Mysterious Structures Of The Ancients In The Siberian Tundra - Alternative View

Mysterious Structures Of The Ancients In The Siberian Tundra - Alternative View
Mysterious Structures Of The Ancients In The Siberian Tundra - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Structures Of The Ancients In The Siberian Tundra - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Structures Of The Ancients In The Siberian Tundra - Alternative View
Video: Mysterious Explosion in Siberia: 20 Years Laters (Natural Phenomenon Documentary) | Real Stories 2024, July

“Hello dear readers. I ask you to excuse me in advance for some confusion in my presentation and possible bloopers, for the simple reason that writing this article is my first literary experience. So, let me introduce myself. My name is Kirill Kolonskikh and I have been working on a rotational basis for more than 10 years at the gas production company Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg, currently holding the position of Category 1 oil and gas production engineer at the company's northernmost field.

This small presentation is only necessary so that you have an understanding of what I know well enough and not immediately questioned by you, the facts and concepts with which I will operate in the future.

And now I will go directly to the presentation of the events that took place. April 14, 2012 rotational flight GZP 421 YAMBURG-UFA. In the company of other happy and contented shift workers who honestly worked out their shift and who were leaving for an inter-shift vacation at their permanent residence, having stood in line for registration, I noted with some satisfaction that the ticket that I got this time was near the window. And there is a quite logical explanation for this fact, those who flew the TU-154 should remember that in this beautiful in all respects, except for the convenience of accommodating passengers, the aircraft row consists of 3 seats, and given the complexion of the stern men working in the Arctic Circle, although with the illusion of comfort, you can sit either in the aisle or near the window.

This was followed by a series of coincidences, which led to the fact that I was able to take the photos below. First, after takeoff, I noted the fact that the sky was surprisingly cloudless. As I wrote earlier, I have been flying to and from work for over 10 years, but never have I witnessed such amazing visibility. Usually, after takeoff, the plane flies through cirrus clouds in the upper layers of the atmosphere during climb, and most of the time from below you can see only snow wool, endless from horizon to horizon.

Clouds in the upper layers of the atmosphere, however, can sometimes have a more rarefied structure, but a feature of northern latitudes is also high cloudiness in the lower layers of the atmosphere, which completely hides at least some kind of visibility. So this time the visibility was so good that I completely forgot about the most favorite entertainment of rotational workers on the plane, (don't think anything bad, I mean sleep) clung my nose to the window and armed with a smartphone with a built-in camera enjoyed the harsh northern beauty and occasionally photographed something most interesting.

I would like to talk about northern beauty separately. I, as a person born and raised in central Russia, did not immediately see through all the charm and charm of this amazing land. But over time, this nature absorbed into me and became my part, I can say with full confidence that the north of the country has its own special but no less wonderful nature, even if it is not so expressive and does not shine with a variety of colors, but it is magnificent with its insignificant details and strokes. She's just beautiful. Uh, okay, forgive me for this little digression, I just couldn't help myself. I'll start uploading photos:

Fig. 1 One of the facilities for the production of hydrocarbons.

For full-size view, click on the photo

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Considering that the photographs were originally taken with a smartphone camera, which naturally speaks of far from being the best picture quality, the main points can be captured. I will post a number of photographs just so that some man-made objects look like from an airplane, in order to understand how they are strikingly different from the photographs in which the actual fragments that struck me will be depicted. For example, in this photo, you can clearly see the laid roads and pipelines. We follow further:

Fig. 2 A simply amazingly beautiful bend of some northern river


Figure: 3 Highway Novy Urengoy-Surgut


It's just wonderful that before we flew the amazing lines visible in the following photos, I had the opportunity to photograph the road so that I could understand the huge difference in the technologies of the construction of these engineering solutions.

Fig 4. Three absolutely parallel lines are clearly visible even in the tundra.


In order to clearly see the lines, you need to consider photographs with a large expansion, in order to increase their visibility in this article, I am in Power Point, I just drew lines next to them in a clearly visible red color. This was the first thing that I saw and probably would not have paid special attention to it and might even have thought that it was just nearby collectors of the main gas pipeline. This is the first thing that came to my mind. But looking at the fact that we flew on, I generally felt a sense of the unreality of what was happening.


Fig 5. The number of parallel lines has increased to five, and this is what finally got to me - another line crossing them at right angles!


With red underline


Fig 6. Here everything has already fallen into place, this something really exists. Here, clear, absolutely geometrically regular rectangles are already quite amenable to observation.

The photo is darkened and no red highlights.


With red underline


Naturally, I could not remain indifferent to what I saw and asked my colleagues and neighbors on the plane to look out the window and make sure that I really did not suffer from hallucinations. Although hallucinations are certainly difficult to photograph with a camera. And my powerful but not so curious comrades-in-arms confirmed, yes, they say we see some kind of x … y, but that this is not very interesting for us and in general we want to sleep and there are more important things in this world - they are already serving lunch.

The first thing that came to my mind is the film "Thirteenth Floor", I hope you watched this amazing film about artificial reality, a kind of analogue of "The Matrix". So there is a moment when one of the heroes decides to leave the boundaries of his world and discovers that his world is finite and is limited by such computer straight lines.

But I am still too hard a materialist for this and an engineer to the core of my bones, so I reject these considerations and accept the following hypothesis. These are certainly unique engineering structures. Who is their builder and for what purpose they were built, I'm afraid, will remain a mystery for a very long time.

Why unique? Well, firstly, even with the modern level of instrumentation, it is incredible geometric correctness and just the same cyclopean structures. Secondly, it is one thing to mark geometrically correctly, and quite another to build it correctly. As you know, building such huge straight lines is very energy and material-intensive. Take roads for example. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, everyone knows that.

Has anyone seen absolutely straight roads somewhere? A very rare occurrence. Hence the following conclusion: unknown builders needed such an arrangement of these objects in principle. Thirdly, the very fact of construction in the tundra. The erection of any structures in the tundra is a priori difficult task, associated with the low bearing capacity of the soil, which is permafrost. The only existing technology for the construction of foundations is the immersion of huge piles in the permafrost.

This is a very difficult engineering task, and also very costly. And then the never-ending struggle with the thermal stabilization of these piles and the struggle with their bulging out of the ground. This is a separate song altogether. In general, without supervision, any building in the conditions of the MMP will be destroyed over time. This suggests the following conclusion that the age of these structures is very long, and that they manifested themselves through the tundra as a result of soil erosion. And they were built long before the ice age, when there was a completely different climate in these latitudes.

I really want to believe that this fact will not be ignored by interested parties and these structures will be comprehensively investigated. I am more than sure that by examining these structures, we will get a lot of evidence of the existence in ancient times on the territory of Western Siberia of a highly developed civilization of our ancestors.

Thank you for attention.

Author: Kolonskikh K. V. Engineer for Doctor of Science 1 cat.