Strange Incidents With Horned Creatures In Belgorod-Dnestrovsky - Alternative View

Strange Incidents With Horned Creatures In Belgorod-Dnestrovsky - Alternative View
Strange Incidents With Horned Creatures In Belgorod-Dnestrovsky - Alternative View

Video: Strange Incidents With Horned Creatures In Belgorod-Dnestrovsky - Alternative View

Video: Strange Incidents With Horned Creatures In Belgorod-Dnestrovsky - Alternative View
Video: Alien Or Demon Skulls Found In Russia? 2024, July

Strange incidents in Belgorod-Dnestrovsky (former Akkerman, in the Odessa region of Ukraine) began shortly after the Great Patriotic War. Four teenagers, who were fishing at night on the 6th river of the estuary, near the wall of an ancient fortress, in the light of the moon noticed several human-sized figures on the battlement wall, and on the heads of two or three of them … horns flashed.

A. Kazakov reports: - A disabled person who suffered from insomnia told about similar figures, who once saw through the window how, at dawn, an elderly Armenian woman who was known in the city for her prolific garden flashed by the fence at dawn. In the morning, almost all the apricots and cherries disappeared from the trees.

The number of strange incidents multiplied. The horned creatures (or people?) Were clearly concerned about the food issue. No one doubted this after the attack on the driver of the grain van. The poor chauffeur remembered only strong hands grabbing him from behind and the pungent smell of swamp, dampness and something else coming from them. And he also saw shadows in front of him on the pavement: those who grabbed him were horned. The stunned driver, knitted with a bag on his head, was found inside the van.


The local police were at a loss. There was nothing to grasp at, all suspicions of the local residents were dispelled.

Soon another mysterious news spread across Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. A local sewerage network fitter, a black navy hero who did not take a drop in his mouth, testified that once, while fixing a problem, he heard voices underground in an underground well, which gradually became more and more muffled. It looks like someone walked underground.

In the underground of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky


Promotional video:

I must say that the city knew about underground communications that converged somewhere in the fortress. According to one version, they were laid in the Middle Ages, when a defensive fortress was erected on the banks of the estuary under the Moldovan rulers. According to another hypothesis, the birth of underground communications should be counted from the time when the center of the ancient Greek colony, the city of Tira, was located on the territory where the fortress stands.

The locals were very excited. What kind of horned creatures have settled in the abandoned underground passages? Or is it the devils themselves come out of the underworld here? Or the souls of those tortured in serf dungeons? And again there are alarming signs: someone heard an underground knock, someone, passing by the fortress ditch, saw the swaying of huge thickets of nettles at its bottom …

These strange phenomena ended, however, overnight. But this night was terrible for many Belgorod-Dnestrovians. It was winter, the Dniester estuary was numb under the crust of ice covered with snow, the city, and so quiet, had completely dozed off by this time, drifting snow along the chalk streets, the windows of houses were extinguished early, and you could hear the fine and hard snow ringing on the metal caps of street lamps.

And suddenly, in the middle of the night, this pacifying silence was in Van's eyes. In the houses that stood near the shore of the estuary, a roar was heard coming from the ground, and it reminded of the recent war - explosions, explosions, explosions.

As my now deceased grandmother told me, that night the inhabitants rushed out into the street in horror - if there was an earthquake, if there was a carnival in hell! In the rumbling bowels there was an invisible battle that lasted for about an hour with short interruptions. Then everything was silent.

The regional newspaper reprinted my article about the Belgorod-Dniester miracles from the monthly "It Can't Be", accompanying the publication with the assumption that we are talking about homeless people living in the ditch and the remains of underground passages of the ancient fortress, homeless and unemployed people.


And soon the editorial office of the “district” “Sovetskoe Pridnestrovie” received a letter by mail addressed to the editor, which can be safely called sensational. Here is the text with small abbreviations (the style of the original is preserved):

“Mister editor! I am a native Ackerman, and all my ancestors are also Ackerman. I have been living in another country for many years. This time I came to Ackerman (sorry, I can't call it by its current name "Belgorod-Dnestrovsky", I'm not used to it) in connection with the death of my only sister. She was childless and lived alone; having buried her, tomorrow I am leaving for good, because the last thread connecting me with the city dear to my heart has been cut off. However, who knows, perhaps your newspaper will be the reason for my return here.

And the point is as follows. Sorting through the papers of my deceased sister, I found an issue of your newspaper "Soviet Pridnestrovie" with a reprinted article by A. Kazakov "The Secret of Underground People". Curious and after reading this reprint, I was thrilled and you will soon understand why …

Yes, indeed, there were horned creatures and carbon monoxide (but not explosive!) Gas. The roots of this story are so deep that, having got to them, I gasped.

This story began in Old Testament times in Egypt, 1400 BC under Pharaoh Amenhotep IV of the XVIII dynasty. This is the same pharaoh, whose wife was the famous Nefertiti. The same one whose chief adviser was the Jew Joseph - one of the twelve sons of Jacob, whom the brothers had earlier sold into slavery in Egypt. The Bible speaks about this in detail in the Old Testament, in the book "Genesis" (chapters 37, 39-50).

The XVIII dynasty was founded by Ahmose, who expelled the Hyksos from Egypt. And Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (translated, his name means "The only one who belonged to Ra"), who ruled in 1400-1418. BC, is known in history for trying to break the power of the old nobility and priests, closely associated with the cult of the Theban god Amun-Ra and other deities. This cult was based on the veneration of the air element, wind, any movement of air. The keepers of Amun's culture swore to the sacred bull Apis, the earthly incarnation of Amun's ancestor, the ancient god Ptah. The priests wore bull horns on their heads - that's where this tradition came from. Pharaoh banned the cult of Amun and proclaimed a new state cult of the god Aton, which is a symbol and synonym for the Sun. He called himself Akhenaten ("Pleasing to Aton").

According to ancient sources, his wife Nefertiti (“The Beautiful Came”), who was not an Egyptian by birth and brought the cult of the Sun from her homeland, pushed him to take this literally revolutionary step. According to one version, her real name was Tado-Hebu and she came from Mitania or Mitanni (now Syria), according to another - she was from our place, from Scythia; the Scythians are known to worship the Sun.

However, not everyone accepted the new God. Some of the priests of Amun yielded to the Pharaoh, some hid, and the most implacable secretly left Egypt, taking with them the treasure of the main temple of Amun-Ra in Karnak. This treasure, according to the testimony of ancient authors, was the finest, purest water South African diamonds. Their cost is estimated by today's specialists in trillions of American dollars. According to historians and archaeologists, the total weight of the treasure was eight kilograms (kilograms!).

The diamonds were packed in a specially made oval bag made of denim-type fabric and impregnated with a special compound used to mummify the bodies of dead pharaohs. This bag is eternal, it is not afraid of any external influence - that is why it has survived, as I am Tenepi, I am sure, to this day. I will not bore you with references to sources and documents that I used, restore this amazing story, I will list only the facts.

The priests who fled, fearing the wrath and revenge of the pharaoh, reached the "end of the world" and settled there. According to suggestions, this is again our region, Scythia. After the death of Amenhotep-Akhnatopl, everything in Egypt returned to normal, including the former religion, but the fugitives could not know about this, being so far from their homeland.

To protect themselves from enemies and wild animals, they dug caves for themselves - dwellings and connected them with underground passages. They did it for a reason: in their homeland, in Egypt, it was generally accepted, fleeing from the merciless equatorial heat, to go deeper into the earth. In the main temple of Amon-Ra alone, there were dozens of dungeons and underground passages.

Centuries passed, the treasured bag was passed from generation to generation together with the carefully kept in this closed enclosed cult of the sacred bull Apis and the god Amon-Ra.

After the construction of the Ackerman fortress, part of the underground passages were used by its defenders to communicate with the outside world during the siege. The descendants of the Egyptian priests laid new passages and arranged new underground dwellings for themselves. There are suggestions that one of such passages, in addition to the well-known ones, goes to the Scythian tomb, the other to the island of the Tiragettes, now resting at the bottom of the Dniester estuary. It was in the depths of this island, according to some indications, that a treasure bag was hidden, for which a special lead box was made in the Middle Ages.

As for carbon monoxide, it was reported by the Romanian professor Nikorescu, the founder of the Akkerman local history museum in 1938. It was then that a group of teenagers did not return from the underground passage, and then the soldiers sent to search for them. Their bodies were later found: they suffocated. Apparently, they got into a "non-working" move.

The fact is that the active passages are connected to the surface of the earth by slot-like ventilation wells, disguised from the outside. They were periodically cleaned from sand and grass getting there. The inoperative move, clogged and forgotten, ceased its direct function, and carbon monoxide accumulated inside it, which poisoned people. By the way, here is some information for geologists to think about.

And I was thrilled because then, in 1944, like everyone else, I believed that every one of them had died. But the publication alarmed me: who needed it and why? Of course, I have not told everything I know in this letter. I will only say that all the uninitiated who somehow penetrated into the secret of the treasure of Amun-Ra were killed by the descendants of the priests, without hesitation, that is why the secret was preserved. I own it in many ways, except for the main thing - I do not know where the treasure is kept.

But even a tenth of what I know is enough to be destroyed by those who, I now have no doubt, continue to search for the treasure. Whether they are descendants of priests or international adventurers, I don't know. I only know that the Genoese or Turkish archives, where, according to legend, detailed maps of Ackerman's underground passages are kept, could shed light on the secret of the treasure seekers.

And since there are cards, there are people who have access to them and who want to use them for their personal purposes. Ecu. a few more clues leading to a clue, but I prefer to keep silent about them. For the same reason, I am afraid to name myself and my place of residence.

I hesitated for a long time, and then decided to express my point of view."

And the signature is your Countryman.

I confess that I read about this hypothesis with great interest. But all of a sudden, the story of underground creatures took a dramatic twist.

In the early 90s. After a long break, I visited Belgorod-Dnestrovsky and tried to learn something new about those underground events. Alas, I did not find any witnesses, and those twists and turns are not reflected in the local museum of local lore. But I managed to meet two local amateur local historians who have been taking this story for many years. The names of these people are Vladislav Chelpanov and Sarvar Sklyar.

In their archives, these enthusiasts kept clippings from foreign sources, which describe similar events in different parts of the world (many such cases in African countries). Scientists' comments, if we omit the discrepancies in particulars, can be reduced, but in essence, to two hypotheses.

One of the exotic hypotheses belongs to British anthropologists Jeremy Cherfos and John Gribin. They believe that human evolution did not take place exactly as they write in today's textbooks. Without denying that man descended from a monkey, scientists at the same time believe that some species of monkeys, in turn, descended … from anthropoid creatures, who once had to take just one step to become a man.

Who was our common ancestor with these monkeys? British scientists believe that it was the so-called Australopithecus - a creature that Cherfos and Gribin agree with, was at the stage of development between ape and man.

According to the hypothesis of Cherfos and Gribin, the picture of evolution was as follows. Once, several million years ago, the ancestors of the Australopithecines, in search of more abundant food, went from Africa, where they had previously lived, to Asia. Australopithecines began to resemble a man more and more - they tried to walk on two legs, to get food with the help of primitive tools …


But suddenly it got colder in Europe and Asia, and the Australopithecines were forced to return to Africa. Having found themselves in the forests rich in food and having restored the monkey skills of gathering food and living in trees, these Australopithecines doomed themselves to a purely animal state. And over time, they turned into creatures that we today call gorillas and chimpanzees.

Another part of the Australopithecines, Cherfos and Gribin suggest, ended up in treeless areas, where the animals were forced to consolidate the skills of walking on two legs. They had to get food with difficulty, using stones and sticks. It was the difficult living conditions that contributed to the development of the brain potency of our ancestors and gave them the opportunity to embark on the path of Homo sapiens - Homo sapiens.

So, according to British anthropologists, modern gorillas and chimpanzees are none other than our relatives, who 4-5 million years ago took a step in the opposite direction of their development and could not become humans, as they found themselves in too favorable living conditions.

Doubt is raised by the assumption of Cherfos and Gribin that the Australopithecines could have lost the primary skills of human behavior and returned to the monkey stage. Most scientists believe that evolution is an irreversible process. Theoretical studies, experiments on animals have shown that when they get into conditions of life unusual for a species, animals either adapt to them, or die out. But there is no reverse evolution process.

As for the assumption that the Australopithecines migrated from Africa to Asia, and from there back, the paleontological data today do not confirm this. Science does not know of a single bone remains of Australopithecus found in Asia. The remains were found only in Africa.

But the famous archaeologist and paleontologist Leakey also noted in his works that among the fossils of several million years old, a huge number of remains of humanoid creatures are striking. Surprisingly, many of them are found with holes or cracks in the skull.

An anatomist from South Africa Raymond Dart (with him, by the way, Leakey agrees) believes that the fractured skulls for the most part indicate that during the Pliocene and Pleistocene, apparently there was a tough competition between many species of humanoid creatures. In the struggle for a place in the sun, those who knew how to handle the tools of production and, more importantly, weapons, survived. Often the properties of the one and the other were combined in a club with a stone attached to it. It is suggested that the victims in the competitive struggle were Australopithecines - a short, erect "folk" about the size of a modern pygmy.

In other words, the Australopithecines were forced to flee their lives underground, and did not degrade at all from a too satisfying and carefree life, as the English scientists Cherfos and Gribin suggested.

Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences Carl Sagan believed that our myths about gnomes, trolls, giants and dwarfs are nothing more than a genetic or cultural memory of those times when different humanoid creatures fought among themselves for vital territories.

No less interesting is another hypothesis, which was introduced to me by amateur researchers Chelpanov and Sklyar. The bottom line is that “underground people” are the children of earthly women, conceived from alien beings. The underground habitat is natural for these "half-breeds", and they feel great there. True, their very fate remains unclear - whether the unfortunate, abandoned "children of the underground", or whether they naturally move away from people, they study us without influencing the course of earthly events.

As for the "horns" - then, according to Chelpanov and Sklyar, they are nothing more than … the ears of creatures. In the underground conditions of life, these parts of the body are stretched out like a rabbit. Perhaps such ears served as a kind of locator for underground people, like those of bats.

And yet - what have the explosions, stolen bread and milk to do with it?

The tragedy of that night is the result of an explosion of underground gases in communications, possibly methane, Chelpanov and Sklyar believe. Apparently, the creatures already the day before felt something was wrong - they went outside, tried to eat non-traditional products for them, since the earth and all living things in it began to be poisoned by the seeping poisonous gas. At some fateful moment, a spark slipped through when two crèmes hit each other - and it was all over. This is how the Transnistrian population of "underground people" died.

Who knows, maybe that's how it was. But I also have my own version. In it, however, there is neither exotic nor mysticism.

In August 1944, a group of Soviet troops under the command of Lieutenant General A. Bakhtin, which included land and sea formations, liberated the city of Akkerman, now Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, from the Romanian troops. During these battles, the enemy's mortar company was in the fortress. Who knows, maybe by this time they managed to find the entrances to the underground communications.

And in 1944, not wanting to die or be captured, some of the soldiers and officers hid underground. It is possible that they hoped for a turning point in the war, preparing to fight in our rear. Or maybe it was even simpler - they were deserters.

But the war was lost. Those hiding underground, nevertheless, preferred the mock-like existence of the prospects to fall under the tribunal after surrender to the authorities. However, it was necessary to live somehow, to eat something.

By the way, about the form. Romanian soldiers wore caps with elongated cone … "horns", which in the dark or in poor light can be mistaken for real horns.

What just happened that restless night? A conflict that ended in a firefight in a narrow space of an underground passage and the death of everyone who was in it? Or maybe the military arsenal of those who were hiding exploded, and with fragments of grenades and mines. who by that time had already lost all hope of becoming a winner, were blown to shreds? Indiscretion?.. Suicide?.. You can guess indefinitely.

Or is the nature of this phenomenon different, it is not connected with the war, but with what Chelpanov and Sklyar told me about at the table strewn with magazine clippings? Perhaps, to this day, next to us, but on another "floor", skillfully hiding from us, live our distant relatives who have become a friend of the branch of evolutionary development … or whose fathers are those whose traces are covered by the cosmos itself.

NN Nepomnyashchy, from the book "100 great secrets of the prehistoric world"