Dream Characters Are Not Always A Product Of Our Consciousness - Alternative View

Dream Characters Are Not Always A Product Of Our Consciousness - Alternative View
Dream Characters Are Not Always A Product Of Our Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Dream Characters Are Not Always A Product Of Our Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Dream Characters Are Not Always A Product Of Our Consciousness - Alternative View
Video: Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why 2024, July

Some dreamers mistakenly believe that the aggressiveness of the dreaming characters, as well as the attempts of some force to interfere with our "awakening" in the dream and achieve the required level of awareness, is entirely the merit of our own consciousness. It is not surprising that after passing the stage of being carried away by physical activity in the outer Universe, a person begins to realize the presence of his own inner universe. And in most cases, it begins to completely transfer its activity there, believing that with its help it is possible to solve any problems in the external Universe.

In fact, this level is not yet "awareness" and not "wakefulness." Indeed, we can influence our own destiny by working with our consciousness. For example, getting rid of the aggressiveness within ourselves, we cease to attract aggressive people and corresponding conflict situations. But it is foolish to believe that in the relationship between man and the Universe, it is the little man who plays the leading role. Our personal influence, for example, on the fate of the clan will already be limited, on the fate of the people - insignificant, on the fate of humanity - quite insignificant. And our Influence on the Universe will be no more than the influence of an ant trying to move a heavy truck.

For its part, a truck can very easily crush such an unreasonable ant. And not by malicious intent, but only because he was simply in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Of course, in this case, the ant can imagine its personal invisibility from the truck and consider it a product of its own consciousness. But such a delusion will most likely lead to false self-confidence in one's omnipotence and invulnerability, and therefore to a very likely death.

By the way, such characters "advanced" in esotericism, it seems that they themselves do not believe in what they are talking about. That is why they argue so stubbornly, trying to impose their subjective opinion on other people. Well, let's imagine that I consider the entire surrounding world - the external multidimensional holographic Universe as a product of my consciousness. Will I become hoarse and openly “throwing insults” to prove to someone that I am right? If I believe that everything external depends solely on my consciousness, then I will not. I'll just work with my own consciousness, and this will be enough for all the external characters to become appropriate to my inner content. But if, the hostile and aggressive forces of the external world do not at all disappear with the disappearance of aggression inside me, then it is obvious thatthat they exist independently of my consciousness and at the same time are endowed with their own will and harmful designs. Therefore, in order to be able to effectively defend against them, you need to take them for granted, and not try to hide your head in the sand, like an ostrich.

Likewise, in our dreams and especially lucid dreams and out-of-body travels, not all characters are the result of the activity of our own consciousness, but are quite real entities, both swift and not. These entities can, in relation to the dreamer, be both neutral and friendly or hostile. Therefore, one must be ready for everything and not lose vigilance. Therefore, the existence of certain forces that interfere with our awakening in a dreaming reality is very likely. Moreover, this is evidenced by the personal experience of the Russian researcher of lucid dreams S. Korkin.

Here is what he writes about this in his book with the corresponding title "Lucid Dreaming":

By the way, not only S. Korkin and K. Castaneda warned about malicious entities in dreams. Another well-known out-of-body traveler R. Monroe also spoke in his books about a certain space-time area, which he had to cross during such "travels", whose inhabitants often behaved very aggressively. He also talked about his meeting with a certain cosmic entity, trying to subdue his consciousness and intimidate with his own "omnipotence", which reminded me very much with his behavior of the "God of Israel" - Yahweh-Jehovah, who, of course, has nothing to do with the Creator of the Universe.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the invaluable experience of famous dreamers and out-of-body travelers makes us quite clear that around us, including in the world of dreaming reality, external forces are manifesting themselves quite real and independent of our consciousness. However, using the power of our consciousness and the level of its development, we can protect ourselves from the effects of those forces that are clearly not friendly to us and accept the help of those who want to help us. In the latter case, for this you need to learn to unravel the meaning of the "signs of peace" and "symbols of dreams", with the help of which external rational and friendly forces interact with our consciousness.

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