Scientists Have Discovered More Than 90 Volcanoes In The Ice Of Antarctica - Alternative View

Scientists Have Discovered More Than 90 Volcanoes In The Ice Of Antarctica - Alternative View
Scientists Have Discovered More Than 90 Volcanoes In The Ice Of Antarctica - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Discovered More Than 90 Volcanoes In The Ice Of Antarctica - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Discovered More Than 90 Volcanoes In The Ice Of Antarctica - Alternative View
Video: What If Antarctica’s Dormant Volcanoes Woke Up? 2024, September

Scientists from the University of Edinburgh have discovered 91 volcanoes under the ice of Antarctica. It is reported by the British newspaper Guardian.

Volcanoes from 100 to almost four thousand meters high, covered with a two-kilometer layer of ice, are located in the western part of the continent. Previously, scientists knew about the existence of 47 volcanoes on the continent.

Experts plan to determine how active the finds are and what the risk of their eruption is. Geologists argue that if one of these volcanoes wakes up, it will lead to the subsequent destabilization of the Antarctic ice sheets and the release of ice into the sea.


On April 11, geographer Matthew Blackett from Coventry University (UK) named the five most dangerous volcanoes on Earth. Their eruption, as calculations show, can lead to the death of thousands of people. According to the scientist, the active volcanoes Vesuvius (Italy), Nyiragongo (Democratic Republic of Congo), Popocatepetl (Mexico), Krakatoa (Indonesia) and Pektusan (North Korea) pose the greatest danger to human life.