In Addition To The Practical Rituals Of Shamans, Nature Also Became The Culprit Of The Mass Madness Of People - Alternative View

In Addition To The Practical Rituals Of Shamans, Nature Also Became The Culprit Of The Mass Madness Of People - Alternative View
In Addition To The Practical Rituals Of Shamans, Nature Also Became The Culprit Of The Mass Madness Of People - Alternative View

Video: In Addition To The Practical Rituals Of Shamans, Nature Also Became The Culprit Of The Mass Madness Of People - Alternative View

Video: In Addition To The Practical Rituals Of Shamans, Nature Also Became The Culprit Of The Mass Madness Of People - Alternative View
Video: Chapter 11: Abnormal Psychology 2024, September

Few people know that since ancient times shamans have known rituals that can turn a person into a zombie, as the legends of the northern peoples eloquently speak about. Scientists have found that nature also became the culprit for the mass madness of people after research in Siberia.

During their campaigns, the Scythians terrified their enemies with warriors who did not know fear and pity, but they themselves treated such creatures with disdain. The chronicles of the Mongols preserved the description of the raids of people without souls, and the tribes of Tuva until the 20s of the last century took out the hearts of deceased relatives so that they would not fall into slavery to black sorcerers. Tomsk scientist Mikhail Nekrasov in 1905 personally met with zombies when he explored the territory of Kuragan-Tura.

He then visited the camp of the respected local shaman Sazyrgel, who treated the guest with delicious dishes and showed his rituals, presenting amulets made of mammoth bones as a souvenir. But the hero of our story immediately drew attention to the strange servant, who unquestioningly fulfills all the orders of the owner after his glance. He also noticed a lot of injuries on the body and hands of the unusual creature, which was given to the service by the spirits for their actions.


Irkutsk physician Dmitry Karavaev worked in Kamchatka in the 1920s and met an elder of an ancient family from the village of Palana. The man, as a token of gratitude for the healing, decided to reveal to him the secret of resurrecting the dead, describing in detail all the ingredients of the drug. It included the tentacles of a starfish, along with coral powder, tiger bile and eleutherococcus.

The body of a dead person is removed from the grave after three days, and then the elixir is poured through reed tubes into all the holes, after which the skin is also rubbed with liquid when a noticeable muscle contraction begins. Then the zombies are buried in the ground, after which the ceremony is performed again, and then the shaman, with the help of a tambourine, awakens a revived creation, ready to serve him faithfully.


In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is a plateau with hot springs near the village of Verkhniye Tula. Until the 30s, Evenks lived on it, but then the inhabitants of the surrounding area saw an eerie reddish glow in the sky, after which the earth trembled under their feet. Then their neighbors began to massively go to the cliff and disappeared into the waters of the river. When the NKVD officers arrived in the empty village, they noticed all the signs of life in the homes of people who had suffered massive madness.

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Scientists have found that the culprit of the event was a magnetic anomaly that produces infrasonic waves that cause terrible reactions in the human head. He is in a panic and obeys the instincts of animals in order to escape from invisible danger, and can also carry out any commands, hearing invisible voices. A group of scientists from Irkutsk, after exploring the Kataman cave, was urgently hospitalized in a clinic.

All of the affected persons had symptoms of an unknown mental illness, and doctors also noticed that they did not respond to external stimuli, supplemented by low pressure. Then one member of the expedition died of brain cancer, and his comrades became schizophrenic. Now, in addition to ritual and natural zombies, an informational analogue has been added, which is also dangerous for human health. Many experts predict that this phenomenon could destroy civilization in the current century if left unchecked.

Reshetnikova Irina