About The Theory Of Creation Of Matter In The Universe - Alternative View

About The Theory Of Creation Of Matter In The Universe - Alternative View
About The Theory Of Creation Of Matter In The Universe - Alternative View

Video: About The Theory Of Creation Of Matter In The Universe - Alternative View

Video: About The Theory Of Creation Of Matter In The Universe - Alternative View
Video: How did the Universe form - out of nothing? 2024, July

Is there such a unified theory of the creation of matter? You say no. Has already.

A person all his conscious life asks himself the same question: "Why?" He looks for an answer to it and does not find it. Why is the World so arranged? Why does it consist of many worlds of matter (megaworld, macrocosm, microcosm, submicroworld), included in one another? Why does it consist of galaxies, stars, planets, comets, asteroids, meteors, cosmic dust, cells, molecules and atoms, photons and particles of God? Why are there spiral and elliptical galaxies? How are certain galaxies formed? What are Black Holes? Is there black matter? Why are there stars and star systems? How are they formed? The first supernovae, where are they from? And neutron stars? Why are there so many stars in old galaxies (more than 2 billion in our galaxy)? How many planets are there? Why do they burnthese stars? What is light? How do the planets and their satellites arise? The structure of all KBT (Cosmic Rotating Bodies). Why do all these bodies revolve around the central body? How many satellites should a planet have? Why Venus and Mercury don't have them? Why are all planets different, like their satellites? Why do Venus and Uranus rotate in the opposite direction? Why do the outer satellites of Jupiter revolve around it in the opposite direction than Jupiter itself and all its other satellites? How was the solar system formed? About gravity. About ether. Can we fly (and individually incl.) with speeds close to the speed of light? Why body mass and weight? Was there biological life on Mars? Are we descended from a monkey? Why and how did the Tunguska and Chelyabinsk meteorites explode? How are seas and oceans formed? How is a substance atom created? What cataclysms (catastrophes) are not yet known to mankind? About the End of the World. This theory provides an answer to these and many other questions.