An Italian Dungeon With Forgotten Vintage Cars - Alternative View

An Italian Dungeon With Forgotten Vintage Cars - Alternative View
An Italian Dungeon With Forgotten Vintage Cars - Alternative View

Video: An Italian Dungeon With Forgotten Vintage Cars - Alternative View

Video: An Italian Dungeon With Forgotten Vintage Cars - Alternative View
Video: Exploring Forgotten classics worth ££££ at this car graveyard! 2024, July

In the very center of Naples, you can find a unique tunnel that has turned into an unusual exhibition of vintage cars. Rather, history itself has turned this seemingly unremarkable dungeon into a visited tourist attraction.

Just one hundred and fifty meters from the city's largest square - Piazza del Plebiscito - you can find a door leading to the underground. Under the ground, at a depth of almost thirty meters, there is the Bourbon Tunnel, with a total length of 530 meters. The tunnel itself is a whole network of interconnected passages, canals and caves. They are all completely different in size, length and width.


The tunnel was built in the 10th century as a secret path from the royal palace. The then reigning king was very afraid and not without reason of the people's militia and an uprising against him. Therefore, he decided in advance to think over the route of retreat in such a case. However, the king was not destined to use his underground corridor - he died before the end of construction.


For a long time, the tunnel was abandoned as unnecessary. In the early 30s of the twentieth century, it was decided to turn it into a warehouse for contraband and confiscated cars. Dozens of cars were brought here, which then for a long time simply gathered dust here, near Naples. Then, during the Second World War, the tunnel simultaneously performed two important functions: a bomb shelter and a military hospital. After the end of the war, construction and other waste, unnecessary or damaged household appliances, broken motorcycle and auto equipment began to be thrown here. As a result, the tunnel was sealed by the authorities and was forgotten again for a while.


They remembered about this ancient dungeon of Naples only at the beginning of the XXI century. Some rubbish was then thrown away, but what turned out to be interesting for the public was left. So at one point the old royal tunnel-refuge turned into a rather visited museum today. Now everyone can see the unusual expositions of vintage cars and motorcycles stored under the high arches of the Naples underground. And also - listen to stories about how people escaped from shells here during the war. The museum has the opportunity to use the services of a guide who conducts a tour in English.

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The duration of such an excursion program is about an hour. But since this is an underground room, it is worth taking a warm jacket with you even in the warm season. You will have to go down the stairs, which consists of 90 steps, so you should probably refuse to visit the museum with small children. But upstairs you can already take the elevator. The unusual underground museum of vintage cars is open from Friday to Sunday from 10:00 to 17:30.