Can Inanimate Objects Affect Human Life - Alternative View

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Can Inanimate Objects Affect Human Life - Alternative View
Can Inanimate Objects Affect Human Life - Alternative View

Video: Can Inanimate Objects Affect Human Life - Alternative View

Video: Can Inanimate Objects Affect Human Life - Alternative View
Video: Can You Create Life? 2024, July

It is believed that many things, and first of all it concerns the old ones, can change human destinies. Antique items sometimes behave as if they have a soul and influence us in a variety of ways. There is a huge amount of information and historical facts about damned paintings and cars, about possessed dolls and even jewelry capable of killing.

Parapsychologists believe that old things, as if bit by bit, draw into themselves the energy of the former owners. Gradually, passing from one owner to another, the antique thing begins to have its own character. And the more owners the item had, the stronger this phenomenon. This is also confirmed by many collectors and museum workers.

Vengeful chest of drawers. Eyewitness Gennady

I am a restorer. I make my living by finding old things, buying them, restoring them, and then selling them. Once I got a pre-revolutionary chest of drawers darkened from time to time. I bought it for trifling money from my friend's grandmother. I was very pleased with my purchase. But my girlfriend Lena did not immediately fall in love with him. The chest of drawers was large and took up a lot of space in our already small apartment. However, Lena, too, was once not distinguished by a docile character, she loved to arrange scenes over trifles.

On the very first day the old chest of drawers received a nickname from Lena, she called him "Goblin". One day Lena went to the store, and before that kicked him so hard that a crack appeared in it. Returning, near the very entrance, Lena slipped, fell and received a broken arm. Then these two incidents I did not connect with each other. But in vain …

A little time passed, my girlfriend's hand healed, and she again did not get along with the chest of drawers: she pulled too hard on the handle of the drawer, tore it out, which is called "with meat." I told her then, they say, it's enough to constantly break this chest of drawers, in your interests, so that I can quickly restore and sell it. On the same day, my girlfriend's KIA was left without a bumper, it was touched tangentially by some reckless driver on an SUV.

Further more. As soon as Lena began to disrespectfully handle the chest of drawers, or broke something off of it, some kind of trouble happened: either she would lose her phone, then she would flood the neighbors below. Once she was washing the window, she felt dizzy and almost fell out. And we lived on the seventh floor! She began to blame the "Goblin" for all her troubles. However, I insisted that I should be friends with him. And together we began to work on its restoration. She liked this activity so much that she even began to call this chest of drawers not "goblin", but "my darling."

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