Megaliths Speak. Part 12 - Alternative View

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Megaliths Speak. Part 12 - Alternative View
Megaliths Speak. Part 12 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 12 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 12 - Alternative View
Video: Fort Warangal. Ancient megalith factory! [No. A-024.2019 year.] 2024, October

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 -

There is such a historical story: - Allegedly, the Maya Indians sunbathed on the ocean shore, swam and let pancakes on the water when several sailboats appeared on the horizon. This is Christopher Columbus, and in another version, Amerigo Vespucci, sailed from the old world to discover them, the Maya, together with America. But none of the savages saw these ships point-blank!

Megalith! Do you have any relatives on other planets?

The chief priest of the tribe, who knew all the prophecies, including that the gods would return on large wooden boats under sails, pointed his fingers at the ships to his fellow tribesmen, shouted and jumped. No one except him saw anything but the ocean to the very horizon. The priest alone knew what a ship was and how it might look. The rest did not even have a hint of an idea of what a sailing ship was. And if we compare what they saw in reality with what was “written” in their brain, it was not impossible in the form of concepts, then the brain simply “filtered” what they saw, and the Indians did not see the ships.

A bike is a bike, but the meaning is deep. In fact, everything that does not fit into the known patterns, a person either does not see, or soon completely forgets. Lyon Feuchtwanger's novel about Goya, I read when I was a pioneer. Then I was struck by one phrase of the artist. I quote from memory: - "To reproduce favorite corners of nature is like a thief admiring his shackles."

This statement contains the whole essence of the difference between humans and humans. People are incapable of creating. They can only reproduce what has already been created before him. And the Man in his fantasy is not limited by the available templates. He is able to create something that did not exist in nature before him. Copying a birch grove onto canvas is not a talent. The talent is to create a locomotive or an airplane. Talent is not to carve an exact copy of an athlete, but something that has no analogues in people's heads.

I recalled the recent "phony" sensation, allegedly associated with the discovery by Austrian archaeologists of an exact copy of Nokia's mobile phone - 3310 made of stone, created "one hundred thousand million" years ago.

Promotional video:


Of course, this is the work of jokers. But let's imagine for a moment that this is a genuine artifact, and it was dug up by a peasant in the nineteenth century. Imagine what thoughts might appear in his head? How to identify a find if you don't have a prepared template in your head? Well, he has never seen a mobile phone. And I have never seen anything like it. What will he call this cobblestone? What, not enough imagination? Honestly, I do too. But for sure it would be called something with the adjective "damn", or "devilish".

The story with the discovery of ancient images of a tank, a helicopter, an airplane and a submarine on one of the bas-reliefs in Abydos (Egypt) is also indicative. Only the perception of a modern person can catch the analogy of hieroglyphs with military equipment, hence the exaggerated sensation. The investigation has long been conducted, convincing evidence that the bas-relief is a fake has long been made public, but who cares!


The yellow press and mystical TV channels continue to replicate this myth because it sells very well. In the same way, another famous fake continues to remain in price - a ring with a built-in Swiss clock on the hand of a Chinese princess from a burial site that is attributed to the Ming dynasty that ruled China, allegedly in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.


It is much easier for apologists of the antiquity of Chinese civilization to admit the existence of time travelers than to openly say that the entire "ancient" history of China was written in the eighteenth century by monks of the Jesuit order, and that in fact, the ring belonged to a girl who died at the beginning of the twentieth century, and not in middle Ages.

But in cases where there are no analogies among the established patterns at all, then everything becomes very complicated. There is nothing to compare, there is not enough imagination, and a complete stupor arises. Then the "Mayan syndrome" turns on, when it is easier not to notice than to seek an explanation for what you see. Millions of tourists annually visit places such as Cusco, Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo, etc. They wander along the trodden tourist paths, and listen with delight to the tales of the guides about the origin and purpose of these stones.

But sometimes, when a person does not trust the official guides, tries to find a clue, walks off the path, and suddenly discovers that what the guides show him is simply nothing, compared to what is literally under his nose, begins to think in a non-standard way. It is a pity that there are not even high-quality images of such artifacts, but they are. Here are just a few of them:


These are megaliths from Asuka National Park, Japan. It would be logical if these stones were better known than the one mentioned above, Stonehenge. But we see the opposite. Everyone knows about Stonehenge, but only enthusiasts about Asuka. Why? Yes, because for Stonehenge a version was found about its purpose, as an ancient observatory, and the Asuki megaliths do not fit into any of the existing templates. There are simply no analogies. There are no analogies for stones from the village of Sayvit in Peru:


If we use modern stereotypes, then only one thing comes to mind: - it's something technical. Even the most daring researchers, in their conclusions, cannot go beyond the assumption that we have in front of us the remains of a base on which metal parts were attached. Well, what if this is not the "skeleton" of the mechanism, but the mechanism itself? What if this is the car itself? After all, it is only according to our modern ideas that everything that produces mechanical work must certainly be made of metal! But we don't even have the slightest idea what physical principles the civilization was based on, which created these objects!

Imagine a cockroach that suddenly gains intelligence, speech, and the ability to capture thoughts with graphics as it travels inside a gas oven. What will he describe when talking about the objects around him? Probably it would be a hilarious story in the style of NASA employees. And here is another vivid example of megaliths that are not shown to tourists in such an iconic place as Cuzco (Peru):


The most gifted assume that some kind of equipment was located in these niches and grooves. From gramophone to computer. But this is funny in my opinion. Even the version of alien origin, which has no right to exist at all, seems to be more scientific. Well, we do not have ready-made templates to explain what we see. There has never been anything like this in the history of our civilization. But this does not mean that we have before us the result of the fruits of alien civilizations!

And in order to verify the truth of this statement, give a young American an ordinary Soviet manual meat grinder in the hands of a young American … You will die laughing, listening to the versions put forward by him … Those who did such things are also laughing in heaven:

Genetic disk
Genetic disk

Genetic disk.

It depicts things and processes that a modern person can observe only under a microscope. The disc shows the process of the birth and development of the embryo. Also, one of the strange drawings is the head of a person of an incomprehensible shape.

The disc is made of a durable stone called lidite. With its exceptional strength, this stone has a layered structure, and, despite the presence of this ancient artifact, it is not possible to make something similar to it both practically and theoretically.

The diameter of the disc is 27 centimeters. The entire process of the birth of a human being is depicted with pinpoint accuracy along the circumference of the disc - on both sides - from the device of the productive organs of a man and a woman, the moment of conception, intrauterine development of the fetus through all its stages - until the birth of a baby. Scientists have seen many of these processes with their own eyes relatively recently, with the help of appropriate instruments. But the author of the disc possessed this knowledge perfectly and was, apparently, a sixth grade geneticist. Because next to human beings you can see not quite human ones.


A torus (or donut) cut lengthwise. Material - slate. Diameter, about 30 cm. On the inner radius, in one place, the remains of some kind of "petal" are visible. Not glued, but making up a single whole with one and a half.


According to the assurances of Egyptologists, this "propeller" refers to the period from 3100 to 2300 BC. made of slate, which is difficult to process even with special steel tools. The size is impressive - the diameter is about 60 cm. And the thickness of the "petals" is only 2-3 mm. From the point of view of mathematics, this object is a circle in which a truncated three-ray hypocycloid is inscribed. But the item has an axis, which suggests that it rotated around its own axis when used. The axis does not go through the entire object, but ends in a spherical bottom.

There are several other objects of very intricate forms, the purpose of which is very difficult to determine. Knives, curved hooks, strange scrapers, etc.


And everything is done carefully, the shapes are simply amazing, the skill of the carving is simply amazing. And the full set of problems of the Genetic Disk: it is not clear how it was made, who made it, where, when and for what.

The most widespread version is that these are medical instruments of the ancient "geneticists".


The handle of one of the knives represents a baby, whose neck is entwined with an umbilical cord. Maybe with this knife the ancient surgeon cut the umbilical cord, thereby saving the life of the newborn?


Everything is as usual. The explanations of scientists are based on stereotypes that have long been embedded in their minds. People cannot create something of their own. Who gave them radio, television and the Internet? After all, the abilities of a "reasonable man" cast doubt on the thesis declaring his rationality!

And the real "brain scrapping" is happening in India. Where, due to the fact that in 1947 there was no access to state and supranational (such as UNESCO) structures that control the safety of objects that are the heritage of the entire civilization. Judging by recent events in northern Africa and the Middle East, UNESCO is doing just the opposite. It does not preserve, but destroys by someone else's hands everything that is evidence of the true history of mankind. But this is a separate topic. And now, let's see the photo of Dmitry Arbuzov, who took in the photo what the guides will not show you. And if they do, they will lie as usual …

Traveler Dmitry Arbuzov
Traveler Dmitry Arbuzov

Traveler Dmitry Arbuzov.

Warangal (India). Martian branch


Well? Are there versions? Is it a bathhouse, a temple, a senate, a theater, an observatory, or a newsstand? Well, this structure does not fit into the patterns embedded in the mind of a modern person …


But this mountain already tells us a lot. It can be a dump left after mining, by the leaching method …


The metal staples, well known to us from the reports of Mesoamerican megaliths, are very well preserved. This testifies to the continuity of global technologies in the past, and to the fact that they were applied quite recently. Not the thousands of years that geologists talk about.


Scattered. There is no other word for it. But why does it look like a battlefield after the end of the battle itself? Is the Mahabharata not an invention?


How to identify this object? There are no templates for it. This is unlike anything in our imaginations. Aliens? But I don't believe in them! There must be a logical explanation. But he is not …


This, too, does not fit into the stereotypes … Whoever sees it, mentally imagines a "Bulgarian". But … Who said that our predecessors had a similar instrument to ours? It seems that they knew a different way of processing stones, which has nothing to do with ours, modern.


Here, at first glance, there is nothing mysterious, because it is enough to compare with the embankments of St. Petersburg, but … And who will explain how the embankments of St. Petersburg were built? If someone believes historians, let them try to repeat …


And this picture generally breaks the brain. The stone behaves in a completely different way, as is customary according to the laws of physics …


Here I am afraid to seem not original. I see the stator of the crankcase of an internal combustion engine, with liners on which the crankshaft rested. Techies will understand me, let the rest take my word for it. True, all this is not made of steel, but of stone. Did the sculptor copy the motor? Or maybe steel, under certain conditions, is capable of mutating into minerals? This is not a joke, not obscurantism, the transmutation of stable elements has already been recognized and has a patent. But what is there to be surprised at … Sea crab does not buy its shell in the store, does it? He creates from the salts of seawater a chemical element that is completely unrelated to the environment, calcium, and from it he builds his "house". And this is not considered a miracle or witchcraft.


I spoke about sarcophagi above, I will not repeat myself. Internal corners in three planes cannot be made with a conventional tool. Either 3D or laser or die casting. It doesn't matter what exactly is applied here, it is important that it exists!


Further, a few more photos that leave no stone unturned from modern history, geology and mineralogy. It doesn't fit into the established templates. Doesn't fit any theory. A stone cannot behave like that! Means what? We do not know something about the properties of the stone … And about its origin …


It seems that the stone is capable of changing its properties. Only these processes are too long in comparison with the duration of human life. Therefore, they are invisible to us. But if we do not see the fuss of germs on our hands, this does not mean the abolition of hygiene?

Continued: Part 13

Author: kadykchanskiy