Two Cases Of Strange Visions From "Paradise" - Alternative View

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Two Cases Of Strange Visions From "Paradise" - Alternative View
Two Cases Of Strange Visions From "Paradise" - Alternative View

Video: Two Cases Of Strange Visions From "Paradise" - Alternative View

Video: Two Cases Of Strange Visions From
Video: Alternate Watch 2024, September

The first case occurred with Raisa Remizova from the city of Serpukhov, Moscow region, middle-aged woman, higher education.

One autumn day Remizova suddenly realized that she was outside her own body. She saw a wide river in front of her, or … Well, she couldn't formulate more precisely. In her mind, the obstacle she saw was associated with the river surface. On the opposite bank of the river, mysterious figures in white were moving back and forth.

Remizova recalls:

- Puzzled by their strange smooth, but chaotic movements, I flew towards them. Interestingly, while doing this, I did not experience the slightest surprise at what was happening. I took it and flew.

In the very first figure that approached me, I recognized my relative - Aunt Shura. She looked at me with horror and asked sharply: “Why are you here? It's too early for you. Fly away from here now, - and after a pause, added: - We are checked every minute.

On Aunt Shura's legs, visible from under the white robe, there were clearly visible bruises of some kind, large, splattered around her legs like mud.

- What kind of bruises you got? Remizova asked.

Aunt Shura, curling up, answered:

Promotional video:

- My daughter-in-law, this evil creature, beat me.

And at that moment, Remizova further says, "there was a low, terrible roar, which was rapidly approaching."

- He's the inspector! - Aunt Shura cried out, changing in face, and in a voice that could not bear objections, ordered: - Fly away from here now.

Remizova ends the first part of the story with the following words:

- So I did not manage to see the examiner, because in the next second I realized that I was in my own physical body.

Suppose all this is only dreamed of by her. However, here is the second part of her amazing story. A little over an hour after the strange "dream" Raisa Remizova received an urgent telegram about the death of Aunt Shura. And immediately went to her funeral.

When she stayed for a short while in the room where the corpse was lying, alone with the deceased, she recalled some details of her strange "dream" and, after a moment's hesitation, curiously lifted the veil that covered the corpse. On Aunt Shura's feet, she saw exactly the same bruises that she saw on her legs in that “dream”!

From conversations with the relatives of the deceased, it soon became clear that on the eve of Aunt Shura's death there was a wild ugly scandal in the house. The daughter-in-law, physically incomparably stronger, brutally beat Aunt Shura. Her death was the result of beatings.

The dissident's vision

An intriguing description of another strange "vision" can be found in one of the books of the dissident Vladimir Bukovsky.

During the Brezhnev era, as they say now, stagnation Bukovsky fiercely hated the communist political regime. Dissident Bukovsky, who later became world famous (if you remember, he was exchanged for the Chilean communist leader Luis Corvalan), was treated for that hatred in prisons and concentration camps.

So, once Vladimir Bukovsky, sitting once again in a prison punishment cell, experienced an incredible experience. According to him, he suddenly found himself in some incomprehensible mysterious space, where there were in a great variety of figures, purely conventionally called by him people.

Bukovsky writes:

“They all had a very complex psychological relationship. What they do depends on your every word or slightest movement, and this, in turn, affects you, everyone and everyone. Therefore, each of those present must constantly make incredibly complex calculations in their minds, taking into account all possible solutions of the others.

And there is no end to these calculations, just as there is no end to the number of possible combinations … All are concentrated and tense … tightly linked by thousands of relationships. At the same time, everyone tries to look completely carefree."


What was it?

If you believe in the authenticity of the otherworldly experiences of Raisa Remizova and Vladimir Bukovsky, it comes to mind that Remizova visited something like the reception rooms of "paradise", where the selection and certification of newcomers takes place. First, Aunt Shura died just on the eve of the “vision” that visited Remizova. And secondly, from the fact that a certain river appears in her "vision". Or some kind of obstacle like a river.

The ancient Greek texts contain references to a river named Styx - "the river of the dead". According to the beliefs of the Greeks, on the opposite bank of that river, in fact, the other world begins. In order to get there, the souls of the dead must bypass the Styx.


Didn't Raisa Remizova see the same obstacle and even crossed it for a short time? By the way, American psychiatrist R. Moody, the author of world-famous studies on the phenomenon of “life after life,” according to his formulation, mentions such barriers, called differently - a barrier, a river of fire, a gorge, etc.

Remizova apparently found herself briefly in a kind of "dressing room" of the afterlife. But Vladimir Bukovsky was lucky to see … What? "Paradise" with your own eyes?
