Who Goes To Hell - Alternative View

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Who Goes To Hell - Alternative View
Who Goes To Hell - Alternative View

Video: Who Goes To Hell - Alternative View

Video: Who Goes To Hell - Alternative View
Video: Who goes to Hell? 2024, September

Does hell exist? Hell exists

Karma of witchcraft

Which of the vices and sins can lead the human soul to the dungeons of the hellish spheres?

Hell - the lower astral - is the natural habitat of a special kind of dark spirits that never incarnate on the earthly plane, as well as the disembodied souls of black magicians and sorcerers of all stripes and types. The influence of black magic is such that the astral shell of the sorcerer is "pumped up" by unnaturally inflated energy, to such an extent that it cannot be thrown off sometimes for thousands of years. Sorcerers and magicians for a significant period of time can lose the ability to reincarnate in the physical world and exist only in the lower layers of the astral plane.

Even there they do not stop doing their favorite business, luring in the net of black magic inexperienced inhabitants of the Earth who do not know about the treachery of darkness and turn to another world in an effort to master the techniques of black magic. Admirers of spiritualism and contacts with "extraterrestrial civilizations", but in fact, with the lower layers of the terrestrial astral, often become victims of their activities. And woe to the one who actually begins to hear the calling voices of the Subtle World after such attempts! These voices are mostly like mythical sirens that lure unwary travelers to ruinous places.

The very souls of sorcerers - to be sure - you cannot envy: deprived of the light life-giving energy of the Cosmos, prana, they either decompose alive under the influence of dark energy overflowing their astral shells, or try to parasitize on other, weaker, dark spirits and caught on their hook the inhabitants of the earthly plane. Evil and harm done to people is punishable in any of its forms. And the evil committed by witchcraft and black magic is aggravated by the fact that some subtle natural energies were involved in its commission.

Magic, instead of naturally attracting natural energies, intensifies them in an artificial, violent way. Trying to force some subtle energies and forces to serve their selfish, harmful designs, black magic upsets the natural balance. Of course, the energies attracted by them from space also turn out to be inferior in quality. As a result, magic multiplies spatial chaos, and sorcerers are enemies of the entire creative and light natural environment of the Cosmos.

"Thou shalt not kill!"

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In addition to magicians and sorcerers, a huge part of the captives of the astral hell are rulers of countries who are guilty of unleashing wars and armed clashes, murderers, and everyone who during their life on Earth was responsible for the death of people. After death, murderers will again and again experience the nightmare of the crimes they have committed. At the same time, in a posthumous state of consciousness, they can find themselves in the position of not only murderers, but also victims: in subjective sensations that arise in their minds like painful hallucinations, they themselves become killed or tortured, thereby experiencing all the suffering of their victims.

As a follower of E. P. Blavatsky A. Besant in the book "Ancient Wisdom", in these layers you can sometimes meet the soul of a person "tirelessly pursued by his victim, unable to get rid of it, despite all efforts to escape from the terrible persecution, with stubborn persistence everywhere reaching him. Moreover, the consciousness of the killed, unless he belonged to people of the lowest level of development, is in a state of unconsciousness, and it is this unconsciousness that gives special horror to his purely mechanical following of the killer."

As for the so-called "serial" killers-maniacs, killers or sadistic executioners, the horror of their situation in the other world defies any description. But even the most severe posthumous suffering will not redeem until the end of their terrible karma: having incarnated on the earthly plane, such people will someday take the place of their former victims, being killed by others, villains like themselves.

Karmic punishments in the other world await those who have violated the ethical laws of the Cosmos in relation not to people, but to our smaller brothers - animals. A person who killed and tortured animals during his lifetime - whatever the reason for this - will take with him unenviable karma into the afterlife.

In this regard, A. Bezant wrote in the book “Ancient Wisdom”: “… cruelty attracts the coarsest materials and the most evil compositions of astral matter into the human astral body. Therefore, such a person lives among the images of his numerous victims crowding around him, groaning, trembling, howling in pain … They are revived, but not by the animal soul, but by those vibrations of passions, which, the stronger they were, the longer they continue to live after physical death in the astral the body of an animal; these vibrations, pulsing with hatred of their torturer, repeat with automatic correctness his most painful experiences, imperiously pushing towards self-torture thanks to the power of the last experiences that ended the earthly life of the tortured creature.

In hell, there is no arbitrary punishment imposed from without, but only the inevitable realizations of the causes created by man during his earthly life. If a person succumbed to bad motives, then he inevitably created a prison for his soul, and this prison must be destroyed so that his soul could be freed. What goes around comes around. This is the law in all worlds, and it cannot be avoided.

The astral body of a person in the Subtle World after death is no worse than the body that was during life. It should be remembered that suffering is all temporary and is a lesson for the soul. If a person violates the laws of nature, then he inevitably experiences the calamities that will teach him to learn these laws. The lesson that he did not want to learn during his earthly life is given after death in the hell of the Subtle World, and will be given in subsequent lives until evil is uprooted and the person rises for a better life. The lessons of nature are strict, but, in the end, they are also merciful, because they lead to the evolution of the soul and direct it to the achievement of immortality."

The ethical law of the Cosmos, which is expressed in the formula: "Thou shalt not kill!" - comes into effect not only when life is taken from an innocent person, but also when the person himself deprives himself of life. A person has no right to deprive himself of what is given to him by his own karma - life.

Some of the patients who went through a state of clinical death, describing their feelings in another "dimension", said that on the way to the light spheres with unearthly colors and sounds they "flew" some dark, twilight layers of another world, in which they could see the dejected, desperate people looking for something and unable to find it, as if lost in another reality. Moreover, the reanimated vaguely flashed the thought that in front of them - those who themselves took their own lives on Earth - are suicides. When a person voluntarily leaves life, and not because of karmic circumstances, the energies given to him in earthly life remain unused, unused. They, like a magnet, bind a person to the Earth, preventing him from ascending to the higher, luminous spheres. A person turns out to be a prisoner of the circumstances that he created for himself. Therefore, in Agni Yoga it is said that no matter how bad a person is on Earth, he will be even worse if he takes his own life.

Of course, if in earthly life the suicide was a good person and broke under the weight of unbearable circumstances, the Light Forces actively try to help him in his posthumous state. But no one can escape the energetic effect of the law of karma; it is only possible to alleviate it to one degree or another. The heavy karma of suicide is carried over to the subsequent incarnation of a person. In his next life on the earthly plane, the suicide will have to die no longer of his own free will. And at the same time, life will be taken away from him in the happiest period of his existence, when he least of all wants to die. Will he have a chance to avoid the consequences of the heavy karma of a crime against his higher self? There is only one way to extinguish the karma of the past: to overtake it with accelerated spiritual self-improvement …

Hungry Ghost World

It is not only those who commit terrible crimes against other people and suicide who end up in hell. Strange as it may sound, but people can create hell for themselves by their immoderate "fleshly" attachments and passions. Any kind of excess and moral licentiousness will cost dearly to their carriers after death. Excessive physical extremes such as gluttony, addiction to alcohol, etc. are characteristic not only of the physical body, but of the astral principle - the bearer of a person's emotional and sensual beginning. People who are able to control their passions and needs do not experience any particular difficulties in the posthumous state, quickly getting used to the new conditions of disembodied existence. But those who, throughout their lives, followed the lead of their astral, after death find themselves in painful circumstances for them:for their astral body remains the same, with the same habits and addictions.

As a result, after death, the feelings, needs and desires of a person remain the same as before, however, they no longer have a physical body - an instrument for satisfying such desires. People who are immoderate in their physical needs, accustomed to gluttony, sexual excesses, drunkenness, etc., suffer greatly because they cannot experience the pleasant sensations that food or a portion of alcohol gave them. In the "Facets of Agni Yoga" about the preservation of astral feelings and desires after the transition to another world, it is said: "Gluttony, lust, drunkenness, smoking and other purely bodily negative qualities of the spirit and lust associated with them cannot be satisfied after liberation from the body, but they can be taken with them into the Subtle World, if not outlived on the earthly plane. If on Earth desires burn a person, where there is an opportunity to temporarily satisfy them,then what to say about the Supermundane, where their pungency cannot be quenched for a moment? Hatred, anger, greed, envy and other not bodily, but astral feelings in the astral world are especially acute, because the body does not interfere with vibrating them entirely, and the surrounding does not distract."

“If only you understood how urgently purification is necessary! The ulcers of the spirit are clues for the darkness to grasp with its claws, to draw the spirit into darkness. Imagine a situation when a person, striving upward, but not freed from the ulcers of the spirit on Earth, is surrounded by the dark, which, grasping these ulcers, through them pull him irresistibly down into their spheres of the lower layers. Ulcers of the spirit, that is, desires, irresistibly draw the spirit into spheres by the intensity of the manifestation of these desires in them, where it can satisfy the seeming image, no matter how monstrous they may be, in order to immediately feel a new hunger, a new thirst, since the seeming satisfaction of hunger does not satisfy, but only intensifies the insatiability of every dark desire. Verily, the torments of Tantalus. (…).

In the structure of the infernal layers there is a special place, which is called in Tibetan religious sources "the world of hungry ghosts." What drives people's souls into these layers? One and only circumstance: the impossibility of satisfying previous sensory needs in the posthumous state. Constantly experiencing the need for primitive, animal, pleasures, the disembodied slaves of their desires eventually "get stuck" in the lower spheres of the astral plane, close to the physical world, as this gives them the opportunity to "pick up" the energetic bursts of emotions experienced by the inhabitants of the Earth, whose level of development and, accordingly, needs are similar to the souls of these people. Moreover, the souls of drunkards, libertines, gluttons hover around the entertainment establishments visited by embodied lovers of booze and other such pleasures. Emotions and feelings of wicked peopleliving on the earthly plane, attract the disembodied captives of their own passions, and they literally “stick” to their “friends in misfortune”, trying to merge with their consciousness and astral body in order to again experience their favorite coarse, animal sensations, which are now inaccessible to them due to the lack of physical body.

Often, spiritually undeveloped people who have committed suicide also take the path of vampirism in the lower astral plane. Unrealized karmic energy inevitably attracts them to the lower layers of the astral, and they cannot resist the temptation and resist the gross animal passions prevailing in these layers.

Striving for the satisfaction of lower needs in the Subtle World can cause further personality degradation. In search of any path to former pleasures, the soul can descend all the way into the lower layers of the astral plane, which are, in the full sense of the word, the refuse of the Subtle World. The inability to fight their animal inclinations, the unwillingness to take the path of spiritual and moral purification, doom the souls of vicious people to further involution, the consequences of which will undoubtedly influence subsequent incarnations. Slaves of their passions are even physically capable of losing their human appearance, approaching an animal state. Agni Yoga says: “Even among modern forms one can find animal-like people. Such horrors are usually attributed to the fright or shock of the mother. But among the many reasons, the main one is often overlooked. One can imagine that in the Subtle World, some individuals are subject to fits of lust …”.

The animal-like faces of some people are the result of close contact of their astral shells with those lower layers of the Subtle World where animal elementals, that is, animal spirits, live. Attracted by its unrequited passions into the world of animal forms that is in tune with them in energy, the astral body of a person receives, as it were, an energetic stigma of an animal form, which is reflected in its structure and visible appearance. With a new incarnation, this appearance of the astral body is transferred to the etheric body, and through it - to the physical, and thus, the latter, even in the womb, receives the corresponding animal-like form.

N. Kovaleva