into the sea - substances that precipitate oil to the bottom. The beaches were saved, but dealt a heavy blow to the main climate-forming factor of the Northern Hemisphere - the Gulf Stream.

Five years have passed since the accident on the oil platform. However, the warm African current is not recovering. Today it carries 30% less heat than it did before 2010. What the weather in Europe and on the Atlantic coast of the United States speaks volumes about.

The cooling of the Gulf Stream caused a chain reaction. Air currents over the Atlantic Ocean have changed. Air currents go along the meridians of the earth. For example, the one that hit the Middle East on September 8, 2015. Hot air burst out of the Sahara Desert, carrying hundreds of tons of sand. The tornado crossed the entire territory of Syria.

More than five thousand people ended up in hospitals. Several suffocated right in the streets. The next victims are in Lebanon. Beirut is covered with a layer of sand dust. Further Israel. Tel Aviv has never seen anything like this. The temperature of the air soaked in sand is forty degrees. Visibility is less than a meter!

People are asked not to go out into the streets. Forecasters fear that the wind is carrying more than sand from war-torn Syria. Dust can be impregnated with toxic substances. A natural disaster has engulfed the entire Middle East. Echoes of sandstorms periodically roll to the Black Sea coast.

Dust clouds rise over deserts and are transported hundreds of kilometers. This has never happened before. In general, Abkhazia can be considered a kind of litmus test of climate change on the planet.

Chief meteorologist of Abkhazia Levard Bartsyts:

“There is no active human activity, that is, human anthropogenic activity is very weakly expressed here. There are no large factories and other industries here, or they do not interfere with the natural course of development of the natural environment on the territory of Abkhazia. And here the population density is insignificant."

At the same time, the mountainous relief allows one to observe changes in five climatic zones at once, up to the tundra. Today meteorologists are at a loss - the mechanisms of weather prediction that have worked for centuries are crumbling before our eyes.

Winter began to come here only in January. There is almost no snow. And even swallows began to arrive and hatch a few weeks earlier. In the summer months, however, humidity increased sharply.

Abnormal weather is observed all over the world. Ice caps are rapidly melting in Altai, in the Andes and in the Pamirs. Due to the lack of snow, the ski season in Switzerland and the German Alps has been disrupted more than once. Water from glaciers flows down, causing a rise in the level of the world ocean. And this is yet another indisputable proof of climate change on our planet.

Proof 8: The Ocean Is Coming

According to the UN, about forty million people become "climate refugees" every year. People are forced to change their place of residence due to natural disasters. By 2050, the number of such migrants will grow to 250 million. Their cities will be flooded with water.


London and Venice, Florida and the entire Atlantic coast of the United States will disappear from the face of the Earth. The Netherlands and Denmark, Buenos Aires, the coast of Uruguay, most of Paraguay will be under water. There will be no trace of island states like the Maldives.

The chief meteorologist of Abkhazia Levard Bartsyts often comes to this seashore. Here, under water, is hidden the great city of antiquity - the Greek Dioscuriada. With streets, houses and temples. During its heyday, the sea was shallower by several meters.

The sea rises due to the melting ice of the Arctic and Antarctica. During the 20th century, the ocean grew by 17 centimeters.

In recent years, scientists have noticed a sharp shift in climatic zones. On the site of the tundra, crooked forests flourish, forests stubbornly advance on alpine meadows. The pests that froze in winter now reproduce safely and destroy boxwood groves.

Ritsa relict national park. One of the most beautiful corners of the North Caucasus. There are dozens of unique lakes high in the mountains. Today they are drying up.

The average temperature in the mountains has risen by more than two degrees since 1990. It would seem that global warming is evident. But the long history of the planet makes scientists make a fantastic conclusion - the warming is temporary. It always precedes the onset of the ice age.

And here's another classified fact. While there are disputes about whether we should be afraid of warming or not, a secret policy is being implemented in the world. It is based on the prospects for global cooling. That is why Britain is expanding its gas storage facilities fourfold, Europe is increasing gas purchases, and America is implementing an environmentally damaging project - shale gas production.

Wars in the Arab territories are one of the sides of the climatic redistribution of the World. In a few years, North America and Europe may lack fertile land.

Historians and archaeologists have found multiple traces of erosion on the paws of the famous Egyptian Sphinx. Such traces could only have been left by perennial turbulent water flows and tropical showers. Ancient Egypt had a mild climate and fertile lands. The cities of Syria, which are being blown up by ISIS fighters today, were once also buried in greenery. Modern Libya will become a fertile land after the impending climate catastrophe.

But no matter how tense the leaders of the superpowers and bankers, none of them is able to change the temperature of the Earth even by one degree. The planet's climate is changing. This hypothesis can be considered proven. And it will be much more difficult for a person to survive in the new reality. This is also an indisputable fact.

While the planet is being redistributed, the Solar System moves through the Galaxy, the pipes continue to smoke, and the temperature changes dramatically. And humanity is approaching the next Ice Age. But no one can name the exact date of this Apocalypse yet.
