Demons "mow" Under The Brothers In Mind - Alternative View

Demons "mow" Under The Brothers In Mind - Alternative View
Demons "mow" Under The Brothers In Mind - Alternative View

Video: Demons "mow" Under The Brothers In Mind - Alternative View

Video: Demons
Video: Good Will Hunting | 'My Boy's Wicked Smart' (HD) - Matt Damon, Ben Affleck | MIRAMAX 2024, September

Those whom earthlings take for aliens, in fact, are nothing more than a real evil force! This was stated at a recent ufological seminar organized by the Latvian Center for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena by the priest of the Riga Holy Trinity Cathedral Boris Bakumenko.

No matter how controversial such statements may be, there is some truth in this, even at the picky look of ufologists.

So, on the evening of October 25, 1973, in the Greensburg area (western Pennsylvania), about 15 people observed a red ball hovering over the field from afar. Farmer Stephen Pulaski, along with two 10-year-old boys, got into a car and went to see this miracle up close.

As they got closer to the object, Pulaski's headlights suddenly dimmed, emitting only a faint glow. The ball, emitting a dazzling white light, began to descend over the field.

Soon they were able to get a good look at him. The UFO was approximately one hundred feet in diameter, domed, and made sounds similar to the chirping of a lawn mower.

Suddenly one of the boys screamed. He noticed something moving along the fence towards them. The farmer drew his rifle, which he had prudently brought with him, and slammed the charge where, according to his calculations, the alien was. A flash snatched two strange creatures out of the darkness. They were very tall - 7 or 8 feet. The humanoids' arms hung almost to the ground, their eyes were greenish-yellow, and their bodies were covered with long, dark gray hair. When the intruders came very close, people felt the smell of burnt rubber emanating from them. The aliens made whimpering sounds reminiscent of crying children - perhaps this is how they communicated with each other.

Pulaski fired three more shots, aiming at the taller humanoid. The man whimpered and raised his right hand. At the same moment, the ball disappeared, leaving a luminous white spot on the field. One of the boys got scared and started to run. And the "aliens" slowly turned and moved towards the grove. Soon they disappeared from sight. Apparently, the shots did not cause any harm to the creatures, but they realized that the person was aggressive and changed their minds to make contact.

Stephen Pulaski later showed the site to researchers at the Westmoreland County UFO Study Group (GINLOOU). And then miracles began! The dog began to behave as if it was hunting someone invisible, and several people felt the "scent" of sulfur …

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But the most amazing thing happened to Pulaski. He suddenly seemed to have lost his mind and began to run in circles, waving his arms and growling like an animal. The man muttered strange phrases like, "If humanity does not correct, then it will end …" Then the farmer fell to the ground exhausted and fell silent.

Having regained consciousness, Pulaski said that Death appeared before him with a scythe in his hand, and from the grove he heard a voice calling him by name …

This is just one episode from a whole series of contacts that swept Western Pennsylvania in 1973. In six counties of the state, according to GINLOOU, eyewitnesses observed dozens of furry creatures. Sometimes they suddenly appeared and disappeared right before our eyes, sometimes people saw only the traces left by them. In some cases, a fetid odor emanated from them. Once the aliens killed the chickens on the farm, another time they tore the St. Bernard to pieces, tore the throat of a tame deer. A certain Pierre van Passsen reported that his sheepdogs entered into battle with the "werewolves" and fought until three times, until one of the dogs died … But these creatures never touched people.

Parapsychologists believe that the Pennsylvanian "werewolves" were created by some unknown force. Menacing-looking monsters, tormenting animals, leaving behind the smell of sulfur, as closely as possible correspond to human ideas about immigrants from hell … So the ministers of the church are right to some extent!
