Lost In Themselves: People Fall Prey To Strange Amnesia - Alternative View

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Lost In Themselves: People Fall Prey To Strange Amnesia - Alternative View
Lost In Themselves: People Fall Prey To Strange Amnesia - Alternative View

Video: Lost In Themselves: People Fall Prey To Strange Amnesia - Alternative View

Video: Lost In Themselves: People Fall Prey To Strange Amnesia - Alternative View
Video: The Man With The Seven Second Memory (Amnesia Documentary) | Real Stories 2024, July

Maybe you've seen one of them. A strange person walks, a distracted look, looks around in fright. His clothes are dirty, he is clearly not local. Bum? Crazy? There is a chance that this is simply a memory loss

Every year more and more people disappear in Russia. And more and more often, criminal passions have nothing to do with it. People do not return home because … they have lost their memory.

Flickering faces on the screen - left and did not return, dressed like that - are already boring. Nobody even notices. Leaving aside the stories of abductions and murders, this is a separate and very scary story. Consider another option: a man went out to get bread. Walking down the street, he suddenly realized that he did not remember who he was, what his name was, where he lived and where he was going at all.

It happened to a resident of Kaliningrad. He was walking the dog and suddenly realized that he did not remember anything. He did not remember his name, where he was, the name of the dog. It is good that the passer-by was not taken aback and asked for help from passers-by so that they could explain where he was. Then he came to the police. The millionaires, of course, were surprised at the strange request of a person: help me, I don't remember who I am. But they didn't take it for a joke. The memory returned to the man after he heard the name of the street on which he lives.

This memory loss story ended quickly and happily. The memory returned to the person. But this is an isolated case. How many more people like that do not remember their name, do not remember themselves. Not knowing where to go, who is a friend, who is an enemy, and what can be done and what is not.

This year in Mari El, they found a person who had lost his memory. He wandered through the forest for several days until he came out to the village. Local residents called the police - the stranger seemed too suspicious and strange to them. The man was able to identify with the help of television. After the shown story about a strange man, several people responded. He never remembered his past life.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find out what is happening to people: why do they suddenly lose their memory? After all, the clouding of their minds did not occur gradually, but suddenly. And it was at the very moment when they were outside the house and alone. Amnesiac addiction? Mystic? Evil intent? Aliens?

Various films have already been shot about those who have lost their memory. Those who lost their memory became heroes of the books. This is an excellent starting point for the reader or viewer: everyone is interested in what kind of past a person had, and why he lost his memory.

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It is interesting to learn not only from the pages of fantastic books, but in fact: what happened? Experts talk about drugs, a few drops of which are enough to deprive a person of will. Doctors can immediately name substances that are commercially available and that can put a person into a state of amnesia. This means that there are opportunities to influence human consciousness and work with it as with flash memory: erase and write new things?

After all, if a person, waking up in an unconscious state, sees a certain company around him, he will think that this is his life. The other does not know, that is, does not remember. If he is among the homeless, he will become a homeless. Among thieves, he will steal. In the hospital, among the mentally ill - he will not even have a doubt that he is sick.

It turns out that a person who has lost his “I” can be controlled.

The Main Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has a bulletin with photographs of people who do not remember who they are. Someone was abandoned by their parents, someone ran away from home. Someone just drank himself, smoked. But there are those who once woke up at the station and do not understand what happened. After all, most often those who have lost their memory are found at the train station or in the subway. Less often - they somehow miraculously get home. The memory never comes back.

If there is a young man in the police who cannot remember anything, he is sent to a medical institution. And then, as luck would have it: relatives find someone, but more often those who have lost their memory are awaited by special detention centers and shelters. There are many "losses" among the homeless and it is not known how many people among them who once "left and did not return."

The missing person has been searched for fifteen years, and then he is officially declared dead. However, more often than not, a person is recognized as “missing” and five years after his disappearance he is considered dead.

The V. P. Serbsky State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry began to study the phenomenon of such amnesia. After all, you will not surprise anyone with the message that a person can forget something. Not to remember any events from childhood, to be tormented by the question “did you turn off the iron”. But “losses” are a separate mysterious phenomenon. After a sudden loss of memory, they only forget their own lives. But they remember how to write, read, remember some films, remember their passions, don't get scared of cars, don't forget your name after five minutes of dating. They have no deviations. But they no longer have anything to talk about with their friends, they have no memories. And no personality? In the present, they exist, but they do not understand their role, do not understand who they are. And the whole subsequent life turns into a painful memory.