From Planes In The Form Of The Very Same Chemtrails They Spray "smart" Nanodust - Alternative View

From Planes In The Form Of The Very Same Chemtrails They Spray "smart" Nanodust - Alternative View
From Planes In The Form Of The Very Same Chemtrails They Spray "smart" Nanodust - Alternative View

Russian writer, independent researcher and scientist, editor of the socio-political newspaper "President", member of the Russian Philosophical Society, President of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences A. Tyunyaev expressed an interesting hypothesis that chemical trails are used to spray "smart dust", which is nanochips - nanostructured metal-silicon devices, the purpose of which is to gain control over the minds of people and biorobots very similar to people, which are controlled using Wi-Fi networks. It is to improve the efficiency of such management that 5G is being expanded.

Here's what he said about it in one of his speeches:

The hypothesis, of course, is not indisputable, but quite logical, explaining in many ways the massive use of chemtrails (especially in Western countries), and the increase in the incidence and decrease in immunity in people and the emergence of a large number of characters similar to people, but behaving rather strangely, whose behavior really resembles poorly debugged and periodically "freezing" robots. But such biorobots can be ideal servants of the world parasitic "elite", which, unlike people, are more unpretentious and are unlikely to be able to raise an uprising against the power of world parasites.

These parasites are waging a real war against humanity, which, with the advent of fully controlled biorobots, has become unnecessary for them. But, nevertheless, an attempt is made by parasites to transform into microchip biorobots and parts of humanity. And this happens precisely through the spraying of "smart nanodust" and the ubiquity of 5G networks, which are actually needed not for the needs of humanity, but for the implementation of the plans of its enemies.

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