Coral Castle. USA - Alternative View

Coral Castle. USA - Alternative View
Coral Castle. USA - Alternative View

Video: Coral Castle. USA - Alternative View

Video: Coral Castle. USA - Alternative View
Video: How Was Florida's Coral Castle Built without Modern Machinery? | Ancient Aliens 2024, September

Coral Castle is a complex of huge statues and megaliths with a total weight of 1,100 tons, built by hand, without the use of machines, in California. The complex includes a two-story square tower weighing 243 tons, various structures, massive walls, an underground pool with a spiral staircase, a stone map of Florida, rough-hewn chairs, a heart-shaped table, an accurate sundial, stone Mars and Saturn, and a 30-ton month, with its horn pointing exactly to the North Star, and much more. All this is located on an area of more than 40 hectares.


The Coral Castle was built by the Latvian émigré Edward Lidskalninsh, who came to America after an unhappy and unrequited love for a certain 16-year-old Agnes Scaffs. Edward Lindskalninsh settled in Florida in 1920, where a good climate helped him to survive, despite the progressive form of tuberculosis. Small (152 cm, 45 kg) and weak-looking Edward, alone for 20 years, was building a castle by hand, dragging huge blocks of coral limestone from the coast, and hewing blocks out of it, without using even a primitive jackhammer - he made all the tools from abandoned car remains … All guesses about how the construction took place did not come true.


How Edward moved and lifted the multi-ton blocks remains a mystery: he was very secretive, and worked exclusively at night. The "gloomy Ed" let him into his possessions without much desire: he silently grew up behind the back of an uninvited guest and stood silently until he got out.


When an energetic lawyer from Louisiana set out to build a villa nearby, Edward simply … moved his brainchild to another place, 10 miles south. How he did it is another question: it is known that he hired a powerful truck. This truck has been seen by many. But no one saw Ed load or unload a car (not even a loader). To all questions Ed proudly replied: "I discovered the secret of the builders of the pyramids!"


Promotional video:

In 1952, E. Lidskalninsh died suddenly from stomach cancer (but not from tuberculosis). After his death, fragmentary records were found, which speak of the magnetism of the Earth and "the control of the flows of cosmic energy." But there are no specific explanations …


A few years after Ed's death, the American Society of Engineering conducted its own experiment: they rented the most powerful bulldozer and tried to move one of the blocks, which Edward did not have time to use in construction. It didn't work. Thus, the mystery of the construction and transportation of the castle remained unsolved.


Scientists who have studied the "Ed Phenomenon" for decades say they still have more questions than answers. For example, they tried to remove the multi-ton revolving door that hung at the entrance to the castle. To do this, they needed a powerful crane and several dozen workers. The door was removed - and it turned out that it was attached only to a rusty suspension from a truck, which immediately crumbled with old age. The best engineers and modern computer technology had to be attracted to hang the door in its original place.


According to Ray Stoner, author of the book on Coral-castle, Edward, like the ancient pyramid builders, possessed the secret of anti-gravity control. According to this theory, our planet is covered with a giant energy grid, and at the intersection of the "lines of force" a colossal concentration of the Earth's internal energy appears, with the help of which you can move things in space and time, regardless of their weight. Stoner believes that in South Florida, exactly where Ed built his castle, there is a powerful diamagnetic pole. Thanks to him, Ed managed to overcome the forces of gravity, create a levitation effect and single-handedly build a grandiose complex. By the way, it is possible that Ed moved his construction sixteen kilometers away from the original site for a reason - it was not a fad, the master was just a little mistaken in his calculations …


Stoner's version is not the only one. There are researchers who believe that Ed built a castle at the site of a UFO landing. That is why it has an astronomical part. By the way, this version does not contradict Stoner's hypothesis: modern Egyptologists, studying the technologies possessed by the builders of the ancient pyramids, are more and more inclined to the conclusion about the extraterrestrial origin of this civilization. There are those who are sure that contact with other worlds was and continues to be made from here. And maybe Coral-castle - a kind of "space negotiation point"?


In a small living room located at the top of a square tower, his notes were found - homemade brochures. They talk about the magnetism of the Earth, about the control of the flows of cosmic energy and more, but these records do not give a concrete solution to the building secret. It is not surprising that Ed's story is overgrown with legends and hypotheses.


And still the questions remain:

- How did Ed manage to build this wonderful castle?

- How - without any transport and labor - did Ed deliver tons of coral blocks from the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, then process and install them at his discretion?

- What did Ed use that “the coral boulders on the construction site were flying through the air like snowflakes…”?

- Did he really know the secret of the construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids?

- Where did Ed acquire the secret knowledge of handling multi-ton blocks of stone, if his records and calculations kept in the museum “resemble more a schoolboy's drafts than scientific works …”?

- Did Ed really have the secret of anti-gravity control?

- Was Ed's success actually associated with the choice of a construction site where it became possible to “move things in space and time, regardless of their weight”?

- Maybe Ed actually built Coral Castle at the UFO landing site?

- Or is the castle really a kind of “space negotiation point” from where contact with other worlds was and continues to be?

- Or maybe Ed really managed to master the secret of harmonic resonance, and at his disposal was the equipment with which he could reduce the weight of individual stone blocks many times?

- So, there are many questions, but they all, in essence, boil down to one thing: what is the essence of weight loss of boulders, or, using another well-known term, what is the essence of levitation?