Protection Of The Most Holy Theotokos, Signs And Traditions Of The Holiday - Alternative View

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Protection Of The Most Holy Theotokos, Signs And Traditions Of The Holiday - Alternative View
Protection Of The Most Holy Theotokos, Signs And Traditions Of The Holiday - Alternative View

Video: Protection Of The Most Holy Theotokos, Signs And Traditions Of The Holiday - Alternative View

Video: Protection Of The Most Holy Theotokos, Signs And Traditions Of The Holiday - Alternative View
Video: Suplicatory Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos (in english) ~ Kανών της Θεοτόκου στην Αγγλική γλώσσα 2024, September

Believers are preparing for this event in advance, as it symbolizes the end of autumn and the arrival of cold weather. Many do not know when, what date of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos in 2018, and what this event means for the Orthodox. The Belshazzar website will explain in detail the meaning of the Great Church Feast. We will tell you about the signs and traditions of this day, about what not to do and how to celebrate the Intercession.

By mid-October, all field, summer cottage and garden work is coming to an end, the harvest is harvested and until next year no business on the ground is expected. In the morning, frost more and more often falls, the thermometer inexorably creeps down. The first snowball in Russia was called that - cover, blanket. It so happened that the Pokrov falls on October 14, this is a fixed date, it remains unchanged, passing from year to year. But this holiday is not only utilitarian in nature, it also has a deep religious meaning.

The spiritual meaning of the holiday, the church history of the Intercession

The Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God is celebrated in the Church every year. This is a great event from the point of view of believers. On October 14, 2018, the entire Orthodox world honors the Most Holy Virgin - the Mother of God, who in 910 saved Constantinople and its inhabitants from Muslim enemies.

According to legend, when enemies surrounded the ancient Byzantine city, the Virgin Mary, surrounded by angels in snow-white robes, descended from heaven. To protect innocent people from the attacks of the Gentiles and from death from the enemy's hand, the Mother of God took off her shining veil and covered all the townspeople with it.

So the inhabitants received reliable protection and patronage of the Virgin Mary, and the Muslims left the siege of Constantinople in Byzantium. At night, the enemies were overtaken by a terrible hurricane, which swept them off the face of the earth, leaving no trace. It happened on October 14, and from now on this event is celebrated every year by the Orthodox.

And today, believers remember the Virgin Mary, the Most Holy Theotokos and celebrate the veil, offering prayers to the holy defender. In 2018, the celebration will traditionally be held in all Orthodox churches.

Promotional video:

What can and should be done on Pokrov

The day must begin with the prayer of the Intercession to the Most Holy Theotokos:

Remember us in Your prayers, Our Most Holy Theotokos.

May we not perish for the multiplication of our sins, for You cover us from all evil and devilish misfortunes.

We trust in You and we magnify You. Amen.

Young girls can ask the patron saint for an early marriage. If a girl wants to get married, then she must come to church and light a candle at the icon of the Virgin.

Alms given on this day will help increase your wealth. Do not refuse those who ask for alms in the Pokrov, otherwise the money will leave your home. It is believed that if you give money to a poor person, then the whole next year you will be profitable.

If you ask the Blessed Virgin Mary for the Protection of the child for the childless, then you can soon expect the replenishment of the family.

On the festive table on the Day of the Intercession, there should be pancakes and all kinds of treats.

The snow that fell on this day is considered curative. Having washed your face with the first snow, you will give yourself health and beauty.

On Pokrov, you can visit the temple, read prayers, have fun, walk, visit and give each other gifts.

What not to do in Pokrov

It is strongly discouraged to engage in tedious household chores, cleaning, sewing, painting, etc. on the day of cover. Therefore, do all the necessary things in advance.

You can't swear, quarrel, gossip. There is such a sign: to quarrel on the Pokrov - to spend the whole year in enmity.

According to the omen, you cannot lend for the Pokrov. It is believed that along with the money you will give part of your family happiness and prosperity. This does not apply to charity.

If the groom wooed the girl that day, then you cannot refuse. Accept the marriage proposal, otherwise you will remain in girls!
