Dolmen Mysticism - Alternative View

Dolmen Mysticism - Alternative View
Dolmen Mysticism - Alternative View

Video: Dolmen Mysticism - Alternative View

Video: Dolmen Mysticism - Alternative View
Video: Giant Megalithic Structures - Russian Dolmen's 2024, September

First of all, it should be noted that all theories related to the attempt to uncover the secrets of megalithic structures are based on conflicting data from archaeologists and a few legends that give rise to various versions. When discussing the time of the emergence of dolmen structures, one cannot but recall the theory expressed by the Ukrainian scientists R. Furdui and Y. Shvaidak in their book about various mysteries of the Earth. The version of these researchers is that dolmens, most of which are built of rocks containing quartz (sandstone, granitoids), are emitters of ultrasonic vibrations modulated by infrasound. This combination of frequencies can have a profound effect on the human psyche. According to Ukrainian scientists, stone plugs plugging holes in the walls served to regulate this impact.

Why did you need such a megalith-emitter?

Most likely it was used as a defense against enemies. In addition, he could act as a means of communication. By the way, it was much easier to enter the trance state in the dolmen. Perhaps these buildings were used for all of the above at the same time.

One of the followers of the above-mentioned theory V. Chernovol gives many arguments about the depressing and painful effects of dolmen structures.

But here opinions were divided, since people who visited the dolmens, recognized by Chornovol as the most negative, not only were not subjected to any depressing or painful influence, but, on the contrary, felt the opposite, positive, effect. Therefore, we can conclude that the evidence of the harmful effects of dolmens on humans is purely subjective.

Undoubtedly, the very shape of dolmen structures gives reason to think of them as emitters. However, all these versions are not convincing enough and are not sufficiently supported by the facts. It is also a matter of legitimate interest that the inhabitants of the regions of the Caucasus where the megaliths are located are fully confident that they are all in the most suitable places for recreation, that is, where there is water.

And in fact, almost all areas where dolmens can be found are conducive to a pleasant and peaceful pastime. In addition, all these areas have a certain resistance to various changes, and this is one of the most important factors in mountainous terrain.

V. Pyatibrat, the famous Gelendzhik researcher of dolmen monuments, developed an excellent theory about the Caucasian megaliths. The scientist presented reasoning about various races who arrived on our planet in ancient times, about gods and titans, heroes, Atlanteans and other mythological characters. Having carefully studied the epic monuments of the peoples of the world, in particular the legends of the Caucasian people, Pyatibrat came to the conclusion that the North Caucasus was the main battlefield of the gods with the Titans and Atlanteans. At that time, the Black Sea was not yet connected to the ocean, and it fell to him to become the main protector of the titans. However, in the process of the struggle (this happened several millennia ago), the gods still managed to break through the Bosphorus, as a result, the water level in the Black Sea rose by one hundred and fifty meters. Atlanteans and Titans could no longer use it as a shield and were forced to build dolmen structures that had the ability to scare off enemies.

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The megalith builders themselves, after the defeat, went underground and, perhaps, live there to this day.

There are now several legends about dolmens. The most famous are two of them.

First, this is the Adyghe story about giants who built megaliths for dwarfs.

Secondly, there is a hypothesis that dolmens were used as stone oracles. The small child was locked up in a stone building, well fed there, bringing him food and water, but never let out of there. After a certain period of time, the child turned into a kind of creature that could no longer leave the dolmen (and besides, it was unlikely that it already wanted it). This something had a unique psyche and special capabilities that allowed him to become a visionary.

And in the area of the city of Sochi, in the south-west of the places where dolmen buildings are spread, there are myths among the local population that these structures are closely connected with the Ubykh tribe, the warlike people of the North Caucasus. During the Russian-Caucasian wars, the Ubykhs moved to Turkey, after which no one ever heard anything about the representatives of this tribe.

V. Megre, in his works telling about the taiga fortuneteller Anastasia, presented one of the freshest conjectures concerning dolmens. He claims that once there were first people who possessed an immeasurably huge, in comparison with modern man, spectrum of possibilities. However, due to the fact that civilization began to develop along the wrong path, knowledge and opportunities began to diminish.

The most outstanding representatives of the ancient people, at their own desire, retired in dolmens, staying in them for a long time and without dying, through meditation they passed into some other state. Therefore, at present, a spirit dwells in the dolmens, which can give an answer to any questions, on one condition: those who ask must have pure thoughts. Now twelve Gelendzhik megaliths are very popular and for some time there has been a real pilgrimage here.

Some who believed in the unique impact of dolmens, after doing some simple physical exercises, stand, sit, meditate, talk, bring flowers, icons, charge the objects brought with them … Others wave their hands, as if feeling full contact with supernatural forces. It should be noted that it is customary among pilgrims to take off their shoes so that unwanted accumulated charges flow into the ground.

Naturally, as in any business, it is not complete without fanatics who conduct real ritual initiations, reminiscent of mysteries, claiming that as a result of all this, people will be able to achieve greater effect.

Tourists who are not yet familiar with the books about Anastasia look especially funny. When the guides offer them to walk three times around the dolmen, as they say, “for good luck,” people, feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable, nevertheless make a wish and count the circles.

So what is the so-called spirit of a dolmen? One of the human delusions that have flooded the tabloid press in recent years, or is it really something true?

However, it can be argued with full confidence that a person who is far from self-reflection, who has archaeological experience, should unravel the secrets of the megaliths and study them.

Then you can turn again to the design of dolmen structures. Despite the fact that they have been standing for more than one thousand years, they do not have any decorations, drawings that embody certain ideas. Megaliths were built from perfectly fitted slabs. The conclusion suggests itself: the main purpose of the dolmens was to stand for as long as possible, regardless of all kinds of external influences. That is, the megalithic builders intended to create for themselves a reliable, durable shelter, a house.

You can also listen to the American scientist Carlos Castaneda, who was a student of don Juan, the leader of a special closed group who taught the researcher the art of his tradition for many years. Don Juan often recalled in his stories to his disciples his predecessors, who are called ancient seers. Followers of the Toltec tradition, trying to unravel the secrets of immortality, turned to stone buildings. Although this path ultimately led nowhere, the experience of lucid dreaming was not forgotten.

What is first of all necessary for a person who is fluent in the art of lucid dreaming?

Of course, a calm place where he can always return from a journey and which he knows to the smallest details. In addition, he needs that this place is not subject to accidental influences that could lead to unforeseen changes.

Ancient seers, according to don Juan, did not use the technique of going into third attention (“fire from within” when people had the ability to see an object from all sides and from the inside at the same time). Instead, the ancient seers changed the shape of their energy body and created a kind of cocoon that allows them to resist death. Undoubtedly, after this procedure, they could no longer be called people in the literal sense of the word, since their perception of the world around them changed greatly and at the same time the possibilities of contact with them decreased.

The doctrine of changing the shape of the energy body is very difficult and rather abstract, it requires special knowledge. But linking this idea to the topic under discussion suggests that the idea of using an isolated camera made of stone as a starting point for travel seems plausible enough.

According to Don Juan, Castaneda says that by visiting ancient Indian cities a person can gain a lot of interesting knowledge, but there is also a high probability of losing a lot.

Undoubtedly, the Toltec theory of the purpose of dolmen structures cannot be taken as a 100% proven fact. However, one should not ignore the possibility of the existence of such an action.

It should be noted that dolmens with holes plugged with stone plugs have not been found on the territory of South America, and in fact the Black Sea megaliths are for the most part just like that.

If, as we have found out, one of the main properties of dolmens was the durability of structures, another important factor is all kinds of accommodations for visitors. These are portals, and in some cases - structures like courtyards or cromlechs.

Unlike pyramids, tombs, tombs and other burials, dolmens do not have anything that would indicate those to whom these structures are dedicated. Although it can be assumed that individual, specially processed stones, holes, mysterious signs are indirect, but unfortunately not yet deciphered, hints.

The theory of modern manifestations of dolmen impact on visitors should be touched upon again. The most contradictory information on this matter is more than enough, therefore it is very difficult to understand them. Some of those who have visited these megaliths suddenly develop poetic talent, others disappear from the illnesses that have tormented them for a long time, and still others have contact with supernatural forces. Of course, the question cannot but arise here: how to distinguish between what is actually happening and the fantasies of enthusiastic people prone to self-deception?

The results of observations of children are of great interest to researchers. Only the child's behavior can be truly spontaneous, and his attitude - impartial, since there is still no inclination to self-deception. In addition, children are free from behavioral patterns imposed by literary works.

Taking the child with them to the dolmen, parents should not forget that he must be given complete freedom in the manifestation of his reaction. Undoubtedly, children need to be prepared in advance for the fact that when visiting the megalith, he may feel some kind of influence. However, it must be done carefully, unobtrusively, without frightening the child. The sooner children begin to psychologically prepare to visit the dolmen, the better.

In a dolmen group, you just need to give the children complete freedom. There can be many options for a child's behavior.

Some children do not want to approach the dolmen, preferring to stay a little further away. Others, barely entering the megalith, immediately start running, not missing a single corner. Sometimes it happens that a child suddenly feels tired on the way to the dolmen. Of course, in this case, children should not visit the facility.

It is not always possible to find any unusual changes in a child who has visited the dolmens, since sometimes this excursion does not affect the behavior of the children in any way. However, there were times when a child suddenly astonished his dad and mom with an epic poem or a talented novel. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that these works be devoted to megalithic monuments, they can be about anything. Some children suddenly radically change their behavior, in other words, they become completely unrecognizable. There are many such observations.

One should not disregard one more wonderful observation concerning contacts with psychics, both professional and home-grown. Among the representatives of this public, there is hardly at least one who at the very first moment would not begin to measure the force of the impact of dolmens. Examining photographs of various megaliths, psychics immediately take on the functions of commentators. One dolmen seems to them to be empty, emitting nothing, but the other, according to their assurances, has a very large, downright penetrating (even from a photograph!) Power. The most comical thing about all this is that there are practically no coincidences in assessments. Dolmen, according to one psychic, possessing incredible power, according to another, turns out to be completely empty and vice versa. Thus, absolutely no regularity can be found in such comments.

Undoubtedly, anyone who has visited a dolmen knows how subjective the attitude towards it is. Some, when visiting the dolmen, they got rid of a severe headache. Others, having fallen into the same megalith, on the contrary, complain of suddenly feeling unwell.

In the Caucasus, it is widely believed that those who encroach on the inviolability and safety of dolmen structures, as a rule, end up subject to some unenviable fate. Local residents must warn tourists that in no case should you take a fragment of a stone building with you, as this will lead to imminent disaster. Perhaps there is some truth in this statement, be that as it may, it is hardly worthwhile for a person to appropriate what does not belong to him.

One more curious fact can be mentioned. One of the dolmens in Dzhugbe had to be fenced off from the motor depot with a high fence, since people began to pay attention to a large number of road accidents disproportionately to other areas.

Sometimes some omniscient excursionists, and guides with considerable experience and knowledge, flatly refuse to lead to a certain group of megaliths. Dolmens are especially disliked by people who were born in the mountains. This superstitious fear cannot be attributed to the lack of education and savagery of the highlanders. Even those with higher education agree in this conviction with all the other guides.

Now it has become very popular in the press to record incidents with people connected in one way or another with dolmens.

All these observations prove that those contactees who have taken up dolmens too zealously and have devoted too much time to them achieve a certain result. Only now, to what extent the effect justifies their expectations is a moot point.

True, there is a lot of evidence that in such people, after a certain period of time, all the vicissitudes of life become much more intense. That is, both successful and unsuccessful events occur more often and acquire unexpectedly huge proportions. Situations that until now did not seem urgent and extraordinary suddenly become acute, requiring an immediate solution, since otherwise there is a very real danger for them from problems to turn into real troubles.

For example, a person has been dissatisfied with his job for quite some time, but resigned himself to it, because it brought him a stable income. And unexpectedly, after frequent visits to the dolmens, he loses this job and faces an urgent need to start looking for a new one.

As another example, the following situation can be cited: the long-term friendship of bosom old friends has exhausted itself and is slowly fading away. In spite of everything, people are trying with all their might to maintain the old relationship, although they have long been aware of their sterility. Suddenly, at one point, the company breaks up. And it happens very painfully for everyone who made it up.

Much the same can be said about family problems. You never know married couples who live together without any feeling of love or affection, only by virtue of an ingrained habit and unwillingness to radically change their lives. And under the influence of the megaliths, what the husband and wife had previously closed their eyes to, letting everything take its course, suddenly comes out, and it becomes clear to them that it is simply impossible to continue such a relationship.

It is curious that some people who have been to dolmens have a complete reassessment of values and those events that seemed favorable before contacts with megaliths suddenly begin to be viewed from a completely opposite perspective under their influence. Successes in the material sphere are losing their significance and no longer seem to be the only ones worthy of efforts and aspirations.

How do you explain these remarkable changes? So far, unfortunately, this cannot be done. No one is able to answer whether this is a delirium of the imagination inflamed by dolmens. Of course, it can be assumed that unknown good spirits, imprisoned in these stone walls, make people reconsider all their life values, opening up new, higher and more wonderful opportunities for them.

Pleshakov Sergey