Thai 7-year-old Siamese Twins With One Lower Body For Two - Alternative View

Thai 7-year-old Siamese Twins With One Lower Body For Two - Alternative View
Thai 7-year-old Siamese Twins With One Lower Body For Two - Alternative View

Video: Thai 7-year-old Siamese Twins With One Lower Body For Two - Alternative View

Video: Thai 7-year-old Siamese Twins With One Lower Body For Two - Alternative View
Video: Most Severe Cases of Conjoined Twins 2024, July

Seven-year-old twin sisters Ping and Pan, who live in Thailand, have one head for two, two torsos above the waist and four arms. Below the waist, their bodies merge into one whole, and each sister can control only one "her" leg.

The Soviet sisters Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapovs (1950-2003), as well as the Russian twins Zita and Gita Rezakhanovs, had a similar type of fusion of Siamese twins in the shape of the letter "Y".

Since Ping and Pan control their legs separately, it was difficult for them to learn to walk, much better they are able to move on their hands and ride a small bike with three wheels. The twins' grandmother says her granddaughters are happy girls, despite their anomaly.

Doctors suggested separating the twins surgically, but the girls were then already of a conscious age and themselves did not want to "part" with each other. They say there is a very strong bond between them.

The girls live in Nakhonsawan province, 250 km north of Bangkok, and are raised by their grandparents. Nothing is said about the girls' parents.

“They love to sing, eat ice cream, help each other dress and laugh at jokes together,” says the twins' grandmother.


The girls attend a special school for children from disadvantaged families, where they are very popular and they have many friends and teachers also praise them. Both teachers and grandparents hope that the twins will learn at school all the necessary skills to be fully independent and provide for themselves in adulthood, and even possibly even find a job.

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- When I saw them for the first time, I was in shock, - the grandmother admits, - I did not think that I would have grandchildren of Siamese twins.

She returned from the hospital in tears, but then she felt sorry for the girls (her parents probably decided to leave them), and now she is proud of her granddaughters, even when they are sometimes naughty.


Despite the fact that Ping and Pan are very similar, they are different personalities. One loves short hairstyles, while the other loves longer hair. One really likes noodles, and the other does not like noodles.

Doctors more than once suggested to the grandmother to divide her granddaughters, but the grandmother says that she did not even have such a thought. The sisters themselves also refused the operation.