Abduction By Aliens Of A Resident Of The Moscow Region - Alternative View

Abduction By Aliens Of A Resident Of The Moscow Region - Alternative View
Abduction By Aliens Of A Resident Of The Moscow Region - Alternative View

Video: Abduction By Aliens Of A Resident Of The Moscow Region - Alternative View

Video: Abduction By Aliens Of A Resident Of The Moscow Region - Alternative View
Video: Siblings' "Bizarre" Story of Being Abducted by Aliens | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN 2024, September

This incident happened to me in July 1981. I was 17 then. At that time, I lived on the Likhachevskoye Highway in a five-story building on the third floor.

That evening, our spitz Tishka and I were alone at home - my mother and sister worked the night shift. At 21:00 I watched the Vremya program on TV and waited for the film, which was to begin in half an hour. I sit, watch TV and don't understand anything. A strange depression came over me. In the end, without waiting for the film, I went to bed. This is despite the fact that I am an owl: I usually go to bed very late.

I slept in a large room on the sofa, and Tishka, as usual, in the hallway. Summer nights are stuffy, and at that time there was no air conditioning yet, so the balcony remained slightly open. I want to note that in my youth, before serving in the army, I slept soundly and never woke up at night, even out of need.

And suddenly I suddenly woke up. I was lying on my left side, facing the wall, and for some reason I was gripped by terror. I have never experienced this before. I lay with my eyes closed, unable to move, as if paralyzed. I feel that Tishka jumped onto my sofa. I didn’t even hear him open the door with his paws. The dog was shaking all over and poking his face at me, trying to get under the covers. It became even more scary for me, because this never happened that Tishka jumped into our bed - he was a disciplined dog, he slept only in his place.

In addition, he hated it when something was thrown over his head. Even when they brought a towel to him after bathing, he immediately began to protest and bark. And then he climbed under the covers!


I still lay motionless, bound by fear. The taste of copper appeared in my mouth - as it happened when, as a prank, I took five kopecks into my mouth as a prank. Suddenly I felt myself rising above the sofa. I opened my eyes and saw the carpet hanging on the wall. I realized that I was floating quite high above the bed.

“This can't be! This is a dream! - the thought was beating in my head.

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I feel that I began to be turned in the air on my right side and facing the balcony door. The blanket slid onto the bed. The dog below whined softly. I hung, as if lying on my right side: my right hand was pressed to the body, my legs were together. The left hand was sluggish, like I was lying down, and yet I could, albeit with difficulty, move it a little.

Then I noticed that in the room by the balcony there was a man about the size of me. Only I immediately realized that this is not an ordinary person. His body looked somehow loose, as if airy. He wore close-fitting clothes the color of metallic mercury.

A light golden glow flickered along the contour around his figure, similar to an aura, as if the stranger was illuminated from behind. His face looked kind of blurry, not visible. A second figure appeared behind the first figure, half a head taller than the first. The second stranger was standing on the balcony. I remember, the first one told me something, but I don't remember what exactly.

I started to turn me around again, with my legs in their direction and on my back. The first "man" went out onto the balcony, and I slowly flew after him, feet first. Strangers stood on either side of me. My entire body was immobilized, and yet I still felt my left limp hand hanging down slightly.

When I realized that I was flying to the balcony, the thought arose in my head: "That's it, shit!" - and shock: at the same time I believe in what is happening, and do not believe. When I was on the balcony, the same unknown force pulled me up. Then I realized: a little more, and I will be dragged into the starry night sky. And then what?!

Fear gave me strength. I reached out with my numb left hand and grabbed the railing. But I was still drawn up. I felt a sharp pain in my elbow. A split second - and the break would be provided. And suddenly I feel that one of the "men" on the balcony, who is on the left, took my elbow and pulled me back and down. At the same time, he said something either to me, or to his friend. He unhooked my hand from the railing. All these manipulations in the apartment and on the balcony took about two minutes from the "men".

I flew up again. With my left eye, I saw a retreating kindergarten located near our house. Then the fear suddenly disappeared, a pleasant feeling seized me. I began to look ahead. I flew with my feet up at about a 20 degree angle. It flew quickly, while I did not see any rays that were drawn into the UFO, as other eyewitnesses sometimes describe the abductions. And then I just passed out.

In the morning I woke up as if nothing had happened and went to work. And all day I could not understand why my left elbow hurts and my middle finger on my left hand hurts. In the evening, returning home, I noticed that Tishka was somehow strange - quiet, did not ask to go outside and did not eat anything. Maybe something scared him? And suddenly I remembered everything!

I didn't tell my mother and sister anything - I tried several times, but couldn't find the words. In addition, I did not remember much from the night incident, the details were restored to consciousness very slowly. Apparently, the aliens know how to put some kind of lock on memory.

Later, in late September - early October, at night, pictures suddenly began to pop up before my eyes. These flashes of consciousness helped me remember what happened after I passed out, and I was able to restore all the events of that night. I am now 49 years old, but I remember all the details very well.

I found myself in a small light gray room. On the right were two large semicircular screens or windows. The middle one was just bright, and on the far one there was some kind of TV show, apparently in Spanish - I remembered from there the words "phileo deputo".

On the left side, in a black chair at a light table, a man was sitting sideways to me, the screen was right in front of him. I did not see any flashing lights on the table, as shown in science fiction films, but I noticed black buttons and yellow symbols. I focused all my attention on the alien. He looked like an ordinary person - a man who looked about forty-five years old, black and gray hair, short hair.

And yet I somehow understood that he was different - not like us. Feeling my gaze, the man turned around and looked at me angrily. His face was kind of predatory. Now I could see it even better. The stranger turned out to have a narrow, strongly protruding chin, a narrow nose, thin lips, bluish eyes, dilated pupils. The skin is pale, not tanned. The man was wearing a rather loose purple jumpsuit.


The man got up from the console and came closer. He was a cut taller than me. I noted that if before I was shackled by fear, now I suddenly grew bolder, I felt on an equal footing with the alien. He looked into my eyes. I, too, stared back at him - right on the bridge of his nose. I felt that he didn't like it. A grin appeared on his face.

We talked with him for a long time, while there was no telepathy - his lips moved, like an ordinary person. I don't remember the whole conversation, only a part. The newcomer said that there are 16 bases of different alien civilizations in the USSR. Among all these aliens, some higher ones stand out, they have two bases on Earth - one in our country, the other in Norway.

The newcomer also mentioned that I was once a “judge” and that my thinking is not ordinary, because they always follow me and read my thoughts, even when they are very far away. According to him, they are interested in my emotions and assessment of the events taking place on Earth. How our conversation ended and how I found myself at home I don't remember.

Frankly, when I remembered all this, at first I even thought: "Maybe I'm crazy?" Fortunately, it turned out not. Moreover, later I was called to serve in the border troops, and they don't take mad people there. By the way, I served in the north of Karelia. I think the aliens must have something in those parts. I still feel their presence there (I am in Karelia from time to time and now - I have a dacha there).

I do not consider myself a contactee or some chosen one, and I do not want to be thought that I am hinting at it. He just told how it was. Of course, each person embellishes their stories, like a fisherman his catch. But not in my case. On the contrary, I have not written everything here. And without that it looks like a fantastic story.

Valery CHEMOKHONENKO, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region