Crop Circles - Reply To The Message? - Alternative View

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Crop Circles - Reply To The Message? - Alternative View
Crop Circles - Reply To The Message? - Alternative View

Video: Crop Circles - Reply To The Message? - Alternative View

Video: Crop Circles - Reply To The Message? - Alternative View
Video: How an enormous Kim Jong Un crop circle appeared in Italy 2024, April


According to one of the employees of the Chilbolton Observatory (Chilbolton, built in 1965), located near the town of Werwel in Hampshire (UK), images of "binary code" (left) and "faces" (right) were found in various days in a wheat field near the observatory buildings. The "face" was found on Tuesday August 14, 2001. The "binary code" was found on Mon August 20, 2001. The approximate dimensions of the "binary code" and "face" are 200x85 feet and 160x180 feet, respectively. According to researcher Charles Mallet of Roundway, Wiltshire, both patterns are formed by ears of wheat stacked in much the same way.

In August 2000, crop circles were already observed near the same observatory (Aerial view of crop circles, shown on the right, by Peter R. Sorensen ©.). But the 2001 crop circles clearly stood out.

When Paul Vigay, director of the Independent Center for Research into Unintelligible Phenomena (Southsea, Hampshire, UK), saw aerial photographs of the "binary code", he immediately said that the image was very reminiscent of the digital message that was sent on November 16, 1974 into outer space by astrologers from the Cornell Institute (with the role of Carl Sagan) using the Arecibo radio telescope, built in Puerto Rico. The radio beam was aimed at the star cluster M13, located about 23,000 light-years from Earth.

Below you can see the transcript of this binary coded radio broadcast (Source: Cosmos © 1976 by Carl Sagan.).

The double helix of the DNA molecule is shown in curved lines. Below, between the binary information about the number of the world's population and the average height of a person, a humanoid figure depicting people is shown. The sun and 9 planets are shown under the image of a person in the form of a square. The third planet is moved to the symbolic figure of a man. A sign representing the Arecibo radio telescope is shown at the bottom above the line in the form of the letter M, and the binary cipher at the bottom reports its diameter (300 m).

Now let's compare the black and white graphical binary encryption. 1974 radio broadcasts (left) and the "binary code" introduced by Chilbolton in 2001.

As you can see, the "messages" are different. Moreover, the left side of the picture that appeared on the field at Chilbolton differs from its right side.

Promotional video:

Here is an excerpt from an interview with Paul Weigay, Director of the Independent Center for Research into Undefined Phenomena (Southsea, Hampshire, UK):

“It may be that the spiral of their DNA molecule is uneven and contains some additional components. More precisely, I can tell only after decoding the central strip, which is located in the center between 2 curved lines. In a radio transmission made from the Arecibo radio telescope, this band corresponded to the number of nucleotides in a DNA molecule in binary form. In the picture on the field, we see that this strip has some differences. Apparently, this can clarify why the arcs on the left and right are different from each other. If their DNA molecule has a different number of nucleotide strands, then this explains such an imbalance.

- Have you been able to verify the presence of these differences right on the field?

- Yes, right on the field I was able to see that in the middle there is one single point, which means that one number has been changed.

- One number?

- When it comes to a binary code, the information in it is represented in the form of zeros and ones, or filled and empty squares, as in the vertical strip between the DNA strands in the figure. It can be seen that there is a difference in comparison with the unusual image in the middle of the drawing. Perhaps after processing this code on a computer and translating it into a sequence of a DNA molecule, it will become clear why the curved stripes differ from those shown in the radio transmission picture.

- Apparently, the differences in the image of the DNA sequence could mean something. If you look at the images of the planets, then our message clearly shows that our planet is the third in a row from the Sun, since it is moved to a humanoid-like figure with a head, 2 arms, 2 legs and a body.

- Quite right.

- If you look at the sketch that appeared on the wheat field, you can see that after the first 2 planets, a group of 3 planets is moved in the same way as it was made in our message.

- The 3rd planet in the row is raised. The 4th planet is raised. And the 5th planet is not only raised, but also transformed from one point into four smallest points, forming something like a cross.

- What do you think it means?

- This difference is really very curious. It could mean that in their solar system, three planets are inhabited and that they originate from the fifth planet. It can be seen from the figure that three planets are indicated, while the 5th planet is highlighted more than all others. It could also mean that the 5th planet has three moons.

- We see that there is a mutual correspondence between the drawing on the field and the message with the image of a human figure, which was sent from Earth in 1974. Moreover, on the acquired drawing, you can create something like a figure that has a very large head, very huge, protruding eyes and a scanty, slender body. In your opinion, is this a clear description?

- Yes, and some people even associated the depicted figure with some grayish alien. It should also be noted that there is another inconsistency between messages. To the right of the person's figure is his height. In the message sent from Arecibo, there are three numbers that correspond to a seven. Naturally, if you are transmitting a message to the other end of the galaxy, there is no point in using feet, inches or meters as units of measurement, so I consider this expression simply as 7 units of something. If you look at the sketch on the field, you can see that there is only one unit in this place. From this we can conclude that whatever units of measurement are used, the height indicated here is much less than human.

- Surprisingly, if this is really their response to our message, which was sent in 1974 from the Arecibo radio telescope, and if they were trying to describe themselves specifically, why is the “face” so similar to a human?

- I would not like to talk about the origin of these drawings at the moment. Research is my goal. Based on the results of this study, people will be able to draw their own conclusions. Yet, it seems to me indescribable that all this could be someone's hoax. The fact is that this kind of sketch is completely unrealistic to see from the ground. These pictures are made quite neatly and accurately, although nearby they seem to be a complete mess. Looking at them, one cannot say that these are ordinary "circles and arcs in the fields." They look like a chaotic set of points. But looking at them from a height - and they were certainly designed to be viewed from a height - they create an indescribable effect. And I can't imagine for myself how you can make such pictures without the role of someone who, being in a helicopter,I would not send commands on the radio like “a little to the right … a little to the left”, since the pictures are so complex that it is very difficult to see them from the ground. It is difficult to explain how it is possible (especially in the darkness) to move along the ground from one element of the image to another and not make mistakes, not get lost and, as a result, get a sketch of such a difficulty.

- Now let's talk about the bottom of both posts. In a binary message sent in 1974, an arc was drawn, under which was indicated the diameter of the antenna of the Arecibo radio telescope, with which this message was sent. In a message shown in a wheat field at Chilbolton, this element is similar to the drawing that also appeared at Chilbolton in August 2000. It can be imagined that there seems to be a connection between the drawing that appeared in August 2000 and these drawings that appeared in August 2001. Where the size of the antenna was indicated in a message from the Arecibo radio telescope in 1974, is the exact image that was found near Chilbolton in August 2000.

- Quite right. The key to understanding the encryption is the size of the Arecibo radio telescope antenna, indicated under its image. As a result, the transmission frequency depends on it. And here there is another discrepancy between the picture that appeared on the field and the message that was sent from the Arecibo radio telescope. This discrepancy concerns the part where the size of the radio telescope antenna is indicated. The encryption here is different, and I need to find out how the wavelength was encoded in the message sent from Arecibo, and then apply this encryption method to the acquired drawing and see what the result will be. I have an assumption that the previous sketch on the field (discovered in August 2000) is the main message and, perhaps, with its help, one can decipher all the pictures. If some beings on the other side of the universe were able to receive a signal like the one sent from the Arecibo radio telescope, of course, they could decipher it and realize where it came from. In the end, you can find out at what frequency this signal was received.

There is also another inconsistency that concerns atomic numbers. When I saw the aerial photo for the first time, I thought it was just a flaw in the photo. And this was one of the main reasons why I now went there to see everything myself. I figured this was not a mistake, as the change was intentional and encrypted in sequence.

Do you mean the sequence of parts? Radionuclides?

Not. Right at the top there is a row representing the numbers from 1 to 10. Going below them are the atomic numbers of the main parts, which are the building blocks that support life on Earth.

Is this what the PONCH signs indicate?

Yes, these are phosphorus, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen. Now you can decrypt. That which corresponds to phosphorus is indicated by a longish line, ie 1111, which means 15. The subsequent image element, if read vertically, gives 0001. This corresponds to 8, which naturally means oxygen. The subsequent element (1110) corresponds to 7, which means nitrogen. The subsequent (011) corresponds to 6, which means carbon. And in the end, the last element is 1, which corresponds to 1, which means hydrogen.

In your opinion, does Chilbolton's field sketch indicate other elements?

The message sent from Arecibo shows 5 columns: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus. In the picture, there are 6 columns on the margin. This can only be seen if you see the image in detail, which I did now on the field. Thus, this encryption contains an additional element.

This element was inserted between oxygen and phosphorus, that is, instead of row 1, 6, 7, 8, 15, there is another row containing the element, which is designated as 0111, which corresponds to 14. Thus, the row comes out: 1, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15.

If you now look at the repeating table, you can see that the element with the 14th atomic number is called silicon. This is a very exciting discovery, since many researchers say that if there are any other life forms that, unlike terrestrial forms, are not based on carbon, then from the entire repeating table, almost the only element that could support life is silicon. On a theoretical level, it may be that there is a planet in which silicon is the predominant element. If this is indeed a binary-coded message, then the presence of an additional element in the form of silicon is fundamental information.