Bulgar - A City Of Two Rivers And Two Religions - Alternative View

Bulgar - A City Of Two Rivers And Two Religions - Alternative View
Bulgar - A City Of Two Rivers And Two Religions - Alternative View

Video: Bulgar - A City Of Two Rivers And Two Religions - Alternative View

Video: Bulgar - A City Of Two Rivers And Two Religions - Alternative View
Video: Пять причин поехать в Татарстан. Болгар 2024, July

This is a city in Tatarstan, the former capital of the once majestic state of the Volga Bulgaria. It was mentioned back in 920 by the Arab geographer al-Balkhi. Once there were three lakes here - Yukhan-Vasan, Sherpet and Akkosh kul, and this territory was also called the Land of Three Lakes.

Bulgar stands on the banks of the Volga, which, after a few kilometers, merges with the Kama. This place is even called the Kama or Tatarstan Sea - the water spreads here so widely that you cannot see the other shore, and real sea waves are splashing under the hot southern sun.

Kama Sea
Kama Sea

Kama Sea.

Two mighty rivers, mixing their waters, create a very powerful energy. After swimming in the Tatarstan Sea, you wash away all worries and recharge yourself with strength for many months.

In Bulgar itself, you are also filled with energy - the energy of prayed places. As elsewhere in Tatarstan, two religions peacefully coexist here - Orthodoxy and Islam, and numerous pilgrims of two different confessions go to the city.

Orthodox rush to the Holy Abrahamic Church. It got its name in honor of the martyr Abraham, a former Muslim who converted to Christianity.

Holy Abraham Church
Holy Abraham Church

Holy Abraham Church.

Pilgrims come to the temple to venerate its relics and ask for help and patronage, success in trade and business. There is also the well of St. Abraham, the water from which is considered healing and holy.

Promotional video:

Muslims (and not only Muslims) are on their way to the already famous White Mosque. This mind-blowing knowledge is called the Tatar Taj Mahal - it is so beautiful and so similar to the famous Indian mausoleum. Once next to her, you feel that you are in an oriental tale …

Tatar Taj Mahal
Tatar Taj Mahal

Tatar Taj Mahal.

When facing the mosque, only white marble was used, which itself has a strong energy. And now, just standing next to the White Mosque, you can feel a powerful surge of strength.

In addition to the White Mosque, here you can see the old mosques and minarets, the former khan's palace and the largest Koran in the world.


Author: Natalia Trubinovskaya
