The Most Demanded Professions Of The Future - Alternative View

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The Most Demanded Professions Of The Future - Alternative View
The Most Demanded Professions Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: The Most Demanded Professions Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: The Most Demanded Professions Of The Future - Alternative View
Video: 23 JOBS OF THE FUTURE (and jobs that have no future) 2024, September

Within ten years, some of today's popular and attractive professions will disappear, as machines and computers will begin to perform this activity. However, as history shows, the labor market creates new jobs to replace those lost in the course of technological progress. Futurists predict what new professions will emerge in the near future, for example, by 2025.

Graham Cordington, futurist, TomorrowToday Global

1. Specialists in neuro-implantation

The development of neurotechnology in the coming years is expecting a rapid leap forward, which will lead to the fact that neuro-implantation will turn into an extensive field of activity.


There will be a great demand for neuroscientists of all directions: brain neurosurgery, augmentation and implantation, prosthetics, real-time ultrasound scanning and its diagnostics, the creation of neuro-robotic devices.

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2. Masters of maintenance of "smart houses"

In just five years, the Internet of Things industry will become a giant $ 19 trillion market and create new jobs not only for engineers, but also for numerous technical personnel.


A huge labor market will emerge for specialists in the installation and maintenance of "smart houses" who will be able to introduce a wide variety of functions of the "Internet of things" into the human home.

3. Virtual reality designers

As the Internet of Things infiltrates our homes, the field of application of virtual reality will expand significantly, both for practical purposes and for games and entertainment.


Specialists in the field of virtual reality design will be in demand, who will be able to develop and adapt a virtual environment for all aspects of work, entertainment, business, travel, shopping and other areas of our life.

Joe Tankersley, futurist and strategic designer at Unique Visions

4. Freelance professors

There will be a massive need for individual tutors and tele-professors as teaching moves towards on-demand services.


Ten years from now, all a person will need to start their own university is online teaching skills and style, appropriate course materials and a marketing plan.

5. Urban farmers

The 21st century will see a renaissance in farming as a result of a further increase in the number of people living in cities and a massive awareness of the devastating environmental consequences of an industrialized approach to agriculture.


Many companies and individuals will emerge to help hobby farmers learn urban farming skills and educate them about sustainable lifestyles.

Thomas Frey, Lead Futurist at the Da Vinci Institute

6. Terabyteers

People will become professional information gatherers. Individuals producing a terabyte or more of digital data a day will be paid money to survey neighborhoods, shopping districts and city streets with high-tech special equipment on a daily basis.


Their devices will record and process all visual and other information about what is happening around, for which large companies can pay considerable sums, since it is necessary to create information flows for marketing purposes.

7. Nano-medics

Most of the medical problems that people face ultimately boil down to one or more cells in our body.


In the future, there will be a great demand for medical professionals who can work at the nano-level, creating solutions in the field of diagnosis, treatment and monitoring.

8. Engineers in the field of 3D printing

Three-dimensional printing is already being introduced into the school curriculum today. The next decade will see a rapid growth in demand for products made with 3D printers.


Robotic 3D printing factories will need competent technologists and engineers to develop and implement the next wave of these technologies.

9. Engineers of pipeline transport

The next major infrastructure project will be a passenger and freight transport system based on a network of vacuum pipelines with maglev trains.


Operating at less than 2 percent costs compared to cars, trucks, airplanes, ships and trains, this pipeline transport system will be a huge field for a new generation of talented engineers and thinkers.

Jim Carroll, futurist, trend and innovation expert

10. Personal health instructor

A personal health instructor, or concierge, will collect and analyze a constant stream of biometric data received by a dedicated Health grid.


These personal trainers will work with traditional family physicians to help patients make both regular and emergency decisions related to their health and lifestyle.