War Of The Future: The USA And Russia Are Measured Against Climate Weapons - Alternative View

War Of The Future: The USA And Russia Are Measured Against Climate Weapons - Alternative View
War Of The Future: The USA And Russia Are Measured Against Climate Weapons - Alternative View

Video: War Of The Future: The USA And Russia Are Measured Against Climate Weapons - Alternative View

Video: War Of The Future: The USA And Russia Are Measured Against Climate Weapons - Alternative View
Video: Attack Terrible: US Deploys 15,000 Navy & 30,000 Troops-Tanks in Black Sea After Russian Warning 2024, September

It will soon be possible to defeat any country without any army and without a single soldier.

From a spear with a stone tip and a bow and arrow, humanity stepped to firearms, and then nuclear weapons, evolving, so to speak, in methods and means of destroying each other. Such arsenals of weapons have accumulated on planet Earth that wars can be waged continuously on a global scale. And the process of developing and creating new weapons continues - preparations for the wars of the future are in full swing.

What did the man do before when the thunder struck? That's right - he was baptized. Only now it is often useless to appeal to heavenly powers - back in the 1950s, it became clear to scientists that due to supercooling of the clouds, precipitation can be caused. And when, say, the clouds are "dispersed" in Moscow, the next day the Moscow Region and neighboring regions are flooded with torrential rains. Here, no matter how much you overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross, and the abyss of heaven will open at the will of man.

People have always dreamed of using weather disasters for military purposes and have made considerable progress in the study of climate weapons. Even during the Vietnam War, the US military tested it in practice, when, as part of Operation Popeye (named after the cartoon sailor), from 1967 to 1972, they sprayed 5,400 tons of silver iodide and lead iodide over the jungle. The result was a threefold increase in precipitation, and the rainy season in the Upper Mekong increased from 30 to 45 days. It can be assumed that the 1971 flood, which literally washed away 10 percent of Vietnam's territory, including the famous Ho Chi Minh trail, was caused precisely by the climatic experiments of the Americans.

Subsequently, studies were carried out in the United States within the framework of the Stormfury project to manage hurricanes and typhoons, in which the Pentagon also showed particular interest. And it seems that they even managed to "retarget" the hurricane from the shores of the States to Panama in 1969, but there is no reliable evidence of this, and the program itself was curtailed in the early 1980s.

The Soviet Union had its own program of research on the effect on the behavior of winds, which was carried out in conjunction with Cuba located in the underbelly of the United States. Despite the international treaty banning any climate weapons from 1977, these developments did not stop and were carried out "for peaceful purposes", but they were never brought to their logical conclusion. The power plant, capable of heating thousands of kilometers of airspace, was then not possible purely in practice.

Already together with France, the Soviet Union conducted the Arake experiment, during which volleys of electrons were fired along the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field, the resonance from which was recorded at a station in the Arkhangelsk region. As a result, an infra-low frequency transmitter was created, called the "Russian Woodpecker", capable of interrupting communications throughout the planet in the range from 3 to 30 megahertz with the help of an increasing transmitter. It got its name from the fact that the pulses were transmitted at intervals of one tenth of a second, as a result of which a pulsating knock sounded in the radios. At the same time, the energy of the "woodpecker" completely duplicated the rhythms of the human brain, therefore it was assumed that by sending electromagnetic waves to the United States, one could influence the psychological state of people. Washington then responded by building a series of GWEN-designed towers to broadcast low-frequency waves for self-defense (they are now used for the Pentagon's underground military communications).

In 1981, the Sura research facility was put into operation (Vasilsursk, Nizhny Novgorod region), developed by the Institute of Thermal Processes. The complex was designed to study the relationship between ionospheric disturbances and processes occurring in the Earth's atmosphere. The "military component" worked out the violation of the location and radio communication of a potential enemy. Formed by "Sura" plasma clots in the ionosphere completely drowned out the American early warning missile launch systems. Now this setup, at least officially, is not used due to side effects - changes in the atmosphere.

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The United States responded by building the HAARP complex in Alaska, the antennas of which are supposedly capable of forming clots of energy in the atmosphere and moving them to any point on the Earth, causing floods, typhoons, hurricanes, extreme heat and other disasters. The station was mothballed at one time, but at the end of 2017, work on the study of the ionosphere was resumed with particular activity, while "scientific research for peaceful purposes" for some reason is financed by the Pentagon.

So, despite the prohibitions on the use of any types of climate weapons on Earth, they exist and can be used in the event of global armed conflicts - without sending soldiers into battle on the enemy's territory, it is possible to destroy its infrastructure due to artificial natural disasters.

You won't surprise anyone with combat drones in the sky, drones are becoming more and more widespread on the ground, and not only as a means of mine clearance and reconnaissance, but already for offensive combat use. So the prospect of attacking tank robots, supported by robotic steel soldiers, is not that far off. The development of drones for the fleet, both surface and submarine, is actively underway. One of the combat missions successfully mastered by remotely controlled boats was patrolling the bases of ships and the fight against saboteurs and terrorists who sometimes use floating craft filled with explosives.

An analogue of modern marine drones was developed in the Soviet Union back in the 1930s, when the G-5 radio-controlled torpedo boat appeared, which was guided from a specially equipped MBR-2VU seaplane. Already in 1965, a project 347A "Fregat" radio-controlled rescue boat was created, which was dropped into the water from a Tu-16S aircraft and, at its command, approached those in distress. We also had other developments in this area, but today the leadership in the creation of marine drones belongs to the Israeli company "Raphael", which relatively recently created the boat "Protector" (Protector). It has several modes of operation, switchable depending on the changing situation, the boat can be controlled by radio from a ship, helicopter or ground command post. A number of commands "Protector" are capable of performing in automatic mode,using inertial and satellite navigation systems. If the control signal is lost, the boat itself returns to base. The equipment of the "Toplight" system on board includes a video camera capable of "seeing" in limited visibility, a thermal imaging camera and a laser rangefinder. Armament "Protector" consists of a remotely controlled module, which can be armed with both 7.62 or 12.7 machine guns, and 40-mm automatic grenade launcher. The diesel engine provides the boat with a speed of 50 nautical knots (92.6 km / h). Armament "Protector" consists of a remotely controlled module, which can be armed with both 7.62 or 12.7 machine guns, and 40-mm automatic grenade launcher. The diesel engine provides the boat with a speed of 50 nautical knots (92.6 km / h). Armament "Protector" consists of a remotely controlled module, which can be armed with both 7.62 or 12.7 machine guns, and 40-mm automatic grenade launcher. The diesel engine provides the boat with a speed of 50 nautical knots (92.6 km / h).

In the same Israel, since 2006, they have been producing a remotely controlled boat "Silver Marlin" - 10.6 meters long with two 315-horsepower diesel engines. Depending on the equipment installed, it can perform patrol, anti-terrorist, mine action, search and rescue missions. An unmanned boat “Spartan Scout” has been developed in the USA with modifications of 7 and 11 meters. Sweden has created a 4-meter boat "Piraya", a feature of which is also that one operator can control several of these small warships with machine guns on board. The Americans, with their gigantomania, in 2016 began testing the unmanned boat "Si Hunter" 40 meters long and 145 tons displacement, which is built according to the trimaran scheme - with a central hull and two side floats. The purpose of this "giant" in the line of other drones (speed of 27 nautical knots with a cruising range of up to 10,000 nautical miles) is to search for and destroy diesel-electric submarines.

Russia also does not stand still, but keeping the concept primarily of the development of the nuclear submarine fleet, and drones are also producing underwater drones. For example, on the rather old nuclear submarine "Podmoskovye", after modernization, a compartment with equipment for underwater work and a docking node in the lower part of the hull appeared, especially for robotic complexes - unmanned mini-submarines. And in the 50th "secret" shop of the Severodvinsk shipyard "Sevmash" a few years ago the first submarine of the fifth generation nuclear submarine series was laid down. It is assumed that the new submarines will receive broader opportunities for the use of both traditional weapons - torpedoes, cruise and ballistic missiles, and mini-submarines, which will perform independent tasks, having received a command from a boat or an air command post.

Testing of such mini-boats without crew on board has been going on in Russia since 2008. It is known that the tests took place in the North and in the Pacific Ocean, in the Kuril region. The target of such an atomic drone can be anything - an aircraft carrier squadron, a base of strategic aircraft carriers. It is almost impossible to detect it due to its small size and low noise when driving underwater. A mini-submarine can launch a warhead or itself become a kind of torpedo.

Another unique Russian development with an atomic engine and nuclear ammunition "Skif" is, rather, not even a submarine, but a rocket. In any case, there are no people on board, the control is carried out remotely. At the same time, it can change its place of deployment even before combat use. Even if a potential enemy detects the area of the Scythians from a Russian submarine, the devices can move a considerable distance and only then lay down on the bottom. At the same time, at the first stage, the underwater missiles themselves make a noise that imitates the operation of the submarine's power plant in order to confuse the enemy and allow the submarine to leave the area. And then they become silent and occupy a position unknown to anyone. The Scythians can take off from the depths anywhere - in the immediate vicinity of the target,which practically excludes the possibility of their destruction.

Gliders are also being developed in Russia - autonomous gliding underwater vehicles that move in water like fish - due to changes in buoyancy. They look like torpedoes - with wings and a tail. An apparatus weighing 15−35 kilograms moves not with a screw, but thanks to a special accumulator that consumes a minimum of energy. Gliders move silently and almost imperceptibly under water, moving over long distances. They are able to conduct reconnaissance, are used as anti-mine and anti-submarine weapons. They can carry weapons - specially created 120-mm micro-torpedoes, which will be equipped with new explosives, in terms of their effectiveness comparable to "serious" 533-mm torpedoes. It is assumed that gliders may enter service with the Russian Navy in the near future.

And here's the latest news from the world of unmanned ships - the president of the United Shipbuilding Corporation Alexey Rakhmanov just recently announced that an unmanned transport ship will be created in Russia in three years. He also stressed that unmanned research devices will be created in Russia next year, after which they will begin joint tests with both civilian and military customers.

Victor Sokirko
