The Highest Power Helping Russia - Alternative View

The Highest Power Helping Russia - Alternative View
The Highest Power Helping Russia - Alternative View

Video: The Highest Power Helping Russia - Alternative View

Video: The Highest Power Helping Russia - Alternative View
Video: Why Climate Change Will Make Russia a Superpower Again 2024, July

An analysis of historical events and especially the wars of the united West against Russia, and then Russia, allows us to detect, at the most critical moments of our history, interference in the course of events by a certain Power that helps our people to survive in the struggle against the carriers of Satanic civilization and its non-humanoid masters, known by various names in mythology many peoples, where you can see an indication of their reptilian nature. It was this Force that unleashed a powerful radioactive radiation strike on the occupying Moscow in 1812 of Napoleon's army, which was already mentioned earlier. This same Force saved Moscow from being occupied by Hitler's hordes in 1941.

Here is what the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov writes about her in his book "The Fate of Those Who Think They Are Gods":

Thus, it can be noted that behind the satanic Western civilization is the reptilian civilization of non-humans that created and "supervised" it for millennia, which has repeatedly intervened in the course of human history. But also on the side opposing the plans of the Satanists of the civilization of the heirs of the culture of the legendary Arctida-Hyperborea, there is a certain powerful Force, which at the most critical moments for this civilization helps it to defeat its enemies. It is assumed that this is the very legendary civilization of the "white gods", which many millennia ago drove the lizard-headed masters of Western civilization underground. And that is precisely why the lizard-headed race is now trying to destroy humanity with its own hands with the help of its loyal servants from the parasitic world "elite" and the secret societies created by it.

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