Angels And Demons: Two Opposites Of Consciousness - Alternative View

Angels And Demons: Two Opposites Of Consciousness - Alternative View
Angels And Demons: Two Opposites Of Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Angels And Demons: Two Opposites Of Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Angels And Demons: Two Opposites Of Consciousness - Alternative View
Video: Life After Death 2024, September

Since then, as people learned to put the line between good and evil, they began to believe in the confrontation of two opposite principles: the forces of light and the forces of darkness, good and evil. And if some beings, angels, try to help people, then others, demons, on the contrary, try to put them on a sinful path. The word "angel" itself is of Greek origin, and in translation it means "messenger".

In the beginning, there was no difference between the angels. They were created by God and worshiped only God. However, it so happened that the most intelligent, beautiful and beloved by God angel (Dennitsa, Lucifer, Raphael) imagined himself equal to God, and turned against him. Then the Creator threw Lucifer and the angels obeying him into the Abyss. Since then, the former favorite began to be called Satan or the Devil, and his servants turned into demons.


The angels that God created before man are disembodied spirits, however, by the will of the Creator, they are given the opportunity to visit the earth and take on a form visible to the human eye. As it is written in the sacred books, light spirits have their own duties, and are responsible for order in the entire universe. On earth, they control the elements: water, fire, winds, etc.

Since angels are God's servants, they cannot independently interfere in the life of people, and act only with the permission of the Creator, although it is not forbidden to give advice to them. It is believed that each person has his own bright guardian angel who can help in an emergency.


When the wife of an English priest, Hope Price, posted an advertisement that she was collecting evidence of encounters with angels, an avalanche of letters from more than 1,500 people fell on her. Moreover, many of the witnesses deserved complete confidence. Such meetings of people with angels took place and continue to occur constantly.

For example, in 1978. in Miami Beach, a six-year-old girl named Hillary was caught in a whirlpool. She was saved by a "shining" dark-haired man who disappeared immediately after giving the child to his parents.

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Kate Bridger also spoke about the meeting with fair-haired creatures. In 1991, she rode a bus that went down the hill. Suddenly, the car's brakes failed, and the bus would have inevitably crashed into a wall if angels in long robes had not blocked its way. The bus pulled up a few inches from the wall. None of the passengers died, but none of them except Kate noticed their mysterious rescuers.

One of the most famous cases of "collective" angel sightings occurred in 1985. the cosmonauts who were at the Salyut-7 station. The crew members watched a flash of orange color and then the appearance of seven huge human figures behind the window glass.


According to ancient teachings, angels have their own hierarchy, which includes nine ranks. Angels differ in both "specialization" and appearance. Thus, the angels of the highest hierarchy, the seraphim, have six wings. Angels of a lower rank, cherubim (their name means enlightenment), four-winged and four-faced. Satan was also among the cherubim.

Satan's servants can take on the forms of animals, saints, as well as angelic forms. That is why the wise holy elders, when the "angel" appeared to them, did not enter into conversations with such a being and did not advise others to do this either, since a person cannot recognize the messengers of light and darkness, but it is quite simple to succumb to temptation and deception. According to the ancient redistribution in demonology, the enemies of the human race were classified according to the nature of their "activity", their habitat, and according to the "sinful scale." As mentioned above, one of the theories of the origin of demons relates to their transformation from angels to spirits of evil after refusing to recognize the authority of God. However, there are several versions of the appearance of demons in history.


In ancient legends, you can find legends that angels driven from heaven and fallen into the water became mermaids. Since then, they have been trying to kill as many people as possible, sending storms and causing storms.

In the book of Enoch, it is mentioned that from the connection of the "fallen angels" and mortal women, giants who once inhabited the Earth arose. And when these giants were destroyed by God, evil spirits came out of their bodies.


The ancient Jews believed that the demons were given birth by the first wife of Adam - Lilith. Yes, and Adam and Eve themselves, over 130 years of separation (it was for such a period that they were separated from each other after the Fall), became the parents of a large number of demons, because they entered into a relationship with spirits. A part of the people who disintegrated after an attempt to build the Tower of Babel also turned into demons. The ruler of evil spirits, Satan, also has evil spirits of various ranks in his submission. Among them, one can single out Adramelech (the chancellor), Asmodeus (the spirit of fornication, jealousy, hatred and destruction), Astaroth (aware of the past and the future, can give a person the knowledge of any science) and some others.

Demons who appear as men or women and seduce people are called incubi and succubi. Demons - men, incubus, sometimes were so successful in deception that they contributed to the birth of entire nations. For example, medieval residents were convinced that the Huns were people born from the connection of evil spirits with Goth women, who were rejected by their fellow tribesmen.


The great wizard Merlin, according to legend, was born by a nun who conceived from an incubus. And some of the peoples attributed the birth of twins or children with deformities to the wiles of the Incubus.

It has long been accepted as true that all evil is from Satan, and good is from God. However, man is a unique creature endowed with reason and his own will. And he has a valuable treasure - a soul. Angels created by God have supernatural abilities and knowledge; they can penetrate into human consciousness and influence thoughts.


Since Satan and demons were once angels, they can also inspire a person with certain thoughts and desires. But unlike light spirits, demons try to push a person to negative actions. However, the final decision belongs to man, and who will win - an angel or a demon, depends only on ourselves.
