Deciphering Space Signs (part 8) - Alternative View

Deciphering Space Signs (part 8) - Alternative View
Deciphering Space Signs (part 8) - Alternative View

Video: Deciphering Space Signs (part 8) - Alternative View

Video: Deciphering Space Signs (part 8) - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Facts - Space [Part 8] 2024, April

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 -

We have already seen that most of these (genuine) pictograms are of a warning and informational nature. The information in them is encrypted in the form of messages. Some drawings are a test for researchers for the rationality and consistency of constructing thoughts.

It is clear that it is pointless to look for something in fake drawings, the more pointless it is to examine them for the presence of hidden information. I propose to divide all the drawings into two groups - fake and genuine, thereby eliminating the interference so that they do not confuse the already complex research.

Picture 1
Picture 1

Picture 1.

Figure 1 is simple to execute, consists of a symbol of an intelligent creature (a circle with a ring) and a triangle that wedges into the center of the figure. Please note that the information ring around the core of an intelligent entity is very thick. Such a ring is drawn to designate the human soul, which has accumulated a monotonous experience of gross material existence. The decryption is as follows:

Figure 2
Figure 2

Figure 2.

The pictogram shown in Figure 2 was captured in Cherhill, England in 2017. It consists of the well-known symbol of an intelligent creature (human soul with a thick information ring) on the right side of the picture. But the core has shifted and is not in the center of the symbol. A straight line extends from this shifted core - an information channel that connects to another spiritual core. There was a breakthrough of the thick ring using this communication channel. The decoding is as follows:

Promotional video:

Figure 3
Figure 3

Figure 3.

Figure 3 has the same theme as the previous ones. It was recorded on 8 July 2016 at Stanton Bridge, Wiltshire, England. We see here a ring and a circle connected to the center of the ring by a straight line (these are the constituent elements of the symbol of an intelligent creature). Why the core left the informational ring of the soul will become clear later.

A symbol in the form of the Greek letter "psi" (Ψ), denoting the parapsychological (spiritual-energetic) development of an intelligent being, is attached to the far side of the core (circle). The straight line in this figure indicates the course of action. The transcript turned out:

In this figure, everything is simple and clear: the core of the soul, leaving its information ring, abandons the old experience, but pay attention to the fact that the straight line starting from the center of the circle is shown by a thick segment, then, going beyond the limits of the ring, it becomes three times thinner. The thick section of the path shows how much effort the soul will have to make to break with the old past. Further, it will be three times easier to move.

Figure 4
Figure 4

Figure 4.

The pictogram in Figure 4 is beautiful and absolutely symmetrical. In the center of the picture there is a symbol of the human soul (an intelligent underdeveloped creature with one informational ring). Information channels are stretched to the core of the soul from different directions, through which spiritual energy is transmitted. The spheres of the minds that have come into contact are drawn partially, they are not shown entirely in the form of rings, since they are not on Earth, but only approached the Earth. The transcript turned out:

At first glance, Figure 5 will remind researchers of a certain crawling animal. In fact, this is a spiral of human evolution, but it deviated to the side, bent into a sinusoid. The spiral of evolution is shown here in the form of gradually increasing circles strung like beads on a string. Please note that the spiral at its beginning was framed with small dots, then, after it passed through the "gate", its drawing was simplified, the chain of circles is not framed with small dots.

Figure 5
Figure 5

Figure 5.

Compare with the normal spiral in another drawing (Fig. 6). As you know, small dots are in many cases a symbol of the primary monad, but in this case, small dots denote pure spirituality (or the core of the essence).

Figure 6
Figure 6

Figure 6.

It turns out that the first part of the spiral shows the versatile spiritual development of mankind (at the beginning of the path), the second half of the spiral shows the simple spiritual development of mankind (at this stage of the path). At the head of the forward part of the spiral, we see a familiar symbol - the "wisdom eye", which led the spiral forward, but the "eye" is drawn in an unusual way (Fig. 7).

Figure 7
Figure 7

Figure 7.

There is a stratification of the second half of the "eye" facing forward. In my opinion, the picture shows a dead end in the evolutionary path in which humanity is now. The decoding of the figure is as follows:

Material wealth in the concept of cosmic evolution is not a goal. This is the delusion of human civilization. It will lead to a complete and rapid depletion of the Earth's natural resources. Through technocratization, society, like a bulldozer, pushed spirituality further away, depriving many generations of spirituality (a simple chain of circles). It is clearly seen in the figure how this "bulldozer" shield pushes the particles of spirituality ahead of itself - small dots.

Figure 8
Figure 8

Figure 8.

Earlier, an attempt was made by intelligent forces to draw a drawing similar in meaning, but, probably, it turned out not so clear and understandable (Fig. 8). There, too, there is a spiral and an "eye of wisdom" with a similar stratification.

Figure 9
Figure 9

Figure 9.

Figure 10
Figure 10

Figure 10.

Figure 11
Figure 11

Figure 11.

In general, over the entire period of research, the pattern of a layered "eye" has been encountered more than once (Fig. 9, 10, 11). These drawings mean the same thing:

Figure 12, which is simple in design, contains two symbols: a humanoid symbol - a five-pointed star and a symbol of an underdeveloped rational being (a symbol of a human soul) - a core with one ring. The peculiarity of the picture is that the five-pointed star revolves around the center of the picture. The meaning of the message is simple:

Figure 12
Figure 12

Figure 12.

The cryptogram shown in Figure 13 appeared and was recorded in the early summer of 2018 in the fields of the Krasnodar Territory. After comprehending the picture, I believe that it depicts the reboot of the noosphere of the new Earth. In the conditional center of the picture, the symbol of the planet is visible - a massive circle with a ring around the circumference, denoting the planet's noosphere. This is a renewed Earth at a new stage of development.

Figure 13
Figure 13

Figure 13.

Around it is shown what will happen (or is already happening) in the process of this transformation. The information rings around the massive body have shifted to one side - this is the first stage. The massive body has decreased, the information layers of the noosphere are rewound from left to right (like a tape recorder) and twisted into the Akashic Chronicle (information bank of the universe), where they will be stored for a long time - the second stage.

During this rewinding of old information, part of the information of dubious quality is withdrawn and, having passed a rigorous selection, is canceled at the output (a winding curve between the correction shafts). Thus, the figure shows us the stages of the planet's renewal and the reboot of the noosphere, which are expected ahead.

Figure 14
Figure 14

Figure 14.

Without explaining the elements of Figure 14, I immediately provide its transcript:

Figure 15
Figure 15

Figure 15.

The cryptogram in Figure 15 is very descriptive and does not require further explanation. Its decoding is as follows:

An old photograph of a cryptogram (from about 70-80s of the last century) shows the cosmic symbols of the Creator of the 3rd rank (left) and the Destroyer - "omega" (right). They are located on different sides of the human soul (in the center) and work simultaneously, at times alternately replacing and, as it were, balancing each other. The core of the soul has shifted closer to the Creator, and the outer shells are pulled towards the Destroyer.


All the details are thought out in the structure of the drawing. Why does the core of the soul strive closer to the Creator, and not vice versa? Because it was originally that way. The outer shells are attracted to the Destroyer for the reason that not all human affairs (accumulated experience) suit the Creator and are subject to correction or even destruction. The decoding of this old drawing is as follows:

Continued: Part 9

Ufologist Pavel Khailov