Night Strangers - Alternative View

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Night Strangers - Alternative View
Night Strangers - Alternative View

Video: Night Strangers - Alternative View

Video: Night Strangers - Alternative View
Video: Solid Strangers - Vision Of The Night (1986 ) 2024, September

Sometimes we hear stories from people about how at night they are visited by some mysterious entity in human form. Maybe they are dreaming all this or are they just imagining it due to an unbalanced psyche?

But meanwhile, the stories told by different contactees who do not know each other are often surprisingly similar in detail.

"Flat" people

In some cases, eyewitnesses observe in front of them, as it were, projections of living people. Pensioner Nina Ivanovna B. from Kaluga was scared to death by the sudden appearance of a strange lady in her room: her height is about 1.5 meters, the jacket and skirt, as it seemed to the elderly woman, were made not of fabric, but of thick paper … The guest's head was covered with a short with bristles. She had no face, only tanned skin. The woman had no hands or feet, and her legs changed all the time, becoming thick or thin. Finally, they turned into something like ropes twisted in a spiral. With a sound like the rustling of a newspaper, the creature rose up and disappeared …

In the apartment of Lydia K. from Krasnodar, a male figure with a thin body, unnaturally long arms, a head without a neck and a black spot instead of a face materialized on the wall at night. Awakened by Lydia's screams, her relatives did not see anything in the place where she was pointing but a bare wall. However, the floor in the room was splattered with water. And in the wall where the "flat" stranger stood, the wallpaper was blown up in bubbles …

Guests in black

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It is not by chance that the sinister image of a black man appears in the works of literary classics: Gogol, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Yesenin, Poe, Stevenson … There are many real stories about mysterious strangers in black who, with an incomprehensible purpose, pursue people, appearing at night in their apartments.

Anna G. from Sochi, when she was eight years old, was visited at night by a completely bald black man. He just stood and looked at the girl. She was afraid to talk about this to adults.

Tatiana F. from Turkmenistan woke up several times at night with fear: there was a "big black silhouette" at her bed! The creature, in a loud whisper, threatened to take the woman's life, but did nothing, and going to the wall, it seemed to dissolve in her …

It is not uncommon for contactees to report that night strangers were wearing a cloak or coat. Alexandra X. one night she heard steps in her apartment.

A giant entered the room - a man over two meters tall. His head was disproportionately small, his clothes - a cloak with a hood and boots with straw galoshes - reminded the woman of the uniform of the German occupying soldiers whom she had seen during the war. The "soldier" spoke to her. He said: "I will not strangle you today, but I will stay over you all night." And he kept his word - loomed in the bedroom door until the morning. As soon as six struck, the creepy visitor disappeared.

Similar stories happened to my friends. Here is the story of Natalya K. One night, when her husband was on duty, she woke up because someone was opening the front door with a key. Then footsteps rang out … Opening her eyes, Natalya in the darkness saw the silhouette of a man in a wide dark cloak and hat. He walked across the room and sat at her feet.

At the same time, Natalya could not move her hand or leg … True, for some reason there was no particular fear. The stranger sat for a while on her bed, then got up and disappeared behind the bookshelves.

Another friend of mine, Maria P., says: “A thin man in a long black drape coat and a hat pulled down over his eyes came into our bedroom. He entered resolutely and stood facing the wall at my feet. At this time, the husband woke up, he needed to get up and go out. I wanted to ask him not to leave, but awake it was difficult to do … Although I cannot say that I was scared. It's just uncomfortable - someone else's man in the bedroom …"

Sexual aggressors

Sexual aggression from otherworldly strangers is reported by women of different ages, intellectual levels and social backgrounds. Most often, this kind of creature is mistaken for a brownie, which has the habit of "crushing" and "strangling" the owners.

Often victims of "astral violence" describe their tormentor as a hairy, naked man …

A similar creature regularly visited Elena K. from Chelyabinsk in the evenings.

The monster's appearance was accompanied by a strong smell of burnt electrical wiring every time. He approached the woman and stroked her hand with his woolly paws. Elena fell into tetanus, could not move. Then the uninvited guest disappeared into the air …

Yes, it is not easy to believe in such stories.

But once I myself heard something similar from my friend Olga M., a quite sensible young woman. Then Olga was not yet married. She lived with her parents and sister in a private house in one of the villages near Moscow. In the room Olga slept alone with the cats. “One night,” she says, “I woke up because someone was lying next to me in bed. I didn't get a good look at it, but I think it was an eerie shaggy creature - not a beast or a man. No sooner had I come to my senses than the guest grabbed me and began, excuse the expression, to harass dirtyly … I grabbed his hands - I still remember they were very long, black and completely without joints, - tried to tear me away from myself, but I couldn't I didn’t succeed … Then I began to read Our Father. As I spoke the words of the prayer, the monster's grip weakened. Finally, it disappeared. When this happened, all three cats, each before that peacefully sleeping in its own corner, jumped up with a frightened hiss and rushed away. Since then I was afraid to stay there, I spent the night with my sister."

They say that with the help of spells, sorceresses are able to summon incubus demons in order to enter into love relationships with them. Irina K., a lawyer from Sochi, had a chance to experience the "delights" of this magical ceremony. In gratitude for the successfully won case, one of the clients presented her with a piece of paper with a mysterious spell written on it, beginning with the words: "Black, long, forest, water …" The lady assured that if you read this spell at midnight on a new moon in front of an open window and make a cherished wish, then it will certainly come true. Irina followed the client's advice. The desire expressed by her concerned her personal life …

Half an hour later, while the woman was lying in bed, the door of the room opened, and a swarthy, short, middle-aged man of very respectable appearance entered the bedroom. The stranger approached Irina and hugged her … Without knowing why, she said at that moment: "May God rise, may his enemies be scattered."

The Lover immediately pulled away from her.

His face wrinkled, his body shrank at once. Now there was an ugly midget in front of the woman! "Why are you doing like this? He asked reproachfully. - After all, you yourself called me! " Irina screeched wildly in horror. The night visitor chuckled, turned away from her, entered the wall and disappeared. But before the woman had time to make out his back. For some reason, she was naked (although the man entered the room in clothes) and overgrown with thick long gray hair. Irina's heart-rending cry alarmed the household.

Naturally, she no longer dared to repeat the experiment …

Entities or mental images?

It is premature to draw conclusions about the nature of night strangers and to label them: "evil spirits", "brownies", "aliens" and so on. Most likely, we are talking either about entities of the astral order, capable of changing appearance, or about images sent by someone. After all, as you know, there are people who have the power to materialize their thoughts and even send this embodied information over long distances in the form of doubles and ghosts.

When such an overnight guest appears, it is recommended to nevertheless make contact with him, find out what he needs. It is possible that, having received what he wants, the stranger will stop chasing you.

If he shows hostility, use various magical and psychic techniques for protection.