Lightning-destroyers Of Civilizations - Alternative View

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Lightning-destroyers Of Civilizations - Alternative View
Lightning-destroyers Of Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Lightning-destroyers Of Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Lightning-destroyers Of Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: Civilization VI: Missionary Rush India Guide 2024, September

The Russian researcher claims: coming closer to the Earth, comets are capable of generating super-powerful electrical discharges. Thanks to the strikes of such lightning, kimberlite pipes appeared on the planet, and ancient people found their first dwellings.

Giant kimberlite pipes in which diamonds are mined. Branched caves, like those on the Medveditskaya ridge in the Volgograd region. And the “glass worms” discovered on Mars: tunnels several kilometers long. All these formations have a common source - lightning. But not those that we see during a thunderstorm, but hundreds and thousands of times more powerful, arising from the approach of comets and contact with their tails. So says the veteran of the space center "Khrunichev", meteorite researcher Yevgeny Dmitriev. He participated in the creation of the Proton carrier rocket, the Mir and Salyut orbital stations, and also developed a detailed theory of cometary meteorites and is engaged in planetary science and the formation of comets.

a) a comet over Moscow in 1811, b) possible - in case of close proximity to the Earth - cometary lightning (the size of our planet is increased), c) kimberlite diamond pipes - the consequences of electric discharges of comets
a) a comet over Moscow in 1811, b) possible - in case of close proximity to the Earth - cometary lightning (the size of our planet is increased), c) kimberlite diamond pipes - the consequences of electric discharges of comets

a) a comet over Moscow in 1811, b) possible - in case of close proximity to the Earth - cometary lightning (the size of our planet is increased), c) kimberlite diamond pipes - the consequences of electric discharges of comets

The comet flew, waved its tail

Evgeny Dmitriev suggested that comets passing close to other celestial bodies, including the Earth, can generate colossal lightning - thanks to the electrolysis of their gas and dust environment, which is produced by the solar wind (streams of ionized particles emanating from the Sun). Geologists have long known fulgurites - branching glass tubes, about five centimeters in length, which arise in sand or rocks from the strikes of our "ordinary" earthly lightning. The impact of cometary lightning on the earth's crust also results in tubes, only much deeper, for example, kimberlite. This hypothesis also explains the existence of large clusters of kimberlite pipes found on Earth (for example, in Angola) - kimberlite fields, sometimes hundreds of kilometers in diameter.“The reason is in some peculiarities of the unpredictable behavior of lightning,” says Evgeny Dmitriev. "They are linear and tapered, and sometimes they start branching when approaching the earth's surface."

Glass "worms" on Mars are possibly a consequence of the impact of cometary lightning on the surface of the red planet
Glass "worms" on Mars are possibly a consequence of the impact of cometary lightning on the surface of the red planet

Glass "worms" on Mars are possibly a consequence of the impact of cometary lightning on the surface of the red planet

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Electromagnetic collapse

At present, the probability of a cometary lightning strike on the Earth is unknown: this requires large-scale consolidated studies of the ages of kimberlite pipes and all known cases of our planet getting into the gas-dust environment of comets. “However, rough calculations show that the probability of getting a lightning strike from a medium-sized comet is 4-5 orders of magnitude higher than a direct collision of terrestrial planets with its core,” Yevgeny Dmitriev believes. But in the event of a cometary discharge hitting the Earth, humanity will be threatened not so much by local “burns” of the earth's crust as by the consequences of a monstrous electromagnetic pulse that lightning will generate from space: the power of such a discharge can be estimated very approximately at 10 to the twentieth power of Watt. All over the planet, communication devices and vehicles can be instantly disabled,power plants, computer equipment. True, such an instant collapse of civilization can be tried to prevent, because the appearance of an active comet threatening the Earth, people in any case will notice at least a few months. However, in this case, will there be enough time to hide all the key infrastructure and hide ourselves? Wouldn't it be better to develop a detailed technology for neutralizing the space threat now? Evgeny Dmitriev offers a number of possible protective hide all the key infrastructure and hide yourself? Wouldn't it be better to develop a detailed technology for neutralizing the space threat now? Evgeny Dmitriev offers a number of possible protective hide all the key infrastructure and hide yourself? Wouldn't it be better to develop a detailed technology for neutralizing the space threat now? Evgeny Dmitriev offers a number of possible protective measures.

At the end of March, the first exhibition in Russia of fulgurites - glass tubes formed in sand or solid rock as a result of a lightning strike was opened at the Ural Geological Museum of the Ural State Mining University (USMU)
At the end of March, the first exhibition in Russia of fulgurites - glass tubes formed in sand or solid rock as a result of a lightning strike was opened at the Ural Geological Museum of the Ural State Mining University (USMU)

At the end of March, the first exhibition in Russia of fulgurites - glass tubes formed in sand or solid rock as a result of a lightning strike was opened at the Ural Geological Museum of the Ural State Mining University (USMU)

Comet tow truck

The source of lightning is the comet's tail and coma, which are formed when the comet's core heats up when the comet approaches the Sun. This means that it is necessary to stop the heating process - and the comet will remain without a tail! The first option is a reflective inflatable or film umbrella, which is delivered by spacecraft to the cometary nucleus - the Sun line. Second: applying reflective foam to the comet's nucleus. And finally, the third is the most expensive and laborious, but also the most reliable: changing the trajectory of a comet using a "comet tug".

Evgeny Dmitriev, who himself has devoted more than forty years to the development of spacecraft, admits that it will take decades to create such a tug, and also nuclear rocket engines that could function on the basis of gas released from the inner cavities of a comet during drilling and artificial heating of its core … It sounds phantasmagoric, but the author of the concept is sure: investment in the creation of such technology is incomparably more urgent than the organization of expensive manned flights to Mars and similar image campaigns that world space agencies are dreaming of now. These flights run the risk of turning into a trip without a return ticket, if we agree that the cometary threat described by Dmitriev is real. While the astronauts return from the red planetthe existing civilization on Earth can be irreparably damaged … One way or another, but Dmitriev is sure: a significant part of the budgets that are now spent on the creation of new weapons should be transferred to the design of means of protecting the Earth from cosmic catastrophes. And the research of comets - their birth, properties, behavior, structure - should be given the highest priority. Especially considering that cometary matter, which the Rosetta spacecraft has been hunting for for 12 years, is literally under our feet in fairly large quantities!structure - must be assigned the highest priority. Especially considering that cometary matter, which the Rosetta spacecraft has been hunting for for 12 years, is literally under our feet in fairly large quantities!structure - must be assigned the highest priority. Especially considering that cometary matter, which the Rosetta spacecraft has been hunting for for 12 years, is literally under our feet in fairly large quantities!

a - Nizhny Novgorod tektites, b - “ Kanskites ”, c - “ protvanites ”
a - Nizhny Novgorod tektites, b - “ Kanskites ”, c - “ protvanites ”

a - Nizhny Novgorod tektites, b - “ Kanskites ”, c - “ protvanites ”

Extraterrestrial animals - under our feet

On April 11, 1925, many eyewitnesses in Sweden watched the fall of a bright fireball. When the meteorite was found, - reported the Soviet astronomer and the famous popularizer of science Felix Siegel in the article "Unrecognized meteorites", - it turned out to be a limestone ball that shattered when it hit the Earth. Its composition was not similar to the limestones found in Sweden. But the most amazing thing is that they found the remains of sea shells and animals that resemble trilobites.

The described case is one of many examples of the fall of the so-called "pseudometeorites" - objects of such a strange composition that scientists do not dare to enroll them as meteorites. Moreover, the very facts of the fall of these bodies are proven and documented. “Until now, disputes about mysterious formations called tektites do not subside,” continues Felix Siegel. - Outwardly, they sometimes resemble shards of dark green or black bottle glass. Most scientists are inclined to believe that tektites are glass meteorites. In composition, structure, dehydration and all other parameters, they are remarkably similar to the glassy slags formed during ground-based nuclear explosions. But where, when, for what reasons could something similar to ground-based nuclear tests occur on planets?"

Tektites are "comet meteorites": the remnants of comets that hit the Earth. This is the conclusion reached by Evgeny Dmitriev, who has been intently researching and collecting these mysterious objects for a long time. Comets, according to his theory, are the result of emissions-eruptions from the bowels of giant planets, or, in other words, fragments of the crust of their stone cores. Thus - if we agree with Dmitriev's conclusions - taking into account the number of tektites collected by scientists and enthusiasts, even now a potential researcher has hundreds of kilograms of priceless cometary matter at his disposal, which keeps a lot of secrets. One of them, for example, is the glassy micro-formations discovered by Dmitriev in tektites, reminiscent of our radiolarians. Dmitriev called these formations "streamer glasses" and considers them to be the skeletal remains of extraterrestrial primitive sea animals. The giant planets, therefore, are the progenitors of life in the solar system, and comets are the means of delivering it to the Earth and other celestial bodies.

& quot; Streamer Glasses & quot; - skeletal remains of extraterrestrial marine animals found in Nizhny Novgorod tektites
& quot; Streamer Glasses & quot; - skeletal remains of extraterrestrial marine animals found in Nizhny Novgorod tektites

& quot; Streamer Glasses & quot; - skeletal remains of extraterrestrial marine animals found in Nizhny Novgorod tektites

In academic science, the attitude to the works of Yevgeny Dmitriev is more than wary. When asked to comment on his ideas, experts from the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences answered: “As for the large planets, their role (of Jupiter, mainly) is to change the trajectories of small bodies (including comets) due to the influence of the gravitational field of planets (so to speak, natural gravitational maneuvers). As a result, small bodies can be directed towards the Sun, approaching the Earth on the way, or thrown out of the Solar system. “But these bodies, - stressed in the IKI RAN, - do not generate comets!”

Yevgeny Dmitriev himself is convinced that even if the "eruptive" (erupting) comet-forming process from the surface of giant planets has not yet been observed by astronomers, its discovery is a matter of time. And he emphasizes: even such a formidable natural phenomenon as cometary lightning has tremendous creative power. In the caves that arose thanks to their blows, people once began to conquer the Earth. And the tunnels and caves on the Moon and other planets formed from cometary lightning will once become outposts for space exploration.