Mysterious Staircase In Antarctica - Alternative View

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Mysterious Staircase In Antarctica - Alternative View
Mysterious Staircase In Antarctica - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Staircase In Antarctica - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Staircase In Antarctica - Alternative View
Video: A mysterious 'hole' has reappeared in the middle of Antarctica 2024, July

No one doubts that the harsh southern continent hides many secrets under a thick layer of ice. It is simply physically impossible to open them - where to get such mechanisms that could crack the ice shell existing for millions of years? But, as it turned out, there is no special need for such mechanisms. Gradually, the ice melts by itself, and amazing things are revealed to the eyes of researchers.

The ice is melting …

Antarctica has always been the most unexplored "bearish corner" of our planet. Exploration of this continent is too expensive. Not every country can afford not only keeping a permanent station there, but even just sending a one-time expedition there.

However, satellite imagery allows scientists to make discoveries on the territory of Antarctica, literally without leaving a cozy office. And not only scientists. In fact, every curious person can open satellite maps on the Internet and study them for days on end in search of a sensation.

And there will be a sensation. For some reason, the Antarctic ice is rapidly melting, and now on the surface such a mysterious structure as … a staircase leading to the top of the mountain appears.

Stairs on the rocks

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Take a close look at the picture. Agree that this is not the delirium of a man obsessed with aliens and ancient civilizations, but really something that has no place among the uninhabited ice mountains. And who can argue that this staircase (let's call it that for now) is not an artificial structure?

More thoughtful researchers of satellite maps, comparing the scale of the structure, came to the conclusion that these may be ventilation ducts. But then what are the dimensions of the premises to which these channels lead?

And that is not all! Not so long ago, on the same satellite maps, in the same Antarctica, an absolutely flat road was discovered, which for a long time was hidden under a layer of ice and snow. Most of all, it looks like an asphalt highway, which ends with an arch resembling a bridge. The road is just over a kilometer long, and it is located in one of the most inaccessible areas of Antarctica - in the mountain ranges near the South Pole.

Swabia or Atlantis?

It is possible that the road, which may be a runway, and the staircase, which may indeed be a ventilation shaft, were built by the Germans during the Second World War, when they were trying to create a new country on the territory of Antarctica - Swabia. However, the age of the ice under which these two structures were hiding completely refutes this version. These ices are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years old, it is clear that in this context there can be no talk of any Germans. But civilizations that existed a long time ago, like Atlantis, may well have a direct relationship to these buildings.

Unfortunately, all the anomalies found on the maps are in such inaccessible places that it is almost impossible to simply come and check what they really are. So all that remains is to look at the maps and wonder: is this not Atlantis?