The Curiosities Of Reincarnation. - Alternative View

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The Curiosities Of Reincarnation. - Alternative View
The Curiosities Of Reincarnation. - Alternative View

Video: The Curiosities Of Reincarnation. - Alternative View

Video: The Curiosities Of Reincarnation. - Alternative View

Recently, recommendations on how to find out who you were in a past life have gained wide popularity, and how this knowledge can be used in practice. Although it is much more interesting for a person as a curious being to know what awaits him in the next life. But who said that in your new life you will be human again? Perhaps you were a cat or even a chicken in your past life …

In the skin of a crocodile

It is unlikely that the technique of deep hypnosis or another way of knowing the past life will give such an unambiguous answer to the question posed, but the miracle of photography can help to "return" to the previous body.

Several years ago, the story of the Mexican spouses Simon and Raymonda Ortega received wide publicity, albeit rather as a curious case in civil proceedings. Simon, 32, a used car dealer, has filed a divorce suit on the grounds that his wife is in fact a crocodile. By purchasing

a new camera, he photographed his beloved wife, and on the negative received an image of the grinning mouth of a reptile. At the same time, the man did not have any doubts that this is the true essence of his second half. Raymonda accuses her husband of falsifying the picture, but flatly refuses to be photographed again.

The famous Mexican psychic and clairvoyant Pedro Castillo, who spoke in court on the side of the plaintiff, said that such an incident is quite consistent with the theory of transmigration of souls. Probably Donna Raymonda in a past life was indeed a crocodile, and her astral body retained the memory of this rebirth, which was captured on film.

The Mexico City court is a conservative organization and does not believe in the transmigration of souls, therefore the image of the reptile was not attached to the case. But the claim of Simon Ortega was satisfied due to the obvious impossibility of preserving the marriage.

A resident of Calcutta, Rama Sehradi, filed a completely opposite request in 2004. The man asked for permission to marry a dog, in which he recognized the reincarnation of his deceased wife. According to the Indian, his wife Sheena often warned him that she would be a dog in his next life. After a long illness, the woman passed away, and a few months later Rama met a dog on the street, whose eyes were similar to those of his Shina. When the man approached the animal and called it by his wife's name, the dog wagged its tail and approached him.

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The Calcutta City Court did not interfere with the reunification of the loving spouses and gave the man permission to marry an animal, which he considers to be the reincarnation of his wife.

I want to be a dog

"The more I get to know people, the more I love dogs" - there is definitely something in this, otherwise why would some people consciously choose the appearance of these animals in their next life? It turns out that such cases are not so rare. But unlike the tolerant Indians, the Europeans do not always show proper understanding in this delicate issue.

The family of a Scottish major, owner of the Bollechin House mansion, was horrified after reading his will. Among other orders, the notarized document said that the major wants to return from the other world in the body of one of his dogs. Frightened by such a prospect, the heirs shot all the dogs in the house, and the major, as expected, was buried next to his wife. It soon became clear that his soul had not found blissful peace: people coming to the grave clearly heard dull thumps from under the ground, and sometimes the noise of a quarrel or fight. And after a while, strange things began to happen in the estate itself. The wife of the deceased's nephew, once entering the major's office, smelled a strong doggy smell, although since the death of the uncle, dogs have ceased to be kept in the house. On another occasion, she felt an invisible dog poking at her legs. Similar incidents began to occur regularly with people in the house. And although the ghost behaved quite peacefully, the servants left one after another. The major's heirs had to regularly solve the problem of finding new servants for the next twenty years - that is how long the invisible dog was at his post.

Debt good turn deserves another

In general, rebirth in animals is interpreted by religion rather as a punishment for sins committed in this life. For the edification of descendants, Buddhists have preserved many legends about such rebirths.

One day a spotted calf came to the Seta temple in Japan. People chased him away, but he came back again and again. Since the owner was not found, the calf remained at the church, grew up, and began to be used for draft work. At the temple there was a community in which sake was made in order to replenish the fund of medicines with the money received from its sale.

Five years after the appearance of the bull, Iwahito, one of the community members, saw in a dream that the calf butts him and knocks him down. Then Iwahito asked what he wanted, and the calf told him its story. Once he was also a member of this community, but in a previous life he took some sake from the medicine fund of the temple and died before he could pay the debt. For this, in a new life, he was reborn as a bull and is doomed to work for the good of the temple for eight years. There are still three years left to settle the debt, and the fate of the bull is so unbearable! They chase him, beat him with whips, while he carries weights. The debtor in a bull's skin asked Ivakhito for intercession. To check his dream, Iwahito asked the head of the community about the debtor, and learned that a few years ago there really was a person who borrowed sake and did not give it back. The servants of the temple received confirmation of the justice of the retribution and began to pray for the debtor. Three years later, when the sentence was over, the spotted bull that lived in the temple disappeared in an unknown direction.

Zoo incident

According to another Japanese legend, a person who mocked monks, which is considered a grave sin, was turned into a monkey after death. If even the life of a free monkey is considered a punishment for a person, then what about the life of a monkey in a cage?

It looks like Karl Mayer, a former caretaker at the Berlin Zoo, has such a unique opportunity. In his position, Karl worked for only a few months, but during this time he managed to spoil relations with both his charges and other service personnel. His partners were surprised what made the young man go to such a job: Karl did not like animals, he teased large monkeys from a safe distance, and smaller animals often received kicks and jabs from him. Sooner or later, the bosses would have to fire a careless employee, but it so happened that he passed away before such a decision was made.

Soon after, a joyful event was celebrated at the zoo - several female monkeys at once had cubs. The kids grew up, each showed his own character. But one little chimpanzee is his kind for some reason. disliked. Often he sat alone in the corner of the cage and mimicked his fellows, receiving a slap in the face in return. The monkey's strange behavior caught the attention of a staff member who had worked with the monkeys for over fifteen years. After just a week of observation, he noted the amazing similarity of the habits, gestures and antics of this monkey with the habits of the late Karl. Perhaps as punishment for cruelty to animals, his soul was imprisoned in the monkey body so hated by her.

So before doing any nasty thing in this life, it is worth thinking, if not about the hellish flame on which devils fry sinners, then about the prospect of being in the next life in the position of an oppressed powerless being. In any case, it should be remembered that there is no future without the past and the present.