Human Eyes. Third Eye - Alternative View

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Human Eyes. Third Eye - Alternative View
Human Eyes. Third Eye - Alternative View

Video: Human Eyes. Third Eye - Alternative View

Video: Human Eyes. Third Eye - Alternative View
Video: What is the Third Eye? 2024, October

Why are human eyes considered the mirror of the soul? Answer: The eyes belong to the organs of vision. With their help, a person receives the most information about the external world, which helps him to correctly navigate in it. The eyes help to learn about the world, to navigate when moving, to see danger. They belong to the so-called analyzers, that is, organs that allow a person to analyze what is outside of his own body.

But the eyes are also a communication of a person with the subtle world of his shells, for this reason they are called the “mirror of the soul”. The eyes are the connection with the human soul.

They have the same bond with all thin shells. Therefore, their emissions are mixed. By the eyes you can determine with which shell they are more connected. If, for example, base desires are reflected in them, then the connection goes with the astral shell. If a person is thinking, then more with the mental. However, the human condition is constantly changing, so their expression also changes.

The eyes radiate subtle energy, which so far no device of the physical plane is able to record. These are a kind of two lasers, the mirrors of which are the retina. She focuses this energy. Particles of subtle energy, of a material type, are light leptons and others. They can be radiated by the person himself, as well as transform the energy of thought work, impulses of the soul and send them into space.

Unlike the coarser energy that radiates through our limbs, the energy of the eyes is the most subtle of all types of material energies, except for thought. It is only an order of magnitude lower in vibration than the energy of thought.

That is why a person, getting acquainted with another or simply contacting him, looks into his eyes. At this time, at the subconscious level, the information received from the radiation of the eyes is being processed, and the brain perceives only visual and auditory information, that is, information at the level of consciousness, mind. The combination of both information, if it is received correctly, makes it possible for the mind and heart to judge a person, what he says, how he acts, and what is his essence, his ego, which manifests itself precisely in the radiation of the eyes.

A person who owns the technique of decoding this type of energy cannot be deceived, misled, since he will perceive another not only with his mind, which is mistaken, but also with his heart, which cannot be deceived.

How powerful the stream splashing out through the eyes can be can be judged by individual moments of life. In moments of anger, some people throw such powerful looks that they stop their opponent. The flow of energy from the eyes of one person is able to stop the action of another person and is often reprehensible. For example, a look of condemnation, contempt can stop a lot. Conversely, the energy of a different quality is able to push another person to action. For example, the energy of admiration, approval inspires, inspires another person.

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The eyes are the only human organ that can very eloquently explain the inner state of a person, the state of his soul. The energy emanating from the eyes is multi-quality. That is why we, looking into other people's eyes, catch these qualities, and they form a characteristic of a person in our subconscious mind: our brain catches the emitted energy from the eyes of another person and, like a computer, instantly divides it subconsciously into qualitative characteristics.

The energies of emotions and desires are processed and produced by the astral shell. Therefore, all sensory radiations emitted by the eyes come from this area of subtle matter or subtle constituent of the soul. And if it is this shell that intensively works, then in the eyes of a person, some emotions are replaced by others.

For example, we catch in our eyes the energy of anger and goodness, the energy of tenderness and love, that is, we just determine what quality of energy is being emitted at the moment. And this is the connection with the astral shell. All our senses, first of all, are converted into energy of a certain frequency in the astral body. And our brain, fixing these types of radiation, deciphers the characteristics of the person himself according to the quality of energy: he is good or evil, speaks the truth or lies, mocks something or, on the contrary, admires.

Each outburst of the soul is a burst of a different kind of psychic energy, therefore, being sufficiently observant, one can learn with a high degree of accuracy to determine the qualitative components of the soul and the essence of the individual himself, which manifests itself in the most characteristic radiations of the eyes.

Even when a person is thinking or dreaming, one can grasp the power of thought and the degree of reflection. In this case, the mental shell works. One thinks with concentration and tenseness, the other calmly and easily, the third - a little thoughtful. And all this expresses the look. Through the eyes flows not only the multi-type energy of the astral body, but also the mental, thinking, thought body, which also carries its own spectrum of energies.

Thus, even at least two types of subtle radiations can be identified by a person by looking: the energy of the astral body and the energy of the mental. If the eyes express feelings, these are the energies of the astral shell, that is, it is this shell that is currently involved in active work. If the gaze is thinking, analyzing, investigating or dreamy, then the mental shell has been included in the work. Further more difficult.

In sufficiently developed people, eyes can have certain magical properties: hypnotize, can attract to themselves or, conversely, repel; the energy of the eyes can heal or damage the protective shells of other people, it can expel the unwanted Spirit for you.

By the eyes you can determine the fate of a person. The eyes are the most highly developed sense organ, but a person does not use them the way he should have used according to the original intention of the Creators (and they are silent about it). With certain exercises, a very high level of mastery of the visual apparatus can be achieved.

If you develop all the senses, your physical body and at the same time improve your soul, then all this in unity will help a person achieve such results that no one else suspects. These results should include the ability at the right moment to collect huge energy for a specific action or one's own energy protection, the ability to dematerialize at will: to disappear and reappear in some place. But this requires a lot of work on yourself.

The eyes themselves absorb a limited range of energies from the outside world. People who have a third eye absorb the full spectrum of energies of the physical plane. The eyes have the ability to both absorb and emit these energies. The resulting privileges of such people - they can see both physical and energy bodies, moreover, on all earthly planes. But people with such vision must have a stable, improved psyche, since a person with an ordinary psyche will not be able to react normally to everything that appears in front of him in the subtle worlds.

When energy is absorbed by the eyes, it is partially transferred to other shells of a person.

Through the eyes, one person can suck out the energy from another, moreover, he himself sometimes does not even suspect about it. Suction occurs arbitrarily due to different fields in people: one has a negative field, the other has a positive one. And although in terrestrial physics energy flows from minus to plus, here, in the world of subtle energies, it flows on the contrary from plus to minus. This is what people-vampires, who have a negative charge, use. They are looking for those who do not know how to protect themselves from other people's influence or their protective field is weakened by the disease. During the period of illness, the strength of the energy beam that is radiated from the eyes weakens in the patient, which means that his defense weakens. In the patient, the frequency of the energy emanating from the eyes also changes, and the power of the energy decreases.

Through the eyes, not one, but several types of energies, or rather, many, are also released, and their splash is sometimes so powerful that a person himself can feel the appearance of weakness. It is not for nothing that seriously ill patients who are fighting for every particle of energy in their bodies are constantly lying with their eyes closed. This is the body's defensive reaction. With extreme fatigue, the eyelids also close by themselves. All these are precautionary, protective measures aimed at preserving the internal energy of the body.

Often a person himself notices that as soon as he gets tired and closes his eyelids, it becomes much easier for him. In such a simple way, the leakage of energy from the body is prevented, and all of it goes to the rapid restoration of its strength.

When people calmly look into each other's eyes, it means that they have the same energy potentials and there is no suction.

However, when people interact with each other, other factors act on the basis of which one person is attracted to another or repelled. In most cases, this is just the influence of opposite fields, but the inner world of a person, the purity of his soul, his views and worldview, that is, this is already the psychological side, also has an impact.

If we talk about the physical side of the work of the eye apparatus, then we must remember that bioactive points from all organs are brought out to the iris of the eyes. This is done in order to feed them with the energy of the sun. By these points, people can recognize the state of health of a particular organ.

If the organ is diseased, then automatically through the iris of the eye it absorbs more energy than other organs. But this only happens ideally. And usually the body absorbs energy as a whole by all the bioactive points of the eye and then releases most of it after being redistributed to the diseased organ.

But this is in the event that the body itself is able to fight the disease. In other cases, since the perception and return of energy are disturbed due to an organ or eye disease, or a whole body system, the energy is supplied in small quantities, and it is only enough to distribute a little to the entire organism.

Eye color also plays a role in the absorption and distribution of energy. Brown eyes perceive a larger spectrum of radiation, blue eyes - a smaller one. But as far as radiation is concerned, blue eyes perceive radiation more than brown ones. Therefore, blue-eyed people need sunglasses or self-protection.

A person can heal himself through the eyes. But for this, the individual must have a certain level of knowledge that helps him to use his internal energy correctly in those processes that are necessary for the normal functioning of the organ. Everything requires great and accurate knowledge, not superficial.

What is the third eye? How to develop it?

Answer: Modern man received information about the third eye relatively recently. And after that, information about him began to grow rapidly. Many clairvoyants have appeared who are able to turn it on and off, seeing what is hidden from the eyes of an ordinary person.

When developing paranormal abilities, it is very important to learn how to turn them on and off, i.e. it is necessary to learn to manage any of its properties.

This organ is associated with the ajna chakra. When closed, everyone has a third eye, but not everyone has a predisposition to open. If the soul has little knowledge of life, it is not recommended for it to open its third eye, since it will not be able to correctly evaluate and perceive what will open to it in the subtle plane. Therefore, a person should know a lot about the subtle worlds, about himself and many other things.

Not everyone can open it. The very opening of the third eye is preceded by a certain preparation, since a person must be able to control those feelings, the appearance of which will cause the opening of the eye. Clairvoyance and clairaudience will open to him, and he will have to be prepared for this by a series of tests, his psyche will have to be tested, because an uninitiated person can go crazy.

Before opening his eyes, he must find out what is his mission on Earth, and whether he will need this gift in his future life. This is truly a gift from God, and it should be used not for advertising and amusing people, but as a working tool. In particular, it is well used for the diagnosis of diseases, it is determined by the psychological mood of a person, his internal and external data, etc.

Since not everyone can have the gift of clairvoyance, only a few should have the knowledge of how to open it. To open it, you need to develop all chakras and exercise to develop memory, sensitivity of both smell and touch, because the clairvoyant ceases to see how all people are, and switches to a large range of his vision.

From that moment on, he begins to see even a person familiar to him not as usual. He will see the inner essence of people. And a selfish, undeveloped person who has not been tested by life and does not understand the cost of suffering, will not be able to correctly respond to what he saw and not use it for some selfish or selfish purposes. Therefore, before opening such a gift in himself, a person needs to choose the path along which he will go, choose his goal. It should also be borne in mind that a person should not be too emotional, hot-tempered.

Previously, a person's predisposition to opening the third eye was determined by a priest, but due to the fact that the church has now moved a little away from this and, on the contrary, pursues such things, then it is necessary to use the methods known in other practices. One of the factors indicating the possibility of opening the third eye is a slight tickling sensation in the central region above the eyebrows. Emotions should fluctuate within a very limited range. You need to be able to control yourself, quickly come to balance.

People who can be easily pissed off will not be able to cope with what they have. A person should be calm externally and internally. He must begin the discovery of this property with the opening of his chakras, that is, they must all rotate. A person has a lot of them, but for each individual only a certain number works, some are closed. The third eye will require the work of all the chakras. In addition, a person must learn to own their work and open and close them at will.