Sanxingdui - Ancient Products That Have Puzzled Scientists With The Level Of Processing - Alternative View

Sanxingdui - Ancient Products That Have Puzzled Scientists With The Level Of Processing - Alternative View
Sanxingdui - Ancient Products That Have Puzzled Scientists With The Level Of Processing - Alternative View

Video: Sanxingdui - Ancient Products That Have Puzzled Scientists With The Level Of Processing - Alternative View

Video: Sanxingdui - Ancient Products That Have Puzzled Scientists With The Level Of Processing - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Sanxingdui culture challenges traditional narrative of Chinese civilisation 2024, July

For the first time, information about these finds appeared in 1928, when a peasant accidentally dug up jade items, after which, already in the 80-90s, they discovered gold, jade and bronze items, many of which are very strange.

In short, the products were found near the Chinese town of Chengdu. We can say about weapons, disks and other artifacts, the purpose of some of which is still unknown.


Most of the finds are made of jade and gold, and the processing of artifacts is also at the level. Moreover, as experts note, a civilization that existed about 5,000 years ago should have had sufficiently developed casting technologies, otherwise it is impossible to explain many artifacts.

But most of all, among all these finds (there were several thousand of them), I was interested in masks, rather large in size, unusual shape, careful processing, and mainly made of jade and gold.


Masks were made in a variety of forms, images, etc. In general, they all differ from each other, but for what they were created by the ancient civilization, no one can answer.

The funny thing is that scientists did not even know how to explain these masks, because they are not like anything and why they spent resources, time and effort on them, it is even more difficult to answer.

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Moreover, if you pay attention to all these masks, everywhere there are ideal fragments, volume and processing for the desired state of jade, taking into account that this is far from the easiest material to process.

In general, such masks or statues, I don’t know how to call them correctly, were made not only in the form of a humanoid creature, but also animals, for which they did it is a mystery.


In general, now many of the finds are in museums and look impressive, especially for the period in 2800 BC and the alleged complete lack of technology.

In fact, I generally have doubts whether these masks were made by people or another civilization, but it is certainly impossible to answer this question.