Pineal Gland And Third Eye - Alternative View

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Pineal Gland And Third Eye - Alternative View
Pineal Gland And Third Eye - Alternative View

Video: Pineal Gland And Third Eye - Alternative View

Video: Pineal Gland And Third Eye - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Wake Up Ancient Viruses Unknown to Medicine 2024, October

Many different ancient traditions say that a physical gland nests deep in the center of our brain, which carries out telepathic transmission of thoughts and receiving visual images. This tiny, pea-sized, pine-shaped gland is known as the pineal gland or pineal gland. Basically, the word pineal comes from the Latin pinea, which means pinecone. Ancient cultures around the world were enchanted by the pinecone, pineal-shaped images of the pineal gland and used them in the highest forms of spiritual art. Pythagoras, Plato, Iamblichus, Descartes and others wrote about this gland with great reverence. It was called the seat of the soul. Obviously, if such a “third eye” receives direct images from the Source Field, we have not yet understood how this mechanism can work. But that doesn't necessarily mean the ancients were wrong.


The pineal gland, a pea-sized endocrine gland located in the geometric center of the brain, has fascinated many ancient cultures. Notice the shape of the pinecone.

Technically, the pineal gland is not part of the brain and is not protected by the blood-brain barrier. It is located approximately in the geometric center of the brain mass, is hollow inside, filled with a fluid that resembles water, and receives more blood than any other part of the body with the exception of the kidneys. Unprotected by the blood-brain barrier, the fluid within the pineal gland over time builds up more and more mineral deposits or "brain sand" that have optical and chemical properties similar to tooth enamel. On X-rays and MRIs, calcification looks like bone mass in the center of the brain. Doctors use a solid white cluster to tell if you have a tumor in your brain. If the white spot shifts to the side in the image, they know that the tumor has reshaped the brain.


X-rays showing a tumor in the left ventricle of the brain. The calcified pineal gland in the upper right image appears as a round white mass, slightly displaced by the tumor.

As I detailed in the 2012 Mystery documentary, pine cones are prominent in sacred art and architecture around the world in homage to the pineal gland. This truly amazing phenomenon has never been adequately explained. A Christian article entitled Pagans Love and Use Pine Cones in Their Art shows many images to support this point:

- Bronze sculpture from the cult of the Mysteries of Dionysus in the late Roman Empire displays a pinecone on the thumb, along with other strange symbols;

Promotional video:

- A statuette of a Mexican god holding pine cones and fur-tree grooves;

- The regalia of the Egyptian sun god Osiris from the museum in Turin, Italy, includes two "kundalini snakes"; they twine around each other, rising to the pinecone at the top;

- Assyro-Babylonian winged god Tammuz is depicted holding a pine cone;

- The Greek god Dionysus holds a regalia with a pine cone on top, symbolizing fertility;

- Bacchus, the Roman god of drunkenness and noisy fun, also holds the regalia in the form of a pine cone;

- The Catholic Pope carries a regalia with a pine cone just above the arm, then the cone expands into a stylized tree trunk;

- Many Roman Catholic candlesticks, ornaments, sacred decorations and architectural structures with a pine cone as a key design element;

- The largest pinecone sculpture in the world is striking in Vatican Square - in the Pinecone Courtyard.


Pope Benedict XVI holds the papal regalia, apparently symbolizing the ability to make contact with higher intelligence through the pineal gland.

We'll come back to these awesome Catholic examples in a minute. In the 2012 film Riddle, I also pointed out that the golden burial mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamun depicts the ureus or kundalini snake appearing on the forehead from the pineal gland. Buddha statues are often depicted with a third eye between the eyebrows as a towering circular area. The hair of the Buddha also appears to be stylized in the shape of the pineal gland. Almost all Hindu gods and goddesses have a bindi or third eye between their eyebrows. Many Hindus wear this symbol to this day. The hair of the Hindu god Shiva also looks like a stylized pineal gland, and the kundalini snakes twine around the neck.

After the release of the 2012 Riddle movie, I discovered a figurine of the Meso-American god Quetzalcoatl emerging from the mouth of a snake, and the snake's body curled up into the exact shape of the pineal gland. In the same sculpture, Quetzalcoatl wears a necklace made from pine cones. And even better: from below, energy waves flow into the pine cones. The mouth of the serpent frames Quetzalcoatl's face, just as you see on the helmet of a modern astronaut. Also, if you look at the images of the "Winged Serpent" at the Temple of Quetzalcoatl in Teotihuacan, you can easily see multiple images of pine cones carved along the serpent's heads.


Statuette of Quetzalcoatl emerging from the mouth of a serpent; he wears beads in the shape of pine cones. The very shape of the figurine is similar to the pineal gland.

Sacred stones

Ancient cultures also used sacred stones as a symbol of the pineal gland. The Sumerian version was called “Primitive Mountain”. They believed that at the time of the creation of Heaven and Earth, it was there that the first island of land from the primordial sea appeared. This implies that the pineal gland is the main place in the body that contacts the waters of the Spirit - the non-physical realms after life. In the culture of Babylon, the same mountain became the symbol of the axis of the earth (axis mundi) - the axis around which the world revolves, and / or the central navel of the earth. From there the gods came and went there. The mountain was depicted with the king standing at the top. To mark this most sacred place, a physical stone was erected there, which determined all the parallels and meridians, as well as the cardinal points of the compass.

The Egyptians also had the myth of the stone marking the center of the world; they called him Ben-Ben, and Atum (protector of the pharaohs) stood on him during the act of creation. Some forms of Ben-Ben stone are very similar to the pineal gland. It is believed that the pyramid's capstone and the pyramidal structure itself represent the Ben-Ben stone. This undeniably lends an incredibly new context to the Great Seal of the United States. Here we see a single eye in a triangle floating on top of the pyramid. Given the pyramid / Ben-Ben / third eye kinship, the symbolic connection between the Great Seal and the pineal gland is undeniable, and we will discuss this mysterious symbol in chapter 7. In early versions of the Great Seal of the United States, the bird on the obverse is not an eagle, it is by design. depicted as a phoenix.


An early version of the Great Seal of the United States (1776-1782) The bird is a stylized phoenix and does not look like an eagle at all.

The Egyptians painted the Ben-Ben stone along with the bird, placing it on either side of the stone and calling it the Bennu bird. The bird could be depicted as a hawk, eagle, heron or yellow wagtail, depending on which Egyptian source you are studying. And in Greek mythology, the Bennu bird is known as the phoenix. This enigmatic creature perished in the fire, followed by a spontaneous rebirth from the ashes, clearly linking the Bennu bird to a perfect spiritual awakening and transformation. The words Ben-Ben and Bennu are derived from the root syllable Bn, which in Egyptian means “ascension” or “ascend”. In some cases, together with the Ben-Ben stone, two serpents were drawn, very similar to the “kundalini serpent” in Hinduism. They illustrated energy currents traveling up the spine and into the pineal gland.

It is fascinating to note that in Egyptian mythology, the shouting of Bennu was believed to initiate great cycles of time. It was argued that the cycles are established by the divine mind, and Horus, the bird of Bennu, becomes an Egyptian deity associated with the division of time. It is very likely that the basic unit of time represented by Bennu's cry is a 25,920-year cycle, resulting from the slow wobble of the earth's axis. Then by association, Bennu and the 25,920-year cycle could have been a prophecy that at the end of the cycle, humanity would undergo a transformation like a phoenix, and to confirm this concept, we will explore other prophetic traditions. (Our exploration of the procession begins in chapter 6.) The Egyptian Book of the Dead offers instructions on how a spiritual seeker can (symbolically speaking) transform himself into a bird of Bennu or a phoenix.and the successful results of this practice are very interesting.

“I took off like a primordial one … I soared in the radiant radiance of the steps of the gods & helpp; For those in the know, this pure spell means going out on the day after death and transforming & helpp; And no evil has power over him."

In Hinduism, the lingam (penis) of Shiva is a stone in the shape of a pineal gland, it is mythologically associated with the center of the world, from where the god Shiva first broke through in a fiery spectacle. Again, we recall that the pineal gland is the geometric center of the brain and is considered the first point of contact for telepathic information exchange, as opposed to the idea of a god “breaking through” to transmit a message. Let's not forget that Shiva was also depicted with a completely open third eye, a kundalini serpent twisted around his neck, and his hair was stylized as a pineal gland.

In Greece, we have a stone - "navel", which was at the Oracle in Delphi, its shape is the pineal gland. It was believed that the god Apollo dwelt in this stone, and with his help the Oracle could communicate with Apollo and utter a prophecy. Some navel stones were depicted with a “kundalini serpent” coiled around it. The word “navel” (omphalos) in Greek means “center of the earth” and “navel”, and this area was the main geographical reference point for the entire Hellenic empire.


Greek coins with an eagle / phoenix and a navel stone with the Tree of Life growing out of it (above) and a winged god and baethil (house of god) with a keystone (below).

In the Roman Empire, the same stone was known as baethyl, a Phoenician word that later came to be spelled Beth el and apparently served as the root word for Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, the “main cornerstone” of Christendom. The baethyl stone has been directly associated with oracles and prophecy. A huge number of Greek and Roman coins on one side depict a navel or a baethyl stone, sometimes it is protected by a hawk (one of the ancient images of the Bennu bird) or snakes. Some coins show the “Tree of Life” - another symbol of the earth's axis, growing directly from or adjacent to a stone.

Other Roman coins bear a triangular navel, an isosceles triangle with a narrow base and two longer sides. The triangle resembles a pyramid and an obelisk. It is remarkably similar to the pyramid we see on the American dollar bill, albeit steeper. Even more interesting is that some of the Roman coins at the top of the triangle are cut with a horizontal line - the equivalent of a keystone. If you imagine a Roman coin with a navel on one side and a hawk or eagle on the other, you are very close to the Great Seal of the United States with a pyramid on one side and an eagle on the other. And it seems that this is not a coincidence.

Many Roman coins with a navel show a winged angel on the reverse side. The angel's design is very similar to the winged Babylonian gods such as Tammuz, who were depicted holding a pinecone in one hand and guiding it as if it possessed mystical powers.


Greek coins with the god Apollo sitting on a pinecone-shaped navel.

One coin from Syria (246-227 BC) shows the god Apollo sitting on a navel stone that clearly looks like a pine cone. Two other Greek coins show Apollo sitting on a navel stone, even more clearly stylized as a pine cone.

Given this history and the widespread use of the navel and baethyl on Greek and Roman coins, we can understand why the Italians placed a giant bronze pinecone statue in the center of St. Peter's Square in the Vatican and embedded the pinecone into the Pope's regalia. It is believed that the Pope is a messenger of God, and according to ancient traditions, this requires an “awakened” pineal gland. In the 2012 Enigma, I show that the Pope is not wearing the only pineal symbol.

The giant bronze pine cone in the Vatican is much taller than a human being and is surrounded by Egyptian symbols. She defines the Vatican as the center of the Roman Catholic world and the earth's axis, in full accordance with the ancient tradition. At the base, the statue is guarded by two lions, they sit on pedestals inscribed with Egyptian hieroglyphs. There are two birds on the sides, almost definitely representing the Egyptian Bennu / Phoenix, but this is not explained. Behind the pinecone statue is an open Egyptian-style sarcophagus, similar to the sarcophagus found in the Great Pyramid King's Chamber. In the Vatican, we find Egyptian obelisks everywhere with Christian symbols engraved on the tops as a sign of reconciliation.


Rear view of a pinecone in the Vatican, revealing an open Egyptian sarcophagus with a protective plexiglass covering to prevent people from entering.

A massive bronze pinecone is located in St. Peter's Square in the Pinecone Courtyard, in the northwest wing of the Renaissance Belvedere Courtyard. To the south we find the Braccio Nuovo Museum of Pope Pius VII. To the east we see the Chiromoni Gallery. The courtyard of Pope Inoccentius VIII is to the north, and the galleries of the Apostolic Library of Pope Sixtus V are to the west.


The Pinecone Courtyard in the Vatican, showing a giant pinecone statue (right) and a bronze “sphere within a sphere” sculpture (left) stylized as an eye.

The huge pinecone statue was cast in the first or second century AD by Publius Cincius Salvius, who engraved his name on the base. At the end of the 18th century, it was moved directly to the central entrance to the medieval St. Peter's Square. It was dismantled and moved to its current position before 1608.

Apparently, the Christian Fathers realized that the pinecone was an extremely important symbol when placed in the Vatican. Further clues can be found in the Bible when Jesus said: “The lamp for the body is an eye. So, if your eye is clean, then your whole body will be light. " In the center of the Pinecone Courtyard there is a “sphere within a sphere” sculpture. It expresses a variety of ideas, including the shell of a broken egg, perhaps the idea of two planets colliding, the concept of gears and mechanisms below the surface of the spheres. The two spheres are offset from each other by 90 °. And different physical models believed that we should make the same angular rotation (they call it “orthogonal rotation”) in order to enter higher dimensions. The intrigue is that this sculpture looks like a stylized eye. And this ties in with the ideathat the pinecone represents the pineal gland, or "third eye."


A close-up view of a bronze sculpture in the Pinecone Courtyard in the Vatican, resembling a broken egg and a mechanism hidden in it.

The tradition of Islam is also built around the sacred stone - the Kaaba - the main object of worship for pilgrims in the Holy Land in Mecca. Kaaba is the axis of the earth in the Islamic world, every Muslim of the planet prays, turning to Mecca. A small portion of the stone is open for kissing by pilgrims, and the site is surrounded by a polished metal brace that looks like a vertical stylized third eye. Therefore, the Kaaba may be another representation of the pineal gland, according to ancient tradition. In Ireland, there is a cult of stones dating back to around 200 BC. (which fits into the pattern), and the Turo Stone in County Galway, which looks like a navel, Ben-Ben, Shiva's lingam and baethyl with stylized waves of fire energy carved into the surface.

Recorded Legends

As the occultist Helena Blavatsky explains, the recorded history of the pineal gland as a possible gateway to the Field of Source, where it is discussed without veiled symbolism, begins with the writings of Pythagoras and Plato. In touching on the question of the Mysteries, she refers to a hidden tradition of secrecy, rooted in ancient Egypt and other civilizations of the distant past. To this day, there are “mystery schools” that continue to teach these ancient traditions.

“The key to the whole Pythagorean system, regardless of the particular science to which it is applied, is the general formula of unity in multiplicity, the idea that One develops and fills the many. Pythagoras called this science the science of numbers. Pythagoras taught that this science - the main one in all occultism - was revealed to people by “deities from the stars” - those godlike people who were the Divine Instructors of the Third Race. For the first time this science was taught by Orpheus to the Greeks, and for centuries it was passed on only to a “select few” in the Mysteries."

In Life of Pythagoras, Iamblichus repeats Plato's assertion that the study of the science of numbers awakens that organ in the brain, which the ancients described as the "eye of wisdom" - the organ now known to physiology as the pineal gland. Speaking about the mathematical disciplines, in the work Republic (Book VII) Plato says that "the soul of these disciplines has an organ, purified and enlightened, an organ that is worth keeping better than ten thousand corporeal eyes, since truth becomes visible through only one."

According to the prolific and controversial Freemasonry scholar Manly Palmer Hall, Freemasonry continues the tradition of the Egyptian mystery schools. He states that the biggest secret of the Masons is the rebirth of a human being into a Divine state through the awakening of the pineal gland. Each of the 33 degrees of Freemasonry corresponds to one of the vertebrae of the human spine, as the kundalini fire rises to merge with the pineal gland.

“The exact science of human rebirth is the Lost Key of Freemasonry, because Spiritual Fire, rising through thirty-three degrees, or vertebra, of the spinal column, enters the dome of the human brain and finally reaches the pituitary gland (Isis), where it conjures the pineal gland (Ra) and invokes to the Sacred Name. Operational Freemasonry, in the fullest sense of the word, means the process by which the Eyes of Horus are opened.

EW Budge observed that in some papyri illustrating the entry of the souls of the dead into the judgment hall of Osiris, the dead have a pine cone on their heads. The Greek mystics also carried sticks, on the end of which there was a bulge in the shape of a pinecone, which was called the rod of Bacchus. The human brain has a small body called the pineal gland, which is the sacred eye of the ancients and corresponds to the third eye of the cyclops. Little is known about the functioning of this pineal gland, which Descartes suggested (more astutely than he himself thought) might be the seat of the human spirit. As its name suggests, the pineal gland is a sacred pinecone in man - a single eye that cannot be opened until Hiram (Spiritual Fire) is raised through the sacred seals.which are called the Seven Churches of Asia”.

In another book, Occult Human Anatomy, Hall provides additional information on this deep Masonic secret.

“The Hindus teach that the pineal gland is the third eye, called the Dangma eye. Buddhists call it the all-seeing eye, and Christianity speaks of it as a single eye & helpp; It is assumed that the pineal gland secretes some fatty substance called resin, just like pine sap. It is assumed that this word (resin) refers to the founding of the Rosicrucian order, who worked on the secretion of the pineal gland and looked for the possibility of opening one eye, for the Scripture says "If your eye were One, your body would be filled with light."

(Pineal gland) is a spiritual organ, which in the future is destined to become what it already was, namely, a connecting link between human and divine nature. The vibrating finger at the end of this gland is the rod and scepter of the high priest. Some exercises, as taught by Eastern and Western secret schools, vibrate this small finger and this causes a buzzing or humming sound in the brain, which is sometimes very unpleasant, and especially if the person experiencing this phenomenon, as is often the case, does not understand anything in these experiences."

It appears that Masons and other secret societies may have referred to the awakened pineal gland as the Philosopher's Stone. Manly Palmer Hall's description is just one of many that lead to just such conclusions when you consider the context.

“The Philosopher's Stone is an ancient symbol of the perfection and rebirth of man, whose divine nature shines through a simple shell. Just as an uncut diamond freshly extracted from graphite is lifeless and unattractive, so the spiritual nature of man in his fallen state attracts very little with its radiance & helpp; He who possesses the Philosopher's Stone possesses truth, the greatest of treasures, and therefore is the owner of such wealth that cannot be evaluated; he is immortal because Reason does not know death, and therefore he is cured of ignorance, the most heinous disease."

Rudolf Steiner, a well-known researcher of esoteric mystery schools, argues that the legend of the Holy Grail - a chalice filled with “the waters of life” or “the elixir of immortality” - is another symbolic reference to the pineal gland. In the earliest illustrations, the chalice of the Holy Grail is shaped like a pineal gland, but inverted from what we have already discussed. Steiner's latest collection of The Mystery of the Holy Grail establishes a detailed connection between the legends of the Holy Grail and the pineal gland.

“The (Holy) Grail resides in each of us, in the castle of the skull, and can feed our most subtle perceptions in such a way that it dissipates everything except the most subtle material influence & helpp; Here Steiner is referring to the pineal gland in the brain.”

Apparently, the legends about the "Cosmic Egg", "World Egg" and especially the "Orphic Egg" are also allegories of the pineal gland. The Orphic Egg is depicted with a snake coiled around it, and the shape of the egg follows the shape of the pineal gland. Again, Manly Palmer Hall offers insights into the meaning of this ancient symbol, hinting at the pineal connection when you consider other claims.

“The ancient symbol of the Orphic Mysteries is an egg entwined with a snake. This is a symbol of the cosmos, surrounded by a fiery Creative Spirit. The egg also represents the soul of the philosopher; snake - mysteries. During initiation, the shell is broken, and the person is born from the state of embryonic physical existence, in which he was during the intrauterine philosophical rebirth”.

Hall believed the unicorn was another mystical symbol for the awakened pineal gland:

“The single horn of the unicorn represents the pineal gland, or third eye, which is the center of spiritual awareness in the brain. The unicorn was considered in the Mysteries as a symbol of the enlightened spiritual nature of the initiate."

According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Rene Descartes believed that human beings are made up of two basic ingredients - body and soul - with the pineal gland as the connecting link between them. In Descartes' view, the pineal gland is "involved in sensation, imagination, memory, and the causation of bodily movements." Although most of Descartes's sayings do not fit with modern concepts of the brain, some of the philosopher's thoughts came to him directly from the ancient mystery schools.

“The part of the body through which the soul directly performs its functions is not the heart or the brain. Rather, it is the inner part of the brain - a very small gland located in the middle of the cerebral substance … A small pressure of sensory stimuli (soul) appears in the form of an image on the surface of the pineal gland.

Descartes' idea of visual images appearing on the surface of the pineal gland may be much more accurate than the ideas of most people that we are about to discover. This suggests that the philosopher did not think of this concept himself, but borrowed it from the issued ancient secrets, which he trusted, mixing them with his own ideas.

The Edgar Cayce readings also spoke of the pineal gland for many different reasons and agreed that it is the anchor through which the soul connects to the body.

Medical research of the third eye

According to Dr. Richard Cox in the journal Health & Medicine, Descartes "perceived the mind as a kind of out-of-body experience expressed through the pineal gland."

“Under the skin in the lizard's skull is the light-responsive“third eye”-the evolutionary equivalent of the bone-covered, hormone-producing pineal gland in the human brain. The human gland does not allow direct access to light, but, like the lizard's third eye, it exhibits an increased release of the hormone melatonin at night. Opened, the gland of a reptile is very similar to an eye with the same shape and tissue. The pineal gland remains by far the main source of circulating melatonin, (which tells us) when to go to bed at night and when to get up in the morning & helpp; The presence of light lowers the production of melatonin by the pineal gland, while darkness stimulates secretion. Because the light of day and the dark of night affect hormone production, the pineal gland functions as a kind of internal clock.”

Of course, it is strange that the pineal gland of a reptile has the same shape and tissue as the normal eye, given the belief of the ancients that the pineal gland is the third eye inside the human body and performs a similar biological function. The more I researched this topic, the more clues I found that the ancients knew something that was later lost. Julia Ann Miller's Science News article began to uncover the biological link between the pineal gland and the retina.

“The retina and pineal gland are the organs primarily responsible for body awareness and complex processing of external light. Until recently, these two organs in mammals seemed to have little in common and, therefore, were studied by separate groups of scientists. But now a new alliance of researchers is exploring a startling similarity, and this is accelerating research efforts in both & helpp; Once the groups of scientists began to work together, they discovered amazing similarities between the two organs."

The Science Daily article contains the startling statements of Dr. David Klein, a leading neuroendocrinologist at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Many mammalian species already detect light through the pineal glands, like the third eye.

"Dr. Klein noted that the photoreceptors of retinal cells are very similar to those of the pineal gland, and that the pineal cells in mammalian species (such as fish, frogs and birds) determine light."

An even more surprising suggestion can be found in an article by E. F. Wakeman (1986) in the professional scientific journal Experimental Eye Researh.

“There seems to be some connection between the pineal gland and the retina. The similarities in development and morphology have been evident for many years. The recent surge of interest in this area has led to further understanding of the many functional similarities between the two organs & helpp; Although the mammalian pineal gland is considered photosensitive only indirectly, the presence of proteins in the gland, which are usually involved in the sensation of light in the retina, increases the likelihood that light phenomena may also occur in the mammalian pineal gland. This possibility awaits further investigation.”

Wakeman openly speculates that "light phenomena" - bursts of photons of light - can somehow occur in the pineal gland through an unknown mechanism. Due to the pineal gland's similarity to the retina, cells in the pineal gland can detect photons and send them to the brain through a process called photo-conversion (photo-transduction).

RN Lolly and colleagues also noted similarities between the light-sensitive activity of the retina and the pineal gland in an article in the scientific journal Neurochemical Research. Recent breakthroughs in understanding how the retina works have made this connection much clearer.

“As the mechanisms of photo-transduction in retinal photoreceptors have become clearer, it has become apparent that pinealocytes (pineal cells) have a selective group of retinal proteins involved in phototransduction flux. How pinealocytes use these proteins and whether they are involved in signaling in the pineal gland is still unknown & helpp; Pinealocytes and retinal photoreceptors appear to have the same repertoire of activity.”

No one has proven that the area inside the pineal gland is completely dark. Tracked amounts of photons can appear through an unknown mechanism, as Descartes suggested. The pineal gland appears to be designed for signal transduction, just like the retina, which collects visual images and sends them to the brain. Another group of scientists studying the pineal gland in chickens also concluded that "the pineal gland may contain a rod-shaped phototransduction flux."


Why does the body have to go through all sorts of troubles creating a third eye with the same tissue and light-sensing mechanisms as the retina, if we have nothing to see for them? What do we actually see when we sleep, go through out-of-body experiences, or when images suddenly appear in our heads? And why were ancient cultures around the world so fascinated with this gland as the center of our psychic vision? In 2002, the journal Bioelectromagnetics published a study by S. S. Baconier and his colleagues, who seem to have found the answer without realizing it. They dissected twenty pineal glands from different people and found 100-300 microcrystals per cubic millimeter floating inside, forming a famous mineral called calcite. Each crystal was from two to twenty micrometers long, hexagonal in shape and very similar to crystals,which we find in the inner ear are the so-called otoliths. Crystals in the inner ear are known to be piezoelectric, meaning they shrink and expand in the presence of electromagnetic fields. The hairs of the inner ear pick up sounds when the otoliths strike them, as the latter are moved by vibrations received by the eardrum.

Piezoelectric crystals can be used to tune into radio stations without any electricity. Electromagnetic waves piercing everything around us cause crystals to constantly contract and expand. These movements can be captured and amplified to create sound. Microphones also have piezoelectric crystals that collect sound vibrations and convert them into electrical current. Also, some, if not all, piezoelectric crystals emit varying amounts of light in a process known as piezoluminescence. This can be seen in hand-held flashlights; when you press the button, a spark of light appears, which is created by squeezing a piezoelectric crystal inside the flashlight. Through a process called piezochromism, some piezoelectric crystals release multi-colored photons depending on the signal,which they accept. Piezoelectric color changes can only occur in crystals under high pressure. According to the Royal Society of Chemistry of Great Britain, "changes in piezoelectric light have been observed in several systems, but have not been exploited in any commercial way." For example, until now no one has needed to make a microscopic computer monitor or video projection system.

Baconier calcite crystals may not be the only potential source of light in the pineal gland. Some scientists, such as Dr. Rick Strassman, believe that the pineal gland can also produce a psychoactive substance called DMT, although this has yet to be confirmed because it degrades quickly. DMT appears to also release light through piezoluminescence, as we'll see shortly. Dr. Lawrence Johnston discussed the controversial idea that the pineal gland secretes DMT, chemically similar to melatonin and serotonin, two chemicals that naturally occur and are synthesized by the pineal gland.

“DMT is structurally similar to melatonin. The biochemical precursor of both molecules is serotonin, a key neurotransmitter whose chains are involved in mood and are targeted in the treatment of mental disorders. Also, DMT is structurally similar to other psychedelic drugs such as LSD and psilobicin, and is an active reagent for ayahuyasca used by Amazonian shamans to stimulate out-of-body experiences & helpp;

Traces of DMT have been found in humans, especially in the lungs and also in the brain. Strassman points out that the pineal gland is theoretically more capable of producing DMT than any other tissue, due to the presence of all the necessary biochemicals and converting enzymes. However, we do not yet know with certainty whether the pineal gland creates DMT.”

DMT may well be the "gum" that Manly Palmer Hall says the ancient mystery schools were looking for. However, I definitely discourage the use of psychedelics, as it is very dangerous and very upsetting to health. There are spiritual practices to achieve the same effect (but in a positive way), and I would rather use what I already have - naturally and safely. Although I was shocked to discover that Nick Sand, the son of a prominent scientist from the Manhattan Project, found DMT to have tremendous luminescence and. apparently piezochromism with shooting out flowers.

“Sand was & helpp; the first clandestine chemist to synthesize DMT. Sand and his lab colleagues were the first to notice that DMT exhibits piezoluminescence: when solidified DMT collected on a tray was crushed with a hammer and screwdriver in a brightly lit room, large amounts of colored light were emitted on impact.

Because the pineal gland is not protected by the blood-brain barrier, excess DMT in the bloodstream can overload it with piezoelectric microcrystals. This, in turn, will force the third eye to draw in many more photons, emerging directly from the Source Field, thanks to principles we have not yet discussed. (DNA appears to pull in photons through a similar process, as we'll see later.) Baconier's breakthroughs in studying the pineal gland helped clear the arena for this theoretical idea of how the third eye can actually “see” photons of light.

"If (in the microcrystals of the pineal gland) there were piezoelectricity, there would be a mechanism of electromechanical coupling with external electromagnetic fields."

"These crystals would be responsible for the electromechanical biological transduction mechanism in the pineal gland due to their structure and piezoelectric properties."

For the same reason, Baconnier expresses deep concern about the use of mobile phones and other household appliances that emit microwaves, as they can directly connect to piezoelectric crystals in the pineal gland and alter their functioning. This can interrupt melatonin synthesis with negative health effects.

Pineal calcification and its health consequences

The more we learn about the pineal gland, the more important it becomes for human health.

“Until very recently, the pineal gland was considered a rudimentary organ without any function, that is, the cerebral appendix. Then scientists showed that she produces melatonin, a hormone that strongly affects us. The pineal gland converts the tryptophan amino acid to serotonin (a neurotransmitter) and then melatonin. Melatonin is released into the bloodstream by the cerebrospinal fluid, from where it is carried throughout the body. Release is closely related to the sleep-wake cycle & helpp; The researchers actually found clusters of magnetite near the pineal gland. Like house pigeons, humans have a residual ability to target geomagnetic lines of force, an ability that is lost with pineal dysfunction & helpp;

Because gland stores fluoride, it contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the entire body. Research has shown that this accumulation inhibits melatonin synthesis, with adverse effects such as accelerating the onset of puberty & helpp;

Due to dysfunction of the pineal gland and, in turn, low production of melatonin (which causes symptoms of multiple sclerosis), poor functioning of the gland can contribute to multiple sclerosis. For example, Dr. Raven Sandick (New York) stated: “Pineal dysfunction may explain the increased incidence of the biological phenomenon of multiple sclerosis. Therefore, the pineal gland should be considered as the main initiator of the & helpp;

Sandick believes that the severity of multiple sclerosis is related to the degree of failure of the pineal gland & helpp;

Indeed, multiple sclerosis is associated with calcification of the pineal gland. For example, one study found that 100% of patients with multiple sclerosis who routinely admitted to the hospital exhibited calcification of the pineal gland, compared with 43% of people of the same age with other neurological disorders. In addition, the groups with a low incidence of multiple sclerosis (Africans, Americans, Japanese) also had lower pineal calcification.”

The fluoride found in tap water and commercial toothpaste is also harmful if you want to have a healthy pineal gland. It appears to go straight into the pineal gland through the bloodstream, where it attaches itself to the tiny crystals already floating inside and coats them with a hard mineral coating, creating the white, ossified masses that we see on X-rays. This has a detrimental effect on the pineal gland's ability to produce essential chemicals.

“Fluoride can affect the conversion of tryptophan to melatonin by enzymes … It can also affect the synthesis of melatonin precursors (eg serotonin) or other pineal products (eg 5-metaxitryptamine) & helpp; In conclusion, the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body & helpp; Is fluoride related to pineal function in humans or not? This issue requires further research.

If your pineal gland is filled with brain sand or calcified, you may lose the ability to produce melatonin - which is definitely not a good thing. A study in the Journal of Pineal Research revealed how many problems can be caused by calcification and dysfunction of the pineal gland, including depression, anxiety, digestive problems, schizophrenia, and other types of mental illness.

“Taken together, these findings suggest that melatonin is significantly associated with memory regulation, recognition, and emotional involvement in & helpp; They highlight the special role of melatonin in the mechanisms of consciousness, memory and stress. These findings are also linked to studies showing changes in melatonin in patients with depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, digestive problems, and other mental disorders & helpp;

For example, many studies have reported reduced melatonin levels in depressed patients & helpp; Typical changes in melatonin levels have been found in schizophrenics; this suggests that the decrease in melatonin production may be related to the pathophysiology of a subgroup of schizophrenic patients & helpp; Typical changes in the rhythm of melatonin secretion were revealed in those suffering from mental disorders "& helpp;

In 1995, I learned that emotions like happiness do not arise automatically, just by your desire, they are controlled by chemicals in the brain. If your brain does not have enough serotonin, you will be chemically incapable of experiencing happiness, even if there are many good things in your life. I had no idea how important the pineal gland's role in serotonin production was, or how happy you would feel, until I did the research for this book.

“Nicholas Jiarmin, professor of pharmacology, and Daniel Friedman, professor of psychiatry, have confirmed that the human brain produces serotonin at different locations in the brain. For example, in the thalamus, they found 61 nanograms of serotonin per gram of tissue; in the hippocampus 56 nanograms; in the gray matter of the midbrain - 482 nanograms. The pineal gland is undoubtedly the most serotonin-rich part of the brain. This finding confirms that the pineal gland is an important site for the production of serotonin.”

The same scientists also found even more connections between the pineal gland, serotonin levels, and various mental disorders.

“An absolutely shocking finding was the relationship between high serotonin levels in the pineal gland and certain mental disorders! The average amount of serotonin found in the pineal gland of ordinary people is about 3.14 - 3.52 micrograms per gram of tissue. One schizophrenic had 10 micrograms of serotonin in the pineal gland, almost three times higher, while another patient with delirium tremens had 22.82 micrograms of serotonin, almost 10 times the average!”

The same study found a direct link between serotonin levels in the pineal gland and tremors (tremors) such as delayed dyskinesia (coordination disorder), Parkinson's disease, and even seizures in epilepsy. They found several studies demonstrating "significant differences between the severity of dystonic movements (tremors) in patients without pineal calcification and patients with pathologically increased pineal calcification."

The problems of calcification in the body have been discussed by many health professionals. In its worst-case scenario, it can cause painful conditions like gout, where your feet and toes are so calcified that they form crystals that hurt when they rupture. The most important key to preventing calcification is a healthy diet. If you drink a lot of purified water, you help the liver and kidneys eliminate all toxins. Eating fresh, organic, raw foods keeps you from pesticides and additives that build up in your body and create mineral deposits.

Dr. Weston Price found that many traditional untouched cultures have much higher bone density as a result of eating natural foods. The teeth stayed stunningly straight, they didn't need an orthodontist, not even a hollow, although they didn't brush their teeth. As soon as Western foods such as refined sugar, white flour, inorganic dairy products, and factory meat were introduced to their diet, their teeth began to warp and rot. Fortunately, by returning to a clean, natural diet, traditional food, including organic animal products, we can avoid these problems and cleanse the pineal gland.

Dr. Price isolated a compound in traditional food that he calls Activator X. It is now known as vitamin K2 and appears to be a key ingredient. If you're a vegetarian, you can get it from organic butter sourced from a cow that has been fed only fresh organic, fast-growing grass. Meat eaters can eat fermented cod liver or chimera liver (fish), which is even better. Also for even better results, Price recommends a combination of land and sea - butter and fermented cod liver. Also, Activator X is found in organic eggs and meat products. In his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Dr. Price shows photographs of people who got rid of tooth decay and built up enamel as soon as they introduced Activator X into their diet. Plaque in the arteries - the greatest killer and culprit of heart attacks and strokes - can also be cleared and pineal function is greatly improved by reducing calcification.

By carefully studying the information in this chapter, we see an unlimited field for new research. I want to make it clear that I do not consider the Source Field to be an abstract metaphysical idea. I agree with many Russian scientists who have come to the conclusion that the Source Field can be measured - like rotation in gravity. It seems that the more you notice the influence of electromagnetic energy fields, the more sensitive you become to information from the Source Field, possibly through the pineal gland, as suggested by ancient traditions.

Considering the information presented in the previous three chapters, the obvious question to ask yourself is: What is consciousness? Where does the mind receive orders, perhaps in a latent constant form of post-hypnotic suggestion from some other aspect of itself? Do thoughts arise in the brain, and then are generated into an energy wave that can move in the Source Field? Or do we use the Source Field to think and even share our collective minds with each other?

From the book: "Investigations of the Source Field". David Wilcock
