What Is Heaven And Hell - Alternative View

What Is Heaven And Hell - Alternative View
What Is Heaven And Hell - Alternative View

Video: What Is Heaven And Hell - Alternative View

Video: What Is Heaven And Hell - Alternative View
Video: Heaven and Hell: Pastor Rob Bell Extended Interview 2024, September

Heaven and hell are real

The most famous work describing hell is Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy. In this ingenious work, Dante described his journey to hell, where he was accompanied by the ancient Roman poet Virgil. Dante described hell as a kind of space that consists of nine circles tapering to the bottom. The very last circle, where the most terrible sinners are, he described as follows: "The blood between tears flowed from their faces in streams, and the abominable accumulations of worms immediately swallowed it under their feet." If you take a closer look at this work, we will see the dark and dirty Europe of the Middle Ages, where the plague took the lives of entire regions. But not only disease, hunger, cold and darkness hung over that Europe, in those days the fires of the “holy” Inquisition were still burning, all this left its mark on the soul and was reflected in the work of the great Italian.

Those gloomy times have long sunk into oblivion, during this time science has made great strides forward, today, with the help of telescopes, we can look into the depths of the Universe billions of years ago. Today man knows about the existence of dark energy and dark matter, our earthly robots are exploring other planets and other worlds. We learned that the Universe is all permeated with energy, and the Earth is no exception, all living and non-living things on our planet also consist of energy. But if we are talking about heaven and hell, then we must understand what they are, what they are made of, are there, as they say in many religions, lakes of burning lava and boiling tar, in which the souls of sinners burn, or is it the invention of churchmen. And in order to understand what heaven and hell are, we must understand ourselves, we must understand our soul, namely what it consists of. We know that the entire Universe consists of energy, this energy permeates everything, but not only permeates, but also endows, including us people.

Our soul is a particle of the Universe, or God, whichever you prefer. And if so, this means that our soul consists of energy, and energy, as we know, is capable of receiving, transmitting and storing information, in other words it is a carrier of information. This means that there is a constant exchange of information between the Universe and us at the energy level, and therefore, all our soaps, desires, emotions and actions are deposited in a memory cell that is allocated for each of us somewhere, in the depths of our Universe.

And after the death of the physical body, the soul leaves this world and passes into the world of energy, merges with the Universe and again for some time, becomes a part of it. But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. All these processes are much more complicated. In the process of our earthly life, information about us, about our thoughts, deeds and actions in the physical world is accumulated in the Universe at the energetic level. If there is a lot of negative energy in a person, then his soul is in a place where such energy is present, this will be a certain circle of hell.

If a person's thoughts were pure, if he did good throughout his life, and did it from a pure heart without demanding anything in return, then the energy of such a person will join the positive energy of the Universe, where peace, tranquility and prosperity reign, this will be paradise. And after a while this energy, or soul, will again be infused into some living being, perhaps not even on Earth, and perhaps not even in our galaxy. After all, we know that there are billions of galaxies in the Universe, which in turn contain billions of stars and planetary systems, and it would be naive to think that we and our planet are unique. Billions of civilizations exist in the Universe, at different stages of development and at different distances from each other. In the same way, there is heaven and hell, positively and negatively charged energy,which is also at a certain distance from one another.

God, angels and demons are all energy. Energy can create images, stay in them and destroy them, so can angels, the higher the rank of an angel, the more energy he has, which means that he can incarnate in different guises. Use energy to achieve certain goals, such as managing weather conditions, starting or stopping certain actions.

Demons have exactly the same, but only negative energy, they are also capable of incarnating in various images. All those images of angels and demons that are depicted in paintings or engravings do not correspond to reality, this is just a figment of the imagination of the artist who wrote them. Since ancient times, evil demons have been depicted in the form of various monsters, hippos, crocodiles, pigs with horns, and so on. In Christianity, the devil is depicted in the form of a goat, although in the same Bible it is said that Lucifer was the most beautiful of the angels, standing on the right hand of God.

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But people needed the image of a villain, an evil demon, so they began to portray evil in the form of something that they feared in everyday life, for example, the ancient Egyptians of the Nile crocodile. And since crocodiles are not found in Europe, they began to depict evil in the form of a pig with horns or the same goat. This is what the Book of Isaiah says: "How you fell from heaven, right hand, son of the dawn!" Is. 14: 12-17. And suddenly, a couple of millennia after Isaiah, the church turned the son of the dawn into a goat with the body of a man, so the Lightbringer, the Son of the Dawn, became Satan, the lord of hell. A strange metamorphosis happened to the first angel, didn't it? But all these transformations took place only in the minds of people, religion and the church demonized what they themselves feared or could not understand. In reality, paradise is a place where positive energy resides, where the energy of a person or soul is not torn or squeezed by gravity,there she is at rest.

In Hell, everything is completely different, there she can be tormented by certain gravitational forces. Divide it into atoms, stretch it to an impossible size, and there you will experience incredible cold and emptiness. Or, on the contrary, to squeeze, squeezing to an incredible density … We also know that energy can be embodied in various forms, which means that our soul there, in another world, can stay in different places. Where darkness reigns, darkness, mud and cold, and where there are lakes of boiling lava, but all this can change at any moment, just as the burning bush from which God spoke to Moses flared up and went out.

Heaven and hell are real, the bliss of paradise can be beautiful for the soul that we cannot even imagine, just as the horrors of hell can be so terrible that there is nothing like this on earth with which these torments could be compared. We can, whatever we like to all this, believe it or not, in the existence of heaven and hell, but there is one thing that cannot be argued with, this is death. What is death? Is this the end of everything? Or is this just the beginning of everything?
