The Large Magellanic Cloud Contains Industrial Waste - Alternative View

The Large Magellanic Cloud Contains Industrial Waste - Alternative View
The Large Magellanic Cloud Contains Industrial Waste - Alternative View

Video: The Large Magellanic Cloud Contains Industrial Waste - Alternative View

Video: The Large Magellanic Cloud Contains Industrial Waste - Alternative View
Video: Large Magellanic Cloud 2024, July

While studying the Large Magellanic Cloud, a galaxy that is a dwarf satellite of our Milky Way, scientists have found traces of unusual, carcinogenic substances in it. Previously, experts have never found anything like this in outer space. By the way, these substances are common on Earth.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which were found in the cloud, appear on Earth when trash, cellulose, coal are burned, and when trees are ignited. In addition, they are released into the atmosphere by cars, factories and factories. As astronomers said, their finding does not prove that in a neighboring galaxy, aliens have established a small industrial town - not at all.

PAHs are formed when stars die and begin ejecting hydrocarbon compounds into space. This type of substance is interesting because, despite its toxicity, which the inhabitants of the Earth are well aware of, it is the foundation for the origin of organic life.

It is possible that in the near future PAHs will serve as the beginning for the emergence of living substances on other planets. By the way, PAH clusters are present in our Milky Way galaxy, but their number cannot be called overwhelming - only small reserves of hydrocarbon compounds.