Stephen Hawking: "I Am Afraid Of Aliens And What They Can Do To Humanity" - Alternative View

Stephen Hawking: "I Am Afraid Of Aliens And What They Can Do To Humanity" - Alternative View
Stephen Hawking: "I Am Afraid Of Aliens And What They Can Do To Humanity" - Alternative View

Video: Stephen Hawking: "I Am Afraid Of Aliens And What They Can Do To Humanity" - Alternative View

Video: Stephen Hawking:
Video: Stephen Hawking's Stark Warning for Humans to Leave Earth 2024, September

Scientists have no clear evidence of whether aliens exist, but this does not prevent them from conducting a variety of discussions on their origin, character, appearance and friendliness. At the moment, the luminaries of world science are trying to come to a consensus about how humanoids will behave when meeting people.

The great astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has a rather clear opinion on this matter: aliens are not an invention of science fiction writers and crazy ufologists, moreover, they pose a danger to the Earth and its inhabitants. The scientist makes gloomy predictions: very soon the globe will be captured by an army of unfriendly alien soldiers, and earthlings, in turn, will not be able to offer them anything, because humanity does not have the resources to protect its planet.

Astronaut Andy Mitchell, who visited the moon, generally states that NASA is cooperating with aliens, and the partnership between the American and alien sides began a long time ago, and naive people are simply deceived with statements like "there are no aliens" or "we have never recorded manifestation of alien activity”.

But researchers from the METI organization think differently: they often send messages into space with the hope that some friendly and peace-loving race will read them and want to meet earthlings without planning a plan to kill them in their heads. The first message for humanoids was sent back in 1962 and contained only three words: "Lenin", "Peace" and "USSR".
