Where Do The "losses" Come From? - Alternative View

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Where Do The "losses" Come From? - Alternative View
Where Do The "losses" Come From? - Alternative View

Video: Where Do The "losses" Come From? - Alternative View

Video: Where Do The
Video: Understanding IFRS 9 2024, July

“Lost” - as experts call people who are increasingly found unconscious in different parts of Russia. These are mainly men, physically strong and resilient, between the ages of 18 and 45. Sometimes on their bodies traces of injections and yellow spots from stun guns are clearly visible …

According to the famous psychiatrist Elena Rusalkina, there are several ways of erasing memory: medication - using narcotic drugs, technogenic - using generators. But the most effective is a combination of the first two. It turns out that experiments on memory have been carried out in our country since 1921. It was then that a special department for remote exposure to biological objects was created under the Cheka. The Third Reich did not lag behind the Lubyanka. In 1943, the Gestapo experimented with mescaline from the essence of peyote cactus. Experiments were carried out on prisoners at Dachau. Hitler's Aesculapians were looking for how to suppress the will, paralyze the psyche and "turn off" memory.

Fell from the moon?

In the USSR, the targeted study of psychotechnology began in the late 70s. The Research Institute of Toxicology in Saratov and Volgograd was actively developing substances to control intelligence and erase memory. The research was long and painful. But the substances were found.

Science does not stand still: the United States has recently developed a pill capable of erasing hard memories from memory. The main customer of this "medicine" is the Pentagon: it is going to use a miracle drug to treat post-traumatic stress syndrome in the military.

Experiments on memory continue. Experts believe that some of the techniques developed back in Soviet times in scientific laboratories could fall into the hands of criminals.

- Over the past 6 years at the Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry. V. P. Serbian was visited by more than 30 people who seemed to have fallen from the moon. They could not even give their name,”psychologist Irina Gryaznova told AN. - Psychiatrists are sure: the reason is not stress or hereditary diseases. The most incredible hypotheses are put forward.

There is a pattern in all these stories. All the "losses" were certainly on the way-road: in a hurry to work, to the institute, went to the dacha. Then they disappeared and ended up hundreds or even thousands of kilometers from home. Professor M. from Kazan was driving to work. But he never showed up at his desk. The professor was found … near Saratov in 6 months.

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- The structure of human memory is layered, - continues Irina Gryaznova. - And the events of life in our memory are recorded chronologically. A person remembers both himself and those around him. And suddenly the whole autobiographical core is completely erased. It turns out that the world exists, but there is no man in it … Then we can assume that the personal core exists separately from memory. This means that there is a mechanism that is unknown, but it leads to the erasure of memory. And it's scary. If biographical memory exists autonomously, then it can be influenced.

In the fall of 2002 at the Center. Serbian for people with erased memory created a special department. The bunks in the department are not empty.

Zheleznogorsk Emeralds and the Greek Zombie

WHO is losing memory? Is it only among "mere mortals"? Or does the one who deprives the memory act selectively?

In October 2003, in the Urals, in Zheleznogorsk (formerly Krasnoyarsk26 - "AN"), the nuclear physicist of the mining and chemical combine Sergei Podoinitsyn mysteriously disappeared. They were looking for him, as they say, with the whole world. In a closed laboratory, the scientist was engaged in the disposal of irradiated nuclear fuel. And Podoinitsyn also learned how to grow artificial emeralds (emeralds). The version about the possible escape of the scientist to the United States was accepted for development because of his close contacts with American colleagues. Podoinitsyn worked under contract with American national laboratories.

On October 22, 2003, the Zheleznogorsk prosecutor's office opened a criminal case under Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Murder". Podoinitsyn was put on the federal wanted list. But on May 21, 2005, the nuclear engineer returned. With partial memory loss. He did not remember where he was all this time and what happened to him, did not have any documents. But how did the nuclear scientist get to Zheleznogorsk, bypassing the checkpoint? All information on the case is classified.

Who erased the memory of the emerald grower?

At the Center. Serbsky recently observed an interesting patient with an erased memory. It seems that he came from Kaluga. And after some time, the "lost" suddenly spoke in Greek. “I lived in Greece. I stand on the deck and see the insular part of Greece, but I don't see myself there. It was as if I had been erased,”the“Greek”explained to psychiatrists. He, it turns out, drove a car, knew how to shoot. And he knew about military technology. Who is this strange man with military habits?

“The worst thing is not that people are bullied or programmed,” says psychologist Irina Gryaznova. - The worst thing is if they are zombified.

Contrary to Ribot's law

A STRANGE ailment in 99% of cases really affects men from 18 to 45 years old. It deprives memory, but very selectively: all functional skills and general knowledge of the world are preserved. People with an erased memory remember how to drive a car or play tennis. How to use a shower and a razor. They understand that they should contact the police and an ambulance for help, but they do not remember anything that concerns them personally. These people were found on the sides of roads, on railway tracks and in ditches, but each time - at a distance of hundreds of kilometers from their home. What united them? No traces of craniocerebral trauma, headache and nausea, as after poisoning, but the blood test did not reveal anything.

Two years ago, a special meeting was convened at the RF Ministry of Health and Social Development. The general verdict of the country's psychiatrists was that what was happening was contrary to all medical laws, including the well-known Ribot's Law. He claims that the vessel of human memory is filled in layers. Most likely, these strange conditions are caused by the toxic effects of some unknown chemical. But which one?

Important note. This is a completely new substance, the composition of which is unknown to chemists who once worked in secret laboratories. An alarming fact. Some time ago, the invention of the "Mental Probing System" was patented in Russia. The author was the famous academician Igor Smirnov. After approbation of his invention, the academician suddenly passed away. The unique and only system in the world for deep blind reading of thoughts and information, which, unlike a lie detector, cannot be deceived, has remained unclaimed in government and law enforcement agencies. But it has been proven to be used by criminals.

Flying on a lilac saucer

At the END of June 2005, a young man of about 20 years old was found under a bridge in Yekaterinburg. Who is this, where, how did he end up under the bridge? It turned out that this is Alexey Popov, born in 1985. Originally from Altai. But Alexey could not read the data of his passport: he forgot how to read.

From the city of Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen region. In autumn 2005, Vladimir N. disappeared. Soon he was found in a psychiatric hospital in Kaluga and remembered the circumstances under which he had passed out. But when the picture of the experience surfaced in my memory, I was very frightened. Vladimir N. remembered that he flew to Kaluga by air …

- By plane? The psychiatrists asked.

“On a lilac plate,” was the answer.

In the vicinity of the same Zavodoukovsk, there are two more men with "switched off" memory. One of them disappeared under strange circumstances, but then was found in the Bullfinches near Moscow.

How did these people lose their memory? Or someone and for some reason needed to deprive them of their past? Who influenced their psyche? None of the "losses" who had amnesia turned to either psychics, or sorcerers, or healers.

To the Investigative Committee of the Volgograd Region Prosecutor's Office. a 25-27-year-old man who has lost his memory has addressed. He called himself Ruslan. Ruslan had a competent speech and calligraphic handwriting. He said that he knows how to drive and once served in the navy. On his body they found a tattoo "TOP MP 42 99".

Pavel Kanev from Krasnoyarsk also lost his memory under strange circumstances. Several years ago he boarded a train to Moscow. What happened to him later, Paul does not know. Whether it was a forced intervention or an accident, he cannot say. Kanev got to the capital. Relatives found him at the Center. Serbian. At the hospital, he was recorded as "Unknown 23".

Lost invention of Alexander Luria

At the Research Institute of Psychotechnology, a few years ago, a so-called truth detector was created - an apparatus capable of analyzing the mental state of a person. It is much more effective than the American lie detector.

“When introducing it, we faced tough opposition,” says Elena Rusalkina. - In the 90s, when equipping the special services with new technical means, officials lobbied for the interests of Western companies. And although the foreign lie detector was much worse than the Russian apparatus, the order was given to the Americans. But after the failure with the introduction of the "truth detector", our scientists began to receive offers to sell this development. Some specialists were asked to take up leadership positions in one of the American companies. There is only one condition: all rights to distribute the "truth detector" must belong to the United States.

- We did not agree to this, - admitted Elena Grigorievna. - I don't want to repeat the fate of the neuropsychologist Alexander Luria. In 1926 he created the first polygraph. Then he left for the United States and established its commercial production.

This is how we lose our own inventions.

In the laboratories of the Research Institute of Psychotechnology, meanwhile, they restored the memory of two "losses".

But dozens, and possibly hundreds of such patients ("psychiatric hospitals" are overflowing with people with erased memory) live with the hope that they will remember who they were in their real life …

Does Jack the Ripper need memory?

It turns out that a person has 4 types of memory. They are located in the parietal and temporal lobes of the brain.

- The first is responsible for the main memory - the accumulation of information received, and for episodic memory - the preservation of personal experiences and feelings, which allows a person to be aware of himself as a person, - continues Irina Gryaznova. - Including for memorizing the emotional coloring of events. Motor memory nests in the cerebellum - memorized movements that a person performs without hesitation (cycling). And finally, the temporal lobe of the brain is also responsible for episodic and, in addition, for semantic memory, which contains all the facts and data that a person has learned (knowledge of foreign languages).

This way, doctors know what and where to look in the skull.

Or maybe in some cases it is worth not returning, but, acting on the brain, on the contrary, take away the memory? Introduce fundamental innovations in the penitentiary system? Instead of constantly imprisoning criminals who, once released, commit crimes again, isn't it easier to take away their memory, give them a new name, a new biography and put them in a new place, in a new environment? As fantastic as this idea may seem, it can have a future.

- The appearance of homogeneous patients with the same symptoms is not accidental. To admit the likelihood of a new syndrome, in which the core of the personality is erased, is too unlikely, - says psychologist Irina Gryaznova. - Most likely, this is the result of someone's rough experimentation. There is a group of criminals who carry out certain research in order to conduct experiments on personality control. It is the experiment, by the way, that explains why only men suffer from this syndrome. Any experimenter knows that experiments are best carried out on individuals of the same sex and about the same age, otherwise there will be too much dispersion of statistics.

Apparatus for Mavrodi

Who needs someone else's human memory so much? Who is trying to get dividends on erased events?

The Scientific Research Institute of Psychotechnology (Moscow) developed methods of covert influence on the enemy through acoustic waves. They were first tested in Afghanistan to demoralize dushmans. And they used them to treat Soviet soldiers with serious mental trauma, including memory loss.

- Previously, all our research in this area was under the hood of the special services, - said the deputy director of the Institute Elena Rusalkina. “We have achieved amazing results, most of which are classified as" Secret "even today. In our research, we are 6–8 years ahead of the Americans. After the collapse of the USSR, control over the development was removed. Many specialists were left without work. There were also those who began to cooperate with criminal structures.

There are laboratories in Moscow that are financed from private sources and continue experiments. They take experimental "rabbits" on the streets …

With proper treatment, it is possible to help people with erased memory. After completing the course of treatment, memory is partially returned. However, information about what happened to the person after the abduction, and about who, where and why did these experiments remain blocked.

- Unfortunately, we do not have a law that would limit the latent influence on the human subconscious, - says Elena Rusalkina. - In 2002, we tried to pass a similar bill through the Duma. But after the first reading, he disappeared into her bowels.

By the way, in the early 90s, the founder of MMM Sergey Mavrodi often visited the institute. Scientists thought he wanted to make effective advertising. But Mavrodi's intentions were different. He asked to make … an apparatus for covert influence on fellow businessmen.

Mavrodi was refused. But perhaps in another place he was carefully listened to and supported? How else can one explain such a rapid construction of the Mavrodi pyramids?
