The Way To Paradise - Alternative View

The Way To Paradise - Alternative View
The Way To Paradise - Alternative View

Video: The Way To Paradise - Alternative View

Video: The Way To Paradise - Alternative View
Video: How To Go On To Perfection 2024, September

Paradise. In different languages this word sounds differently, but it is unlikely that there are many people on Earth who have never heard it. And those who know where this place is, do not exist at all. At least among those living today. But our distant ancestors knew perfectly well where this place was. But more on that later.

First, let's figure out what we generally know about paradise. One of the most copied books on the planet is the Bible. By some estimates, more than 8 billion copies have been printed to date. In addition, it is also a very voluminous work, numbering several thousand pages. At first glance, it should contain quite a lot of information about paradise, or Eden, as it is called in it. And this information must be exhaustive. However, it is not.

Paradise is mentioned in the Bible in only four places: two times - in the Old Testament and two - in the New (and even then, not directly, but indirectly). Why so little attention is paid to this place is difficult to say. In this case, it is important for us that its description is literally given on the first pages.

A fairly accurate description in terms of the geography of the place. Yes, here's the problem: neither in the basin of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, nor in the surrounding regions, anywhere else, is there anything even remotely similar to the Gardens of Eden described in the Bible. There is not even the slightest hint that they were once there.

What's the matter? Is the information wrong in the scriptures? But although many of the facts set forth in it received their confirmation, it still does not claim to be documentary accurate. So, maybe it is about some other rivers with the names of the Tigris and Euphrates? Or is it something else?

Today we are well aware of the map compiled by the medieval merchant Gerhard Mercator and published by his son Rudolph in 1535. It contains an image of a certain island with four rivers, suspiciously similar to the rivers described in the Bible. This is the so-called Hyperborea, the ancient northern ancestral home of mankind, also known as Daaria and Arctida. So maybe the biblical paradise was there?


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Now it is not possible to check this visually, since this entire territory is hidden under the multi-meter polar ice. On the map, it is presented without one. The fact that this is the territory of the Arctic, and not some other place, is obvious. Greenland and the coast of the Kola Peninsula are shown, although not in detail, but quite recognizable.

A logical question arises: where did Mercator get this information from? After all, he was just an armchair scientist, not a traveler. He did not write anything definite about his sources. However, he did not deny that the map was compiled on the basis of other, ancient maps to which he had access. We can only regret that these cards are not available to us now.

And this is far from the only source of information pointing to the north as a territory where paradise could once have been. So, for example, in the Indian Vedas the fact is repeatedly mentioned that civilization came to these lands from the north, from a distant ancestral home. The fact that the north in this case is not some kind of allegory, but a geographic direction, is evidenced by the fact that the text contains a description of ice. And in the hot climate of India, it simply cannot be in its natural form, as well as the polar day and polar night, which is also possible only in the north.

Questions raise not only the coordinates of this coveted place, but even the name itself. In the same Bible, both the word "paradise" and the word "eden" are used. And the second - even more often. It is possible, of course, that "eden" is a reduced "adam", but this explains nothing at all. And if we turn to the ancient Russian chronicles, then the name "iriy" appears there. So what is the correct name for this place?

Let's try to understand this issue from the standpoint of numerical science. As you know, letters have certain numerical meanings. Let's write down the word "paradise" in digital form - "912". Before deciphering the meanings of these numbers, let us pay attention to the fact that the word contains the ancient syllable root "ra". At a minimum, this means that the numbers "9" and "1" are in a "bundle", which means that they are deciphered not only one by one, but also in aggregate meaning.


As we remember, each digit has not one, but several meanings. In this case, the number "9" is interpreted as "the end of the cycle" and "connection with the Genus (ancestors)". The number “1” is both “target” and “start of a new cycle”. Adding numbers gives ten (9 + 1 = 10). The unit has an integral "0" in the meaning of "cosmic law", "ring of causes and effects." If we put everything together, we get: “The cosmic law says that the completion of a cycle is a cause that generates a consequence - the beginning of a new cycle. And this is repeated from time to time."

Great, but there is another letter in the word. And it is unlikely that she is present in him just like that, for beauty. Of course not. The digital meaning of "y" is 2. A two stands for a path (in the broadest sense of the term), road, movement. In other words, this is an indication that one should follow the path of alternating cycles.

Here, almost figured out. It remains only to understand what exactly should be done. Which cycle needs to be done. Fortunately, you don't have to look for a clue for a long time. It is enough to count the number of letters in a word. There are three of them. And the three here is "the first qualitative leap in the energy spiral."

Adding all the digits of the word gives the number twelve (9 + 1 + 2 = 12), which, in turn, when folding ("folding" is a term used in numerical science and numerology and denoting the sequential addition of all digits of a number until it is reduced to a prime number from "1" to "9") also gives a three. This underlines the importance of energetic synthesis.

And this is not just about the synthesis of energy. Not about its quantitative growth, but about a qualitative transformation, an increase in the vibrational frequency, which is possible only with the spiritual development of a person.

Everything would be fine, if not for one snag. It turns out that the word "paradise" focuses on the final part of the cycle. And where is its beginning?

Let's try to analyze the word "iriy". In digital form, it looks like this - 1912. It also has a syllable root "ir". The well-known mathematical rule, which says: "The sum does not change from the change of places of the terms," does not work here. Although we are already familiar with all the numbers here, the order of their construction slightly changes the meaning.

If in the variant "912" they meant "the end of the cycle leads to the start of a new one", then "19" is already deciphered as "the goal is the end of the cycle" That is, the task that you need to strive for is to complete the cycle from start to finish. And we mean a full cycle, because the number "1" starts, and "9" ends a series of prime numbers. The following “12”, in theory, should be interpreted as “goal - movement”.

However, everything is not as simple as it might seem. The repetition of the number "1" is not an accident. It testifies that in the second case it manifests its other meanings: "the immortal soul of man" and "relying on oneself." The adapted, literary version of the decryption reads: "The goal is to complete a full cycle, which must be completed by a person (soul) on his own."

Is there any more information here, or have we already deciphered everything? There is. The total number of letters in the word is 4. Four is the number of the Earth (four cardinal points, four seasons a year, four times of day). This means that this cycle must be carried out on Earth. Adding the digits of the word gives the number thirteen (1 + 9 + 1 + 2 = 13), which, after folding, also gives a four, also pointing to the Earth.

By the way, 13 is one of the so-called karmic numbers. The keys to extinguishing it are: the desire to come to the aid of your neighbor (which very accurately coincides with biblical wisdom) and responsibility for your actions and (which is very important) thoughts.

Move on. The syllable root divides a word into two parts, each with two letters. Two twos here mean not just the dualism of the number "2", but the interconnection and interdependence of the Subtle world and the Solid. This means that the process is initiated in the Subtle world, and takes place in the Dense world, on Earth, after which it returns back to the Subtle world.

An interesting picture is obtained. It turns out that the words "iriy" and "paradise" are not synonymous! Moreover, they do not refer to any particular geographic location at all. Although, albeit in encrypted form, they still contain information about what a person should do on earth. It turns out that the age-old question that humanity is asked: "Why was I born into this world?" - has a very definite answer.

Of course, each person will have their own specific actions required to solve this problem. And in order to personify it and concretize the actions, there are various technologies: numerical science, astrology, chirology, etc. The general direction of action is clear, and there is no point in wasting time and effort looking for it.

All of this can be illustrated by the analogy of a network of broadband highways leading in different directions, and a sign informing you that you must select a specific highway to reach your desired destination. Which lane to keep when driving along it is already the second question, but the main thing is that the road is correct!

Of course, no sign can make a person walk on the road. In order to move along the path, a person must make independent efforts. This is the meaning of such a movement. But it's really bad when it's not clear where to go specifically.

How did it happen? Why once upon a time we knew, but suddenly forgot what to do? There are answers to this. First, because they stopped using and forgot the Vedic knowledge of our ancestors. Not religion, namely knowledge, wisdom. Undoubtedly, we were pretty much "helped" in this (and they continue to do this actively now), but this is also a big part of it.

Secondly, because we have become too frivolous about words, and about our language in general. We have not only forgotten that words carry hidden information and powerful energy, with the help of which this information is transmitted into the subconscious of a person. We began to endow them with a completely different meaning, and, therefore, change the information embedded in them.

And now, with their help, it became possible to put into the subconscious the knowledge that was not supposed to get there. And the subconscious, as you know, largely influences the behavioral response of a person.

What do we now associate the word "paradise" with? With a magical place where it is always warm, beautiful, sheer abundance, and you don't have to make an effort to get it all. That is, a kind of ideal "all inclusive" option. And for many centuries humanity has been unsuccessfully looking for this place all over the globe. And he doesn't. Naturally, after all, as you know, it is difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there.

So it turns out that we all want to go to heaven, because this aspiration is part of the divine code inherent in us by the Creator. But we no longer understand what it is. After all, the initial part of the code, which contained the general program of actions, was lost along with the disappearance of the word "iriy" from our vocabulary, and the final part works "in the wrong direction", because the original meaning was lost (or, more precisely, deliberately changed). into the word "paradise".

Anton Larin, Vedic number scientist, runologist, specialist in energy practices and biolocation, Doctor of Jurisprudence