Are We In Hell? - Alternative View

Are We In Hell? - Alternative View
Are We In Hell? - Alternative View

Video: Are We In Hell? - Alternative View

Video: Are We In Hell? - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

What is Hell? What are its functions? According to the theology suggested to us, he expects everyone who violates the canons … which were invented by someone.


Each of us has thought about it at least once.

We grabbed an interesting hodgepodge of opinions collected by insider site Above Top Secret in its floating news. As they write, there are opinions from the Russian blog.

So we read:

1. Have you ever thought that Hell is our current existence on Earth?

Indeed, because then wars, hunger, diseases (especially severe and incurable), terrible experiences due to the deaths of loved ones, especially our children, problems and other not the most pleasant features of our earthly existence are explainable. Perhaps we find ourselves here (on Earth) as a punishment for some wrong, unseemly deeds THERE - in our real world, where most likely we live in the form of some kind of energetic, ephemeral entity, not burdened with such an unnecessary and inconvenient burden, as a physical body that brings so many inconveniences to its owner: pain, aging, illness, deformities, and so on.

Perhaps what is commonly called “soul” is in fact we are real, and after the death of the mortal body we return from earthly hell to normal life, where we are not limited by the boundaries of one small planet on the outskirts of the Universe, but can freely move among planets, galaxies and live wherever we want? Then it is understandable that some people on Earth live easily and simply, while others have so many difficult trials (which means that in real, non-earthly life, they sinned badly, and now they must bear this punishment as an atonement for their guilt). How realistic is such a theory? Are there any other arguments for or against?

Promotional video:

2. We have no other life. If we have made Hell here, then we need it. We would arrange Paradise here - honor and praise to us.

No prototypes - everything happens once in one copy, so to speak.

We don't have any shells. This body is myself, and my awareness of this (“I”) is the result of the activity of this body. And we are mortal in the only plane, there is no other plane except the physical.

So, answering the question, I will say: I do not agree with this hypothesis. Moreover, there is no such hypothesis. By definition, a hypothesis is an assumption based on a series of observations or facts that appears plausible.

There are no prerequisites for the emergence of such a hypothesis. The Pharisees once beautifully described their fantasies, and so well that it was retold several times. But this is not a hypothesis.

Generally speaking, this and other similar fantasies (Earth as a testing ground, a place of exile, a scientific laboratory) are just an attempt to escape reality, to relieve ourselves of collective responsibility (and therefore personal) for what we have done.

3. Our life is what everyone imagines or perceives. For some, she really is Hell. But I am not at all sorry for such people - do you want to see and feel it? Do you want to be afraid of losing? Well, so you get not even deserved, but begged Hell.

For someone, perhaps, life is Paradise, I admit it.

And for me life is just life. It can’t always be perfect, but it would be boring, as if it’s a constant summer. And pain and everything else are given so that the soul can grow, so that joy and happiness can be felt more sharply.

Man is born to be happy, to be happy. if he does not want this and does not want to learn it, then this is his choice and his problems.

4. I have long become an adherent of the idea that hell is our stupid life on this Earth. And what, isn't it? A senseless road from birth to death, with long-known paths that a baby travels to become an old man.

If you become.

Many die much earlier than they become conscious. And if you look around? Isn't it hell that a husband beats his wife to death, that a mother throws out a newborn child in the trash, that children kill their parents? Isn't this whole idiotic life hell, when every day you can be killed by people of flesh just like you blood?

The real hell.

Cruel, unprincipled, monotonous and empty. To be born to die, how stupid it is! You can, of course, diversify your life, decorate it to your liking, change the sequence of certain, but long-known, events, or remove some, but nothing will change. At the end there will be only a plate with the date of birth and death. And why is it needed? Not otherwise than atonement for past sins, I think. Life is Hell, even if in some places life is joyful and bright, it is only in places. Much more, it is filled with tears and pain from losses that accompany a person everywhere on his way to the grave.

5. Hell is not a Level or a place where someone is placed for something. Hell is a labyrinth of false conclusions of a person who, with their help, created his own internal Virtual Universe, completely different from the True Universe.

Paradise as a reward for earthly suffering and blessings, the desired emotional state in the form of eternal bliss or heavenly pleasure, "fooling around" is unattainable. This is because a person from the Old Testament times remembers that it is called Paradise, but he completely forgot what he really is. That is, he does not know what it is and where to look for it.

In fact, Paradise is understood by man as idleness and a pleasant pastime in the Subtle World (after death), deserved by him on Earth through faith, suffering and good deeds. It is not for nothing that a dead person, according to the Christian rite, is joined hands on his chest as a sign that his work is over. Seeing off on the last journey, they say: "I got exhausted, I went to rest." Well, not far from the truth. If we consider that seventy-five - eighty percent of the dead fall into the category of restless souls, then Non-existence - in the form of the soul's stay in a corpuscle - is eternal rest!

From the point of view of the Subtle World, the state of eternal bliss, harmony or true love is achievable only in one way - through self-improvement and ascent along the evolutionary vertical. Eternal bliss - through eternal labor, how do you like it?

Hell as such, with devils and pans, as it appears in human understanding, does not exist! Everyone can arrange it for himself, being at any Level of the Universe, except for the Earth! Hell is voluntary self-isolation in the form of a labyrinth of subjective inferences far from the Truth. A person finds himself in such a labyrinth, creating his own internal Virtual Universe, completely different from the True Universe and far from it, like the sky from the Earth. He must also leave it voluntarily, admitting his wrongness and delusions, connecting, joining his Virtual Universe with the True.

At the moment, Humanity has built a similar dead end for itself. There is one subtlety here: a person must get out of Hell on his own, but one can never get out of the earthly impasse without outside help - another person who knows what it is and how to get out of this impasse must lead him out! And here there is already where pride can roam: “Who are you, I know everything without you!” - and so on, ad infinitum …

6. Planet Earth - as a fruit. And humanity on it is scab and rot, penetrating into its pulp with its mines, eating up its bowels, disfiguring its tender skin with its fuming cities. Remove a person from the face of the Earth and it will bloom and smell. The Earth will be better off without us. And this Hell will turn into Paradise.

7. There is a version that criminals are sent to the Earth-prison to serve their sentence and be corrected. If you prove that you have changed, they will release you. A child's cry at birth is cited as proof that the soul understands that it will be here for a long time … It will be bad and scary. At birth, we all understand that we are horrified. And we live here, suffer and suffer.

8. Purgatory, according to the Pharisee doctrine, is a place where the souls of dead sinners are cleansed from sins unredeemed during their lifetime. The dogma of purgatory was introduced for the goyim in 1439, and confirmed in 1562.

According to the church's doctrine of purgatory, a baptized goy who committed a sin and received forgiveness or committed a “forgivable” sin that remains unforgiven, as a rule, is subject to “temporary” punishment here or in the hereafter. A goy who died a good Christian, but weighed down with the burden of such sins, ends up in purgatory, that is, where souls endure suffering for sins, which subsequently gives them the opportunity to go to heaven.

According to the teaching of the Western Church, this truth is confirmed by Scripture (Second Book of Maccabees 12: 43-46). Since it is possible to offer a propitious sacrifice for the dead, this should mean that their souls do not dwell either in hell or in paradise, since those who have achieved salvation do not need the prayers of the living, and such prayers will not help those condemned to eternal damnation. Thus, it is believed that the souls of the deceased goyim are in such a place where prayers can still help them "get rid of sin."

Belief in purgatory, a tradition invented by Old Testament Jews. This teaching has always been adopted by the Catholic Church, which considered Judaism to be the original source of Christianity and most religions.

And the most terrible horror story that was invented for the goyim is Hell.

9. From the very childhood I believed that life is a trap. But rather - Hell, besides which there is nothing, and the only way out of which is death, which is preceded by moments of absolute horror and despair, unless, of course, it comes hand in hand with an idiotic blind chance.

I tried to occupy myself with something, find something good in people, start a relationship with a girl, but all in vain. The human body, like any organic matter in general, causes disgust and contempt in me, it seems to me hypocritical love for nature: just look how much dull cruelty and mercilessness, vile parasitism and other abominations there are in it!

People prefer to go with the flow and not think about what is happening to us, they implement their biological program, and this is where it all ends. On those who are trying to realize all that horror, toys in whose hands we are, they consider fools or mentally unhealthy people. I'm sure there is nothing after death. I will even be glad if I am right in this. Absolute nothingness is much better than this wormhole, which for some reason is called our planet. Existence in itself is disgusting, and if, after all, there is a God who set up this shameful terrarium, then I do not want to have anything to do with him and wish him all the worst. It's time to get out of this hell.

10. People often feel as if the Earth, our world is hell. Hell on Earth is impossible, but it is possible that life here, in this world, is a kind of transition point between hell and heaven. However, some researchers think otherwise. They claim that life on Earth is a new way of manifesting the soul. A kind of "second chance". Those who could not protect themselves from sins in past lives, who did things different from those that Jesus bequeathed to us, they all live on Earth. But their lives are different. Someone lives richer, and someone on the contrary. Wealth and poverty is a test of a person for "lice". He will be able to endure, there will be grace for him, he will not be able and will merge into the eternal stream of chaos, there will be no forgiveness for him and his eternal torment in hell awaits him.

As for the soul, the soul cannot sin. This matter is incapable of doing evil, for it is incapable of doing good. This is a neutral matter that flows into the bodies of future people. A person, throughout life, fights with himself. Conscience is the soul. It only tells you what to do and what not to do.

The neutrality of matter justifies the efforts that a person is able to display. He must prove that he is able to live in more acceptable conditions and deserves a higher standard of living. Each person must fight for his "I". However, he should not do this to the detriment of others. The fight takes place in the head. This manifests itself in life: either you help someone in need, or you spit in his face, being proud of what others have earned. This approach drives a person straight down, where people drown in their own feces, where the air is hotter than fire, where the screams of people like him are heard.

Modern science cannot deny or confirm the existence of Hell and Paradise. Nor can it determine if there is life beyond the Earth. But if we do not see this, it does not mean that it is not. This means that religion with its dogmas is called not only for the sake of the unity of the people under any idea, but for the development of man spiritually. Only when a person realizes that life on Earth is not hard labor, but an opportunity to improve, to enrich himself not materially, but spiritually, then perfect calmness will come and the comprehension of the secrets of the universe will become not the work of a few, but the property of billions.

11. A little man is born and immediately cries. Who among us has not cried, has not been upset, has not been offended, has not suffered or is not suffering? We are limited in freedom of choice, that is, the whole choice is necessarily dictated by someone, we can only choose from what was given. We cannot, with all our desire, jump above the roof. Here, on our planet, we receive punishment and work it off. The punishment is all sorts of zones. Any state is a large zone, within which there are other zones. Everything is divided into zones, where we receive punishments in the form of any hardships.

Someone toils in slavery, someone is in prison, other people steal millions of people, then they are killed, and someone dies from poverty, someone will be punished with a ruble.

Next: The entire food chain is built around eating each other. All life on Earth eats each other. I don’t think this is divine design. A person closes the food chain and eats everyone, but at the end of life, finding themselves in a knocked together box - a coffin, worms eat our flesh.

There has not been a year of truces on the globe - there have always been wars. If you look into history, then the whole life of mankind is a bloody mess that continues to this day. This is history, you can't return everything back and you can't replay it, but the wars continue, I don't think God needs it, as everyone says in God's hands, but Hell is Hell - a correctional colony.

We are not only fried and burned in the Hell Ovens, but they are simply killed in various ways, doing so that they would kill themselves, with their own hands. Of course, this is not a simple system, but very intricate and thought out to the smallest detail. It is quite real that Jesus visited our Hell, trying to save our souls - they became immortal. Apparently saved, now we are able to leave Hell even after physical death and acquire eternal life in the spirit. Of course, we try to redeem the guilt for being born and alive, but, of course, not everyone succeeds. Muslim God brings Muslims, Christian Christians out of Hell. Other messengers, maybe Angels, lead other nations out of Hell. Perhaps God is one, but the messengers on His behalf may be different, but it can be much more serious, tragic and complicated.

12. Let us remember the famous phrase: "According to your faith, let it be unto you." Each individual person gets nothing more or less than what he believes in. If you tell yourself that everything sucks, then life will seem like hell. If you rejoice in what you have, and every day to strive for something (like a seed that first breaks through the earth to germinate, and then all the time stretches towards the sun), then life will pass harmoniously and harmoniously. As for love: only due to the fact that selfless love still lives in our world, the earth did not explode to hell. All other arguments allegedly showing us what hell is on earth are eliminated with the help of psychologists. You can easily get rid of fear, lack of self-confidence, anger, greed, etc. if you want it. Immediately after that, you will begin to perceive the world as GOOD.

13. People themselves have created Hell on earth for themselves: a killed ecology, a destroyed earth, an eternal race for profit, who has more coins, poverty, inequality, disease and other suffering that people themselves have created, scientists who all carry out experiments on us, wanting supposedly to create a good medicine, things needed in everyday life, or to prolong our life on earth. Hell is inside everyone when life does not live up to expectations. And on earth we just live, this planet, on the contrary, was specially created for us, and we ourselves made Hell out of it.

14. You have nowhere to go. You were born and you have to survive … to live to the death !!!

What do the readers think about this?