Underground Temples Of The Atlanteans - Alternative View

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Underground Temples Of The Atlanteans - Alternative View
Underground Temples Of The Atlanteans - Alternative View

Video: Underground Temples Of The Atlanteans - Alternative View

Video: Underground Temples Of The Atlanteans - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Underground Tunnels 2020 Documentary Subterranean Worlds Span The Entire Earth 2024, July

The mythological history of various countries can tell about the existence of mysterious dungeons, the disturbance of which is fraught with various consequences for researchers and travelers. South America is especially rich in astounding legends and alluring historical secrets.

Spirit cave

The beliefs of the population of the state of Peru, whose territory is occupied by the Andes - a majestic mountain range, tell about caves, the inhabitants of which are underground spirits. The entrances to these caves are littered with heavy stone blocks. Only in 1971, the study of cave passages began, when a passage was made in one of the stone blocks.

Cavers traveled a long way through the cave labyrinths before reaching a huge hall, where, in all likelihood, religious rites and ceremonies were previously held. The walls were polished and contained images of drawings and written signs, the floors were lined with tiles in the form of geometric patterns. The center of the hall was decorated with stone pedestals, in which gutters were cut, presumably serving to drain blood. Tunnels diverged from the premises of the ceremonial hall in different directions, in some of which human remains were found. The longest passage reached the ocean and was hidden under water. It is still not known what kind of people became the builders of this hall and tunnels.

Tragedy near Cuzco

Mysterious dungeons are hidden in the vicinity of the city of Cuzco, which the ancient Incas revered as sacred. A group of researchers, having collected provisions for five days, in 1952 began researching one of them. But before the only surviving member of the expedition got to the surface of the earth, two weeks passed. The Frenchman Philippe Lamontiere was emaciated, had signs of bubonic plague, and remembered practically nothing. From scraps of his incoherent speech, it was possible to understand that the dungeon is the burial place of ancient kings, and dozens of rooms of this dungeon are filled with gold and jewels, which are guarded by cleverly made traps. The members of the expedition became their victims when the floor slabs suddenly parted under their feet, and Philip survived because he lagged behind the rest of the cavers. The most amazing thingthat he had proof of the veracity of his story - an ear of corn, skillfully crafted from gold by ancient craftsmen. This ear is still part of the museum exposition of the city of Lima.

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An incredible find

Information about the tragedy that happened in the dungeons near Cuzco was carefully classified by the government. But rumors of untold riches quickly spread, and the local population rushed to the caves. Over two hundred people went missing within months, and those who managed to return were infected with the plague. By order of the Peruvian authorities, the entrances to the dungeons were walled up, and a strict ban was imposed on penetration.

In the early 2000s, explorer Raul Centeno decided to repeat the path of the vanished expedition. He was unable to obtain permission from the authorities to enter the dungeon. He had to bribe the guards who were on duty in the ancient temple, opposite the entrance to one of the tunnels. Six cavers, led by Dr. Sonteno, entered the room under the tomb, breaking the lock on the steel bars. The group moved along a long corridor, turning into side tunnels and descending lower and lower. Once in the tunnel, the walls of which were sheathed with silvery metal, and the floor was lined with smooth stone tiles, the cavers beat off a sample of the metal facing material. Further examination of the sample showed that the structure of the metal is similar to aluminum, which caused great surprise. Explanations of how aluminum could have been made in prehistoric times,the scientists did not find it.

This tunnel ended in a constriction that did not allow to follow further, and the group of researchers had to turn back. During the short time that the cavers were underground, they managed to explore only a small part of the mysterious underground complexes. No ancient burials, no gold have been discovered, apparently incredible discoveries are yet to come.


Descendants of the Atlanteans by Percy Fawcett

Explorers and travelers are familiar with the legends about the existence of ancient cities and dungeons in the impenetrable jungles of the Amazon. It is believed that these cities were built by the inhabitants of Atlantis, who managed to survive.

In 1925, the expeditionary group of the famous explorer P. Fossett disappeared in these impassable places. According to information obtained by Percy Fawcett, the inhabitants of the jungle are a tribe of light-skinned Indians; caves serve as their habitation, the entrance to which is carefully hidden by the locals. It is possible that the aborigines are the descendants of the Atlanteans, who took everything of value that they managed to preserve with them into deep dungeons. In 1991, a research group went there again.

Gallery with peacocks

The caves were very picturesque, including stalactite formations, picturesque grottoes, streams, and colored islets of mold. However, scientists did not find traces of human presence. However, having reached a depth of seven hundred meters, scientists stumbled upon a stone slab, the surface of which was carefully processed, and left no doubt about its artificial origin. Using a winch, the stone was moved from its place, and then stone hinges were discovered that resembled modern door hinges. Behind the slab into the depths of the dungeon, at a slight angle, there was a straight long tunnel. The walls of the corridor were lined with slabs, each decorated with an image of a bird resembling a peacock. There were two chutes on the floor, which gave rise to associations with rails along which carts with loads were transported. This discovery interested all scientists. In 1995, another expedition was sent to the cave. Photographs were created showing walls with peacocks, grottoes, underground lakes, the water in which was salty, which means that the grottoes had a connection with the ocean, but it was not possible to clarify these data due to the large length and ramification of the tunnels.

The veil of secrecy

The information obtained from the research was proof that the knowledge and skills of the wild inhabitants of the Amazon were not enough to create such underground galleries. Similar technologies were not available to the ancient Incas either. In addition, the birds depicted on the wall panels did not belong to the fauna of South America. Many researchers are inclined to argue that these underground caves are direct evidence of the existence of the Atlanteans. Others believe that these structures were built in the pre-Inca era.

The legends of many nations contain information that the Creator of everything earthly, after the completion of the creation of the world, went into the dungeons. Recently it became known that there was another unauthorized attempt to enter the caves near Cuzco. As a result of the blowing up of the stone block blocking the cave, the vaults of the cave collapsed. It remains to be hoped that the followers of modern archaeologists will be able to get to the secret of the South American caves.