Reptilian Underground Cities - Alternative View

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Reptilian Underground Cities - Alternative View
Reptilian Underground Cities - Alternative View

Video: Reptilian Underground Cities - Alternative View

Video: Reptilian Underground Cities - Alternative View
Video: LA's Secret Underground Tunnels | Good Sh*t | OZY 2024, July


Not far from the large city of Rostov-on-Don, or rather even in its suburbs, from time immemorial, people have discovered strange underground structures: Deep underground tunnels, grottoes, caves of clearly artificial origin.

Underground passages lead to no one knows where for many kilometers. According to enthusiasts, the length of the underground passages exceeds a hundred kilometers !!! It is no coincidence that I mentioned the enthusiasts. It is only enthusiasts who are engaged in such anomalies - after all, as always, official science and archeology stubbornly refuses to notice such zones. So, according to the estimates of all the same independent experts, these dungeons are at least several thousand years old. Everyone who has ever been there points to their artificial origin. The purpose of creating such a giant underground structure is still unclear. At least a little to reveal the secret of this miracle, I think that the latest knowledge that was described in the book "The Way Home" will help us.

Locals, when it comes to dungeons, strongly advise against going there, even on pain of death. Locals experience panic at the mere thought of trying to enter the underground labyrinth. Many people talk about multiple strange deaths of people trying to explore the caves. Cattle and other domestic animals have repeatedly disappeared at the entrance to the caves. Often only gnawed bones were found !!!

Several years ago, the military tried to use the underground labyrinths for their own purposes. The command of the North Caucasus Military District planned to build a fortified secret command bunker in the catacombs in case of a nuclear war. We rolled up our sleeves and got to work. Measurements were carried out, soil samples were taken, the terrain was carefully studied. Several groups were organized to study the length of the underground passages. Two soldiers with a walkie-talkie and a lantern in their hands in each group passed cave after cave, labyrinth after labyrinth. Their path was tracked on the surface by radio.

Everything went as well as possible, however, the fortified underground bunker of the North Caucasian Military District near Aksai, as it was, never happened. All work was suddenly and unexpectedly stopped. The military fled from this cursed place in panic. The entrance to the dungeon was sealed with a thick layer of reinforced concrete. We did our best - we spent hundreds of tons of selected concrete on it!

An emergency order to stop the work came from Moscow after radio communication with one of the groups exploring the dungeons suddenly stopped and the group did not come to the surface. Rescuers were equipped to search. After some time, the rescuers managed to find two soldiers, or rather what was left of them - only the lower half of the body of each of them !!! From the waist down to the feet in boots - the rest vanished. The walkie-talkie was surprisingly cut in two. Moreover, further research showed that the cut was so delicate that not even a single small crack remained on the electronic boards. Real jewelry work !!! By the way, there was no blood either - the tissues of the soldiers' bodies were slightly melted at the incision site. There is work - a laser.


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The case was immediately reported to Moscow. An urgent order came from the Ministry of Defense: All work should be stopped immediately! Remove people and equipment! The entrance to the dungeon is securely sealed with reinforced concrete! Why and why was not explained in the order. Each of you, if you want to explore the dungeon, can now easily find this reinforced concrete wall with easily distinguishable traces of formwork. The question remains: What so scared our gallant military with their missiles and nuclear power? And why fill up the entrance to an ancient dungeon with tons of concrete?

The military classified information on these events so as not to raise panic, but the information surfaced as a result of the death of the catacomb researcher Oleg Burlakov. He also died, he was cut in half, but the lower part remained untouched, but only bones remained from the upper part.

Local historians have mystified the Aksai catacombs from time immemorial. A couple of hundred years ago, a strange-looking overseas merchant came to Aksai - as it turned out later, a member of the secret Masonic order of the Jesuits. He spent more than one year in Aksai. During his stay, he spent a lot of money looking for something. What he was looking for, no one could understand. Constantly equipping large groups of excavators, carefully studying the area. It became clear to everyone that the foreigner was not looking for treasure or treasure. The money he spent during this time on diggers and on all the work would have been more than enough for several treasures.

After all, none of the locals wanted to work near those dungeons for any money. The merchant had to recruit and bring new people all the time - after a while the people fled for unknown reasons.

Whether the merchant managed to find what he was looking for remained a mystery behind seven seals. It is only known that according to the ancient books of Jesuit Masons, which, according to some sources, are at the origin of the birth of the Roman Catholic Church, it is written that the area near Aksai is a holy land, in some way connected with their deity, whose cult they worship - namely reptiles to Lucifer. For them - God, and for us - Satan !!!

This information interested visiting diggers, who decided to walk through the dungeon, taking a dog just in case. However, they fell into a trap: after walking several hundred meters into the depths, the diggers noticed that behind them in a couple of steps the walls converged, and after a few seconds they parted again. Apparently, the mechanism was so ancient that it did not have time to work in time, allowing the diggers to avoid danger. The dog accompanying the diggers whined and ran off the leash back through the maze … On the way back, the diggers decided to bypass the ill-fated place, but this time they fell into a trap, a hole formed behind them, and then the floor returned to its original position. What secrets do the Aksai dungeons hide? After all, people had to pay with their lives for them, and no one had to get out of this labyrinth, falling into a trap!

Residents of Aksai say that their ancestors, living in the Kobyakovsky settlement, brought human sacrifices to a certain Dragon, which crawled out of the ground and ate people. This image can often be found in chronicles, folk tales, among the monuments of architecture, archeology. However, the legend of the dragon lives on to this day, since only a few decades ago, during the collapse of the floor of a local cannery, workers witnessed a horrifying picture: they noticed below the body of a seemingly huge snake that quickly appeared and disappeared in the hole, a devilish roar was heard, dogs, those present during the search of the manhole - jumped off their seats and ran away headlong with their tails between their legs, while the workers looked dumbfounded, could not come to their senses. This passage was walled up, but the dogs decided to return to this place after only a week.

These eyewitness testimonies became the basis for the theory that this dragon crawled out not from the ground, but from the water. Indeed, according to the testimony of geological exploration, there is a lake at a depth of 40 meters near Aksai, and a sea at a depth of 250 meters. The Don's underground waters form another river, in the Don there is a funnel that sucks in any objects caught in the strong current of the river. Until now, they cannot find trailers and cars that got into the Don from the old Aksai bridge. Divers who explored the bottom of the lake stated that this funnel pulls objects with tremendous force, even steel safety cables are stretched to the limit.

According to eyewitnesses, UFOs appear over the city quite often, they seem to emerge from the ground, hang in the air and again dive underground. Once a translucent UFO swam over the city and humanoid figures were visible. One UFO blinded the sleeping Aksai with rays of light, when these rays reached the warships on the banks of the Don, the military attempted to attack the night guest and fired at him with guns, but this did not bring any visible result. The UFO disappeared and dived somewhere underground. Another case was described by many eyewitnesses: three spherical UFOs whirled in the sky of the old Aksai bridge. The outgoing light was so bright that it began to interfere with traffic on the freeway, dozens of drivers were fascinated by this spectacle. The arriving police squad could not move the drivers; they had to call for help from Aksai.

A few years ago, in the midst of the festivities taking place in one of the restaurants near the dungeons, a little boy disappeared. The party had to be stopped - everyone rushed to find the boy. They searched all the surroundings and only in the morning they managed to find the baby safe and sound. With one, however, exception - the boy has not spoken since then. Some kind of mental shock left the baby speechless.

Psychologists became interested in this case. It is very strange that since then the baby not only does not speak, but also draws some strange monster.

An underground network of tunnels that pierce the Earth

Underground Tunnels There are many interconnected caves and artificial underground cavities in the Middle East, India, China, Iran, Afghanistan, Europe, the United States, Russia and many countries.


120 km from Saratov, in the area of the Medveditskaya ridge, the "Cosmopoisk" expedition led by Candidate of Technical Sciences Vadim Chernobrov in 1997 discovered and in subsequent years mapped a branched system of tunnels surveyed for tens of kilometers. The tunnels have a circular or oval cross-section with a diameter of 7 to 20 m and are located at a depth of 6 to 30 m from the surface. As they approach the Medveditskaya ridge, their diameter increases from 20 to 35 m, then 80 m, and already at the very elevation the diameter of the cavities reaches 120 m, turning into a huge hall under the mountain.

Judging by numerous publications in newspapers, magazines and the Internet, in the area of the Medveditskaya ridge, ball lightning is often observed (in terms of the number of observed ball lightning, it ranks second in the world) and UFOs, which sometimes disappear underground, which has long attracted the attention of ufologists. The members of the Kosmopoisk expedition put forward a hypothesis that the ridge is a “crossroads” where underground roads of many directions converge. They can even reach Novaya Zemlya and the North American continent.

In the article "Tunnels of Lost Civilizations" E. Vorobyov said that the Marble Cave in the Chatyr-Dag mountain range, located at an altitude of 900 m above sea level, was formed on the site of a tunnel with a diameter of about 20 m with perfectly flat walls, going deep into the mountain range with slope towards the sea. The walls of this tunnel are well preserved in places and do not have traces of erosional activity from flowing waters - karst caverns. The author believes that the tunnel existed before the beginning of the Oligocene, that is, its age is at least 34 million years!

The newspaper "Astrakhanskie Izvestia" *** reported about the existence in the Krasnodar Territory near Gelendzhik of a straight, like an arrow, vertical shaft with a diameter of about 1.5 m and a depth of more than 100 m with smooth, as if melted, walls - stronger than cast-iron tubing in the metro … Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergei Polyakov from Moscow State University found that the microstructure of the soil in the cut of the shaft wall is disturbed as a result of physical impact by only 1-1.5 mm. On the basis of his conclusion and direct observations, it was concluded that the high bonding properties of the walls are most likely the result of simultaneous thermal and mechanical effects using some kind of high technology unknown to us.

According to all the same E. Vorobyov, in 1950, by a secret decree of the USSR Council of Ministers, it was decided to build a tunnel through the Tatar Strait to connect the mainland with Sakhalin by rail. Over time, the secrecy was lifted and the doctor of physical and mechanical sciences L. S. Berman, who worked there at that time, told in 1991 in her memoirs addressed to the Voronezh branch of Memorial that the builders were not so much rebuilding the existing tunnel, but rather restoring it. built in ancient times, extremely competently, taking into account the geological features of the bottom of the strait.

The same ancient tunnels, judging by publications, radio and television broadcasts of previous years, were found by the builders of modern metro tunnels and other underground communications in Moscow, Kiev and other cities. This allows us to believe that along with metro tunnels, rivers hidden in concrete boxes, sewerage and drainage systems and the latest equipped with the latest technology, "autonomous underground cities" with power plants, there are also numerous underground communications of earlier eras under them *** … They form a multi-level, intricately intertwined system of countless underground passages and chambers, and the most ancient buildings are located deeper than the metro line and, probably, continue far beyond the cities. There is information that underground galleries with a length of hundreds of kilometers existed on the territory of Ancient Russia,connecting the largest cities of the country. Entering them, for example, in Kiev, it was possible to get off in Chernigov (120 km), Lyubech (130 km) and even Smolensk (over 450 km).

And not a word is said about all these grandiose underground structures in any reference book. There are no published maps or publications dedicated to them. And all because in all countries the location of underground utilities is a state secret, and information about them can be obtained mainly only from diggers who study them unofficially.

That is why, from the scanty information about underground structures, it is always difficult to understand where the legend ends and reality begins. I myself would have considered many stories to be nothing more than a beautiful legend, if my acquaintance diggers had not told me about their adventures in underground labyrinths, if I had not somehow got into the hands of nowhere published reports on the search for the Library of Ivan the Terrible under the surface of Moscow and other cities of the Moscow region, with a detailed description of the ancient underground passages and their schemes, and if I myself had not visited many underground cities in Turkey and Israel and saw their gigantic scale (in width and depth).

Of the underground communications found in other countries, it should be noted the tunnel found on the Babia mountain (height 1725 m) in the Tatra-Beskydy mountain range located on the border of Poland and Slovakia. UFO encounters were also common in this place. The Polish ufologist Robert Lesnyakevich, who is studying this anomalous zone, in search of information about the events that took place here in earlier times, contacted another Polish expert on this kind of problems, Dr. Jan Pajonk, a professor at the university in the New Zealand city of Dunedin.

Professor Payonk wrote to Lesnyakevich that in the mid-1960s, when he was a teenager and high school student, he heard the following story from an elderly man named Vincent:

“Many years ago, my father said that the time had come for me to find out the secret that the inhabitants of our places have long passed from father to son. And this secret is the hidden entrance to the dungeon. And he also told me to remember the road well, because he would show me it only once.

After that we went on in silence. When we approached the foot of Babia Gora from the Slovak side, my father stopped again and pointed out to me a small rock protruding from the mountain slope at an altitude of about 600 meters …

When we leaned on the rock together, she suddenly trembled and unexpectedly easily moved to the side. An aperture was opened into which a cart could freely enter, together with a horse harnessed to it …

A tunnel opened in front of us, going down quite steeply. Father moved forward, I followed him, stunned by what had happened. The tunnel, similar in cross-section to a slightly flattened circle, was as straight as an arrow, and so wide and high that an entire train could easily fit in it. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and floor seemed to be covered with glass, but when we walked, our feet did not slip, and almost no footsteps were heard. Looking closely, I noticed deep scratches on the floor and walls in many places. It was completely dry inside.

Our long journey along the inclined tunnel continued until we came to a spacious hall that looked like the inside of a huge barrel. Several more tunnels converged in it, some of them were triangular in cross-section, others round.

… the father spoke again:

- Through the tunnels that diverge from here, you can get to different countries and to different continents. The one on the left leads to Germany, then to England, and then to the American continent. The right tunnel stretches to Russia, to the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and from there to America, where it joins the left one. You can get to America through other tunnels laid under the Earth's poles - the North and South. On the way of each tunnel there are "junction stations" similar to the one in which we are now. So, not knowing the exact route, it is easy to get lost in them …

The father's story was interrupted by a distant sound that sounded like a low hum and a metallic clang at the same time. Such a sound is emitted by a heavily laden train, moving away or sharply braking …

- The tunnels that you saw, - the father continued his story, - were built not by people, but by powerful beings living underground. These are their roads to travel from one end of the underworld to the other. And they move on flying fire machines. If we were in the path of such a machine, we would be burned alive. Fortunately, the sound in the tunnel can be heard at a great distance, and we had enough time to avoid such a meeting. Well, besides, these creatures live in another part of their world, and rarely appear in our area ….

Another mysterious place, similar to the Medveditskaya ridge, Mount Babu, Nevado de Cachi, and, perhaps, Shambhala is Mount Shasta, 4317 m high in the Cascade Mountains in northern California. This mountain is the largest modern center for esotericism, spiritualism and occultism in the United States. It is believed that it is the focus of all the mysterious forces of the Earth. In the area of Shasta, UFOs are often observed, and from the depths of the mountains you can sometimes hear the gentle ringing of bells or the ticking of some mechanism.

English traveler and explorer Percy Fawcett, who worked in South America for many years and visited North America several times, mentioned the long tunnels located near the Popocatepetl and Inlacuatl volcanoes in Mexico … and in the region of Mount Shasta. From local residents, he heard stories about tall golden-haired people supposedly inhabiting the dungeons. The Indians believed that they were the descendants of people who in ancient times descended from heaven, who did not manage to adapt to life on the surface and went to underground caves …

Some people even managed to see the mysterious underground empire.

Andrew Thomas in his book "Shambhala - an oasis of light" also wrote that in the mountains of California there are straight, like arrows, underground passages leading to the state of New Mexico.

Maxim Yablokov in the book "Aliens" They are already here !!! " told about one interesting fact. The underground nuclear tests carried out at the test site in Nevada (USA) have led to very curious consequences. Two hours later, at one of the military bases in Canada, located at a distance of 2000 km from the test site, a radiation level 20 times higher than the norm was recorded. It turned out that next to the Canadian base there was a huge cave, which is part of a huge system of caves and tunnels of the continent …


We have already written about reptoids - a race of intelligent lizards that arose simultaneously, and most likely, before humans. The publication said that the lizards left the scene, making way for a man. We are correcting ourselves: there are good reasons to believe that the lizards, leaving the surface of the planet to man, went deep into the Earth.

Earth unknown to us

Despite all the technical achievements, a person still cannot say that he knows the planet as his apartment. There are still places where the scientist has never gone before. In other corners, if he did appear, it was only to write on the rock "I was here" and leave this area in pristine purity for another 200-300 years.

Studying the World Ocean, a man sank to a depth of 11.000 m, however, he is in absolute ignorance of what is deeper than 200-300 m. (To visit does not mean to study) As for the natural voids of the Earth, here a person has gone no further than the "hallway" and even has no idea how many rooms there are in the underground "apartment" and what size they are. He only knows “a lot” and “very large”.

Endless underground labyrinths

There are caves in absolutely all parts of the world, on all continents, up to Antarctica. Underground corridors are woven into endless labyrinth tunnels. Walking and crawling along these galleries for 40-50 km, without reaching the end of the tunnel, is quite a common thing for cavers, not worth mentioning. There are caves 100, 200, 300 km long! Mamontov - 627 km. And none of the caves is considered fully explored.

Scientist Andrei Timoshevsky (better known as Andrew Thomas), who studied Tibet and the Himalayas for a long time, wrote that the monks took him through endless tunnels, through which, according to them, it was possible to walk to the center of the Earth.

After an underground nuclear explosion at a test site in Nevada in the caves of Canada, located at a distance of more than 2,000 km, the level of radiation jumped 20 times. American cavers are confident that all the caves of the North American continent are in communication with each other.

Russian researcher Pavel Miroshnichenko believes that there is a network of global underground voids stretching from Crimea through the Caucasus to the Volgograd region.

In fact, we have one more continent - underground. Is it really not inhabited by anyone?

Masters of the underworld

Our ancestors did not think so. They were simply convinced of the exact opposite. Legends and legends about intelligent lizards living in underground labyrinths are among the peoples of Australia, the North American Indians, the same Tibetan monks, Hindus, residents of the Urals and Rostov region of the Southern Federal District.

Is it really an accident?

Most likely, as a result of climatic changes, life for the lizards on the Earth's surface has become impossible. If the unreasonable creatures remained on the surface and died, the reptoids went underground, where there is water, there are no deadly temperature changes, and the deeper, the higher it is due to volcanic activity.

Leaving the surface of the planet to man, they took possession of its underground part. Undoubtedly, someday the long-awaited meeting will take place. And most likely it will happen in South America. It was here that the wall separating the two civilizations thinned to a thin partition.


Even Jesuit priests wrote about the presence in South America of a huge number of underground caves connected together. The Indians called them "Chinkanas". The Spaniards believed that the Chinkanas created the Incas for military purposes: for a quick retreat or a covert attack. The Indians assured that they had nothing to do with the dungeons, they were created by people-snakes who live there and do not really like strangers.

The Europeans did not believe, according to them, these "horror stories" were intended to prevent the valiant settlers from getting to the gold hidden by the Incas in underground caches. Therefore, there were a lot of attempts to investigate the Chinkanas of Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador.

Expeditions do not return

Most adventurers who embarked on a perilous journey through underground labyrinths never returned. Rare lucky ones came without gold and told about their meetings with people covered with scales and huge eyes, but no one believed them. The authorities, who absolutely did not need an emergency with the missing "tourists", filled up and filled up all known entrances and exits.

The Chinkanas and scientists investigated. In the 1920s, several Peruvian expeditions disappeared in the Peruvian Chinkanas. In 1952, a joint American-French group went underground. The scientists planned to return in 5 days. The only surviving member of the expedition, Philip Lamontiere, came to the surface after 15 days, slightly damaged in his mind.

What in his rambling stories about endless labyrinths and lizards walking on two legs, who killed everyone else, was the former truth, and what was the fruit of a sick imagination, it was not possible to establish. The Frenchman died a few days later from the bubonic plague.

Where did he find the plague in the dungeon?

Reptoids, out?

Who lives there in the underground? Exploration of caves, including the mysterious cankanas, continues. Returning members of the expeditions are sure that creatures with intelligence live in the depths of the caves. The stairs and steps they found in the dungeons, the halls, the floors of which are paved with slabs, the kilometer-long gutters carved into the walls, leave no other options. And the deeper and further the researchers go, the more often they come across all sorts of "surprises".

Scientists from France, England, the USA and Russia have repeatedly recorded powerful streams of electromagnetic waves, the source of which is located in the depths of the Earth. Their nature is unclear.

Reptoids preparing to surface?


Lacerta: When I talk about our underground home, I'm talking about large cave systems. The caves you find close to the surface are tiny compared to real caves and huge caves deep in the earth (2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, but connected by many hidden tunnels to the surface or to the surfaces around the caves). And we live in large and developed cities and colonies inside such caves.

The main sites of our caves are Antarctica, Inner Asia, North America and Australia. When I talk about artificial sunlight in our cities, I don't mean the real sun, but various technological light sources that illuminate caves and tunnels.

There are special cave areas and tunnels with strong UV light in every city, and we use them to warm our blood. In addition, we also have some areas of sunshine on the surface in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.

Question: Where can we find such surfaces - near the entrance to your world?

Answer: Do you really think that I will give you their exact location? If you want to find such an entrance, you must look for it (but I would advise you not to.) When I arrived at the surface four days ago, I used an entrance about 300 kilometers north of here, close to a large lake, but I doubt that you might find it (there are only a few occurrences in this part of the world - more - much more in the north and east.)

As a little tip: if you are in a narrow cave or tunnel or even in something that looks like an artificial shaft, and the deeper you go, the smoother the walls become; and if you feel unusual warm air flowing from the depths, or if you hear the sound of flowing air in the ventilation or lift shaft, and find a special kind of artificial things;

else - if you see a wall with a door made of gray metal somewhere in a cave - you could try to open that door (but I doubt it); or, you find yourself underground in an ordinary-looking technical room with ventilation systems and lifts in the depth - then this is probably the entrance to our world;

if you have reached this place, you should know that we have now located you and are aware of your presence, you are already in big trouble. If you have entered a round room, then you must look for one of the two reptilian symbols on the walls. If there are no symbols or there are other symbols, then you are probably in even more trouble than you think, because not every underground structure belongs to our species.

Several new tunnel systems are used by alien races (including hostile races). My general advice if you find yourself in a strange underground structure for you: run as fast as you can.