Riddles And Secrets Of Ancient Alchemists - Alternative View

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Riddles And Secrets Of Ancient Alchemists - Alternative View
Riddles And Secrets Of Ancient Alchemists - Alternative View

Video: Riddles And Secrets Of Ancient Alchemists - Alternative View

Video: Riddles And Secrets Of Ancient Alchemists - Alternative View
Video: Alchemy: History of Science #10 2024, September

The ancient science of alchemy is rooted in the hazy Egyptian past. Mythical knowledge and the legendary Philosopher's Stone haunted several generations of scientists in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Even today, people do not give up trying to find a clue to the mysteries of the universe.

From time immemorial

Not many people know that the very name "chemistry" is of Egyptian origin. In very ancient times, the majestic country of the sphinxes and pyramids was called Kemi (Black Earth). This name reflected the fertility of the Egyptian lands compared to the neighboring lifeless desert. In ancient times, Egypt was the center of sciences. For example, a few hundred years BC in Alexandria there was a real Academy of Sciences, in which chemistry was given special importance and a separate building, the Temple of Serapis, was built. It was revered as a place of worship for wisdom, life and death. As for the origin of the word "alchemy", some researchers believe that the prefix "al" was added to the Egyptian "kemi" from the Arab nomads, who may have taken over some of the Egyptian knowledge lost as a result of the robberies.

The goals and objectives of the alchemists

The earliest written mention of alchemy is the manuscript of Julius Firmik. The ancient alchemists considered their main task to be obtaining the Philosopher's Stone. The theory of the possibility of transforming "base metals" into "noble" ones was based on the Greek concept of the "primary elements" that make up matter. The Philosopher's Stone was named differently: the great elixir, red tincture, philosophical egg, panacea, red lion or life elixir. In addition to the ability to turn common metals into gold, the philosopher's stone was supposed to have miraculous healing properties that would allow the owner to live forever. Less well known is the "white lion" or "white tincture", a stone that could turn substances into silver. Distinguished between the Greco-Egyptian, Western European and Arab schools of alchemy.

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Famous alchemists of antiquity

Albert the Great is considered one of the most famous alchemists of the past. The scientist was born in 1193. Having become a member of the Dominican Order, young Albert had the opportunity to study science in the silence of the monastery monastery. After that, Albert moved to Paris, where he began to give lectures at the university, which are very popular with students. Subsequently, the square on which Maitre Albert performed was named after him (Maubert square - “maitre Albert” square). 5 works of this remarkable versatile scientist have survived to this day. He penned the "Code of Rules", which says that the alchemist must keep the results of his experiments secret.

No less famous is the Franciscan monk Roger Bacon, who lived in the years 1214-1292. The Englishman devoted all his time to alchemy. For refusing to give out the secrets of obtaining gold, he was sent to prison for 15 years, but in fact, Bacon did not possess secret knowledge.

Philip Aureol, also known as Paracelsus, was an excellent physician of his day. He denied the possibility of the existence of the philosopher's stone, but he successfully applied the experience accumulated by alchemists in medicine. It is known that the methods of treatment of Aureol have a lot in common with mysticism. He was fond of astrology and magic, he believed that these sciences were able to help the healer more than all the treatises on medicine.

Another doctor, Arnold de Villanov, was accused by his contemporaries of communicating with evil spirits. In his opinion, gold had healing powers. Arnold even healed the Pope, which saved his life during the persecution by the Inquisition for "heretical" ideas and thoughts. After the death of the scientist, his manuscripts were destroyed by the church as heresy.

The romantic aspirations of ancient alchemists are still alive today. Despite the development of science and technology, many dreamers believe in "Egyptian science" and are still puzzling over the methods of obtaining a wonderful stone.

Tkacheva Daria
