Reincarnation In Animals - Alternative View

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Reincarnation In Animals - Alternative View
Reincarnation In Animals - Alternative View

Video: Reincarnation In Animals - Alternative View

Video: Reincarnation In Animals - Alternative View
Video: Animals become Humans through reincarnation | Jay Lakhani | 2024, July

Often, when dying, people "transfer" their soul to animals. This is especially common among those who practice magic and witchcraft, but there are exceptions.

The mystery of the ship's cat

An old sailor from Malta told this amazing story about a ghost cat. He sailed as mate.

Before reaching Cape Town, the engine broke down on the ship, and the captain, who was not distinguished by an angelic character, became completely furious. The captain did not particularly like his second mate, the German, Hansen. And when he stood up for the helmsman, the captain hit him in the face, knocking him over on a steel frame. Hansen, hitting a sharp corner, died instantly. He was buried the next day at sea.

Hansen's only friend on board was the ship's cat Raj, who slept in his bed and with whom Hansen talked for hours. After his friend's funeral, the cat appeared on the captain's bridge and motionlessly began to look at where his friend was usually on duty.

When it was time to leave the post (according to the schedule it was Hansen's time), the cat turned and walked down the stairs. The team immediately noted that the cat's movements around the ship exactly matched the route of the deceased German.

But soon the sailors realized that the cat does not just follow the daily route of its owner, but he is the deceased Hansen, who has taken over the animal. The team became almost uncontrollable from fear.

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Then the captain, whom no one had seen sober for a long time by that time, gave the command to catch the cat and drown it in the sea. But Raj disappeared. And two days later, he was seen lying in a ball on the face of the dead captain. Apparently, the captain fell asleep drunk, and the cat decided to take revenge on him, covering his mouth and nose with his body.

The strangest thing was how the cat was able to get into the cabin, because the captain locked it from the inside, and the sailors had to break down the doors. True, there was a spare key, which was kept in a cache, but only the captain and the late Hansen knew about it.

What the fly buzzed about

Another case of the transmigration of the soul of a deceased person into an animal occurred in 2004 in India. Calcutta resident Shina Sehradi believed that in her next life she would be a dog, and often talked about this to her husband Rama.

The woman was ill for a long time and soon died. A few months after her death, Rama met a dog on the street whose eyes were unusually similar to those of his deceased wife.

When Rama approached the animal and called it by the name of his deceased wife, the dog responded. Rama was not particularly surprised by this and immediately turned to the city court of Calcutta with a request to allow him to marry an animal, which he considers to be the reincarnation of his wife. Soon, permission was obtained: in India, marriages of people with animals and even plants are common.

It will seem incredible and absolutely implausible, but there are times when the souls of the dead who do not want to part with their loved ones can even move into … a fly!

… Tatiana was very upset about the death of her husband, with whom she lived for twenty-five years. At first, she did not leave the house at all and even wanted to kill herself, but she changed her mind in time. And then strange things began to happen in her apartment. Now she clearly heard shuffling steps around the room, then sighs emanated from the sofa, then the dishes in the cupboard rang, as if someone awkwardly took a glass.

Once Tatiana unconsciously, out of habit, uttered: "Well, what are you, Igor, all sighing?"

And she was dumbfounded from the rang of silence. She understood that the soul of her husband continues to live next to her. After that, she could sit for hours on the couch and talk about her melancholy and love for Igor. In response, I heard only sighs.

Once Tatyana was visiting a friend with her daughter, and she was very surprised to notice that Tatyana was talking to someone. Tanya frankly answered her that it was she who was talking to Igor. Probably, the guest thought that Tanya "went crazy" and left, advising her to see a doctor.

Soon the rustling and sighing stopped. Tatiana got bored, believing that Igor's soul was gone forever. But autumn came, then winter. One Sunday afternoon Tatyana was making coffee in the kitchen. A fly swirled over her. But after all winter, where is it from? - thought Tatiana. And suddenly she realized that it was Igor who had reincarnated into a fly and in this form returned to her again.

From that day on, the fly is with her everywhere: at a party, at work. Once Tatiana was returning home from work by taxi. There was a fly on the front window. The driver wanted to kill her.

“I beg you, do not touch her, this is my fly,” Tanya said.

She was traveling on a train to another city - and then the fly was with her. Even in the subway, where there are never flies, she accompanies her.

When Tanya goes outside, the fly is the first to fly out of the apartment. Tanya says about this: “It's not so scary together on the street. Igor will always find an opportunity to save me from trouble …

If the wife is a crocodile

In conclusion of the raised topic, I would like to cite a story that a few years ago was on the lips of almost everyone in Mexico. It has nothing to do directly with death, but the animal and the transmigration of souls is present in it.

It all started with the fact that the spouses Simon and Raymonda Ortega filed for divorce in the court of Mexico City. Motivation: Simon claimed that his wife was a conspiratorial crocodile! Of course, Raymonda herself did not consider herself a reptile. In the account of this twenty-six-year-old woman, the situation was as follows:

“This scoundrel pretended to take a picture of me, and then presented a picture of some reptile. And I had the audacity to assert that this is me!"

Simon, a thirty-two-year-old used car dealer, objected vehemently:

"Nothing like this! I bought a brand new camera and wanted to take a portrait of my beloved wife. And he himself was stunned when a crocodile's face suddenly appeared on the negative. I think the tape somehow captured my wife's true face. To tell the truth, I noticed something like that in her character before …"

According to the neighbors, invited to the court session as witnesses, the dumb Simok, wanting a divorce, could hardly have thought of such a sophisticated deceit.

On the side of Simon in this unusual process, the popular Mexican clairvoyant and medium Pedro Castillo came forward. Explaining to the servants of Themis his own theory of the transmigration of souls, he emphasized that in the previous incarnation Donna Raymonda was undoubtedly a crocodile, and her astral body, they say, retained the memory of her previous life.

The court did not accept the image of the crocodile as evidence, but divorced the Ortega spouses due to the obvious impossibility of maintaining the marriage.

How to see your past lives

Statistics show that every second person believes that he once lived on this earth. Who was he: a slave, a courtesan, a hired killer, or an animal in general?

It is not worth starting meditation after a heavy meal, alcohol or coffee, otherwise you will not reach the required depth of relaxation. Don't meditate late at night, you should feel good, not yawn. Sit comfortably. Relax your breathing, imagine that you are breathing in the light and breathing out the worries that torment your soul. Talk to every part of your body, from your feet to the top of your head, and tell them to relax.

Ask your self, your wise core, to take the lead. Tell him what you want to achieve: “I want to see my past life, this will help me solve my real problems”. Or: "I want to see a life in which I have already been with a man." Count from 10 to 1 in silence and tell yourself that you are slowly sinking into deep relaxation.

Then imagine a long staircase, along which you slowly descend. Below is a door. When you open it, you will find yourself in one of your past lives. Open this door! Enter it. What shoes are you wearing? What dress, pants? How old are you? What surrounds you?

Move on. What kind of people do you meet along the way? What do you do? You are married? Are you married? Where do you live? Etc. When you find the answer to these questions, go back to the door, go up the stairs, sit back in your chair, move your toes, hands, slowly open your eyes.

Of course, training is needed here. The more often you visit your past, the clearer the pictures you will see.

“Interesting newspaper. Oracle №7 2013